Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
No worries I'm giving him a small light..I wish I could help him more in life he has been kinda a drifter since the army...I just got him feeling comfortable about looking at people when he talks trust me he needs her regardless of the out come but now I got a few under my wing here kinda awesome


Well-Known Member
Well idk what the last pics I had posted are but the girls are looking good I'm excited! Gonna try to go see them tomorrow check them out see if they are ready to be chopped! I may do it early don't trust them I see their eyes on sam and kloe and their mouth water like I said may chop early we'll will see I'll get pics asap!


Well-Known Member
Awe well I hate that I don't have a computer to use! Today is 8 weeks for sam gonna go check her out tonight see if she is ready to chop plan is if she is I'm gonna just chop and take it to a safer location to dry...I'm anxious I want to go see then now!!!


New Member
i didnt plan on posting on the site anymore but u looked lonely get on yahoo

Awe well I hate that I don't have a computer to use! Today is 8 weeks for sam gonna go check her out tonight see if she is ready to chop plan is if she is I'm gonna just chop and take it to a safer location to dry...I'm anxious I want to go see then now!!!


Well-Known Member
Huh phone says on yahoo fab lol and never lonely ;) got plenty people in my head! Kmk thanks I'd have to look see what was posted last I have old pics mostly waiting to go see them!


Well-Known Member
Well just checked on kloe, sam and betty and not a happy camper... Betty had balls! I'm pretty positive its due to all the stress things been rough lately! So I chopped it right then and there don't need to come back and find the other 2 seeded... Waiting to be able to check on maria and pj now grr how fucking long does it take for someone to get dresses serious don't think that's what he is doing!


New Member
tell them u want to see plants not them

Well just checked on kloe, sam and betty and not a happy camper... Betty had balls! I'm pretty positive its due to all the stress things been rough lately! So I chopped it right then and there don't need to come back and find the other 2 seeded... Waiting to be able to check on maria and pj now grr how fucking long does it take for someone to get dresses serious don't think that's what he is doing!


Well-Known Member
Well damn it! Maria is burnt bad! This guy says he's got 5 grows under his belt and he rearranged my lights and had maria up against it running 24hr light! She was burnt pretty bad is really sick and I'm not sure what to do...this guy who's supposed to know so much simply says yeah idk really cuz the other one looks fine ggrrr *sigh*

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Ohh sweetie thay sux! Ive read ur posts and thread-arent you flowering? 24hrs light? Wait some are some arent?rt? Anyways sorry to hear this. Idk if i could hand over my grow.i feel for u.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I Was sad! How's it going dajosh?
I can say i've been much better. The cops raided me on Wednesday...long story short, plants are gone and my grow is officially canceled...
I'll go into more details later, I just bailed outta jail and needa get my head strait.


New Member
wtf bro pm me im not posting here on this anymore but im here for u if u need a someone to talk to

I can say i've been much better. The cops raided me on Wednesday...long story short, plants are gone and my grow is officially canceled...
I'll go into more details later, I just bailed outta jail and needa get my head strait.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
I can say i've been much better. The cops raided me on Wednesday...long story short, plants are gone and my grow is officially canceled...
I'll go into more details later, I just bailed outta jail and needa get my head strait.
raided? because of grow? please do tell.i am however sorry your going thru this dajosh.


Well-Known Member
No, it was an unrelated reason that brought them to raid my house, and they happened upon the grow.
They were WRONG in the reasoning they had to begin with. They believed I was some kind of Drug Kingpin or something! >_<
Happened upon my grow...NOW the reason they were trying to bust me for, has been dropped, and they're trying to make me out to be some kind of weed dealer...Which as my RIU friends know, I didn't even get a fucking harvest out of my grow!!

It's just truly frustrating that now i'm facing Felony charges....
HOWEVER, I have a REALLY good Criminal Defense Attorney, he should AT THE VERY LEAST, get it knocked down to a Misdemeanor, and once I get my Cannabis card, i'm KINDA hoping that i'll be able to have all the charges completely dropped, since they can't prove I sold ANYTHING, since I DIDN'T.

And for the record...I never once for a second had the thought "omg, i need the mods to delete my account and stuff!!!" :roll:

Still, this is a horrible experience. I've been having anxiety attacks, and nightmares, they destroyed lights, flouros, bulbs, cut every cord, even broke cfl's on my carpet and left the mercury to leak out.
They also went through EVERY INCH of my room. EVERY SINGLE INCH. I have NO SECRETS from THEM anymore.
I've been violated in one of the worst ways...I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
But I hope everyone can maybe learn from it. That it's NOT paranoia when WE as a collective really do have people out to get us. They'll spend 1000's investigating our little grows and then pay EVEN more to prosecute them...

I'll still be checking RIU, and everyone's grows...just maybe not as still kinda hurts to see everyones plants looking so beautiful, KNOWING that mine are all in some trashbag in an evidence locker somewhere...


And to the SOB cop that lied to me from the second he had me cuffed...
:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger: Right here buddy....Right here.:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:


Well-Known Member
No, it was an unrelated reason that brought them to raid my house, and they happened upon the grow.
They were WRONG in the reasoning they had to begin with. They believed I was some kind of Drug Kingpin or something! >_<
Happened upon my grow...NOW the reason they were trying to bust me for, has been dropped, and they're trying to make me out to be some kind of weed dealer...Which as my RIU friends know, I didn't even get a fucking harvest out of my grow!!

It's just truly frustrating that now i'm facing Felony charges....
HOWEVER, I have a REALLY good Criminal Defense Attorney, he should AT THE VERY LEAST, get it knocked down to a Misdemeanor, and once I get my Cannabis card, i'm KINDA hoping that i'll be able to have all the charges completely dropped, since they can't prove I sold ANYTHING, since I DIDN'T.

And for the record...I never once for a second had the thought "omg, i need the mods to delete my account and stuff!!!" :roll:

Still, this is a horrible experience. I've been having anxiety attacks, and nightmares, they destroyed lights, flouros, bulbs, cut every cord, even broke cfl's on my carpet and left the mercury to leak out.
They also went through EVERY INCH of my room. EVERY SINGLE INCH. I have NO SECRETS from THEM anymore.
I've been violated in one of the worst ways...I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
But I hope everyone can maybe learn from it. That it's NOT paranoia when WE as a collective really do have people out to get us. They'll spend 1000's investigating our little grows and then pay EVEN more to prosecute them...

I'll still be checking RIU, and everyone's grows...just maybe not as still kinda hurts to see everyones plants looking so beautiful, KNOWING that mine are all in some trashbag in an evidence locker somewhere...


And to the SOB cop that lied to me from the second he had me cuffed...
:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger: Right here buddy....Right here.:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
Man that really sucks..... I have chronic anxiety disorder, if that shit happened to me I don't know what i would do. I'm very paranoid about cops even though i am legal..... They're just ass holes some times. And they do spend too much money raiding people growing this fuckin harmless plant.... They complain about being in debt and having full jails, fuckin legalize it. Let all the innocent people who were just trying to grow or had possession a natural substance to feel happy out of jail. Then you have more room for the real criminals.