New Seedling Question


Hey, my new seedling is only 5 days old with the first and secondary leaves already but the stem and one of the primary leaves are drooping, but not brown or yellow. its a indoor plant in soil with a fluorescent tube light about 3 or 4 inches above. does anyone know why it might be drooping like this?


Active Member
is it gettin tall really fast? if so lower the light.. those tubes can pretty much touch the plant with a fan.. without a fan like 1 inch, the first leaves die pretty quick
Picture... are you over watering her? When i plant my seeds i soak them real good first and then dont water them until they are almost bone dry. Then start a reg watering pattern of soaked then almost bone dry.... makes the roots search for water and makes the plant grow better. Too much water = root rot = BAD

Good luck


Active Member
Picture... are you over watering her? When i plant my seeds i soak them real good first and then dont water them until they are almost bone dry. Then start a reg watering pattern of soaked then almost bone dry.... makes the roots search for water and makes the plant grow better. Too much water = root rot = BAD

Good luck
yepp the roots need oxygen just as much as they need water


ya its getting pretty damn tall, i dont have a fan on in the closet but maybe i should. the fluorescent tube is a warm white bright light tube. 725 lumens, its not hot to the touch but u can feel a little bit of warmth. im not sure how to post a pic can someone tell me how?
watch humidity and air flow too, poor air circulation and undesirable humidity/heat can also make for droopy seedlings,
good luck with the babies :D