Dropastones Northern Lights #5 Grow Journal



Here I got 1 ounce of NL#5 3/4 ounce of popcorn plus one 1/4 ounce of trim. I only ran
a half ounce because that all I could get in the tube.


Ground up.

Tube loaded and ready to go with cheese cloth and one coffee filter.

Here's the gear I'm working with.

And here it is after after using 1 can of butane in the water bath.



Fresh out of the dish.


This is after it was warmed up in the oven @ 150 deg for about a minute.

First purge


2nd purge.

3rd Purge.


4th purge.


And here it is after I scraped it up a little.



I haven't smoked any yet because I just orderd one of the vapor globes from aqua labs. When I do smoke it for the first time I wanna do it right. When the globe comes in I'll be sure to give y'all a smoke report.
OHHHHHH DROPS!!!!! BHO IS GANA ROCK YOUR WORLD WITH THAT GLOBE!!!! lol i barley smoke green these days, ill post up some pics tonight of my straight best most golden shatter oil Ive made yet, can't you find any vector butane? 5X refined a little cleaner, will maybe get you a nicer more golden clear product, mine i can see through when its all globbed up :) You dont run both cans of tane through do you? for only a 1/2 i would only use a 1/2 a can, to much tane and you start to pull out the plant waxes, sorry if you already know or said what you were doing, im lazy and didn't read back, WOOOPS just did looks like you got it covered lol my bad. I just bought a glass extractor tube off ebay for 25 bucks, holds 7 grams, perfect for trial and batch runs, WAY better then the QWISO i was making, seems to take less time and gets a smother product. anyway have fun with the next product, i like the concentrate highs way better :) How do you purge? Oven? Ive been trying both oven at 200F and boiling water, both ways come out about the same so far, boiling water makes my kitchen way less hotter so i go that route now, im going to go get a vacuum setup and give the vac-purging a try. STAY CONCENTRATED!!!!!
Hey Audi glad to see ya back. I just had a look at your thread and I'm loving your mothers. I'd love to sit back and smoke some bowls under them trees any day of the week.:lol: The rest of you garden is looking top notch as well.

I got a few cans of the triple refined that I've had for years so I'm gonna use em up. I'll definitely be moving on up to the 5x though. I did use both cans but one was almost empty and the other was a little over half full. I'm new to all this so I"m just taking baby steps until I have it down pat. I purged with a food saver vac, I've had one for years and I was mainly using it for leftover meats. I've been smoking meats for over 20 years and 9 times out a 10 I smoke way more than I can eat and it made a great long term storage solution and I recently found out that it has other uses as well.:eyesmoke:

I threw it in the oven @ 150 for about a minute or so until it was molten and then straight into a food saver jar and purged and did that four times. I'm not sure if it had enough vacuum though. I might get one of those hand pumps and see if it makes a difference.

Here's a really cool thread that I got most of my info from if you wanna check it out.


Also here's the vapor tube I ordered and it just shipped so I hope it's here by the weekend.





Check ya later.bongsmilie
haahha, dropa, im so naive. I just popped over to see what your up to and im really wierded out by what your doing. Its so wild . im going to look into this BHO process, it looks like a prep for heroin or something..but i guess not because you didnt include a tourniquet or syringe.lmao... hahahaha whatever it is your doing looks really intense and i bet it will really get you super fucked up.. that glass mini vapor tube is super cool. haha, i will be very interested to see your buzz report..
Take it easy
haahha, dropa, im so naive. I just popped over to see what your up to and im really wierded out by what your doing. Its so wild . im going to look into this BHO process, it looks like a prep for heroin or something..but i guess not because you didnt include a tourniquet or syringe.lmao... hahahaha whatever it is your doing looks really intense and i bet it will really get you super fucked up.. that glass mini vapor tube is super cool. haha, i will be very interested to see your buzz report..
Take it easy

BHO = Butane Honey Oil. The butane strips all the trichomes off your bud/sugar leaf and that's what you end up with. The pipe is specially made to smoke it. You heat up the nail until it's good an hot and dab your oil on it. Here is an example with a much more expensive pipe.

Have a wonderful day:eyesmoke:

woooooow..SICK!!! can i come over and try it out? lmao... i bet one hit of that and your eyes roll into the back of your head, a big smile emerges on your face.. and then you turn into CHEECH or CHONG. yeah man. totally groovy. hahahah
LOL. You can come over anytime you like Amber ;-). Although it might take you a few day's to get here but worth the wait I'm sure.:lol:

The good news is, I checked the tracking # today and it appears that my new pipe hit town early this morning. So I've been patiently waiting on the mailman to arrive and If all goes well I'll be smoking some BHO very soon.bongsmilie

Smoke report soon to follow.:eyesmoke:
heheheheh, i wish i lived closer!
haha , im really excited for ya dude!
YEAH! i cant wait!!!!!! can u do a video for us!
Do a hit, then a report immediately after the hit.. oh my god that would be so cool!!!!!! hahahaha
I don't know about the vid right now seeing that I"m home alone without a tripod. I got a buddy that may stop by later on, if he does I could have him shoot the vid. Hmmm we'll see what I can do.

Mail man just showed up.

Yep I'm around here somewhere. Well the verdict is in and that shit pretty much sucked. Hahahh just kidding, It took me like 3 times to get it right. I wasn't heating the nail up enough because I was kinda leery about over heating it but the third time I put the torch on it for about a minute and that's when the smoke started rolling off that thing. The hit was pretty smooth but when I exhaled I started coughing pretty good for about a minute. During that time I felt like a wave of euphoria heading straight to my brain lol. So it's been about 3 dabs later and I'm good and stoned.

Right now I've been fighting a cold and I kinda got a cough going on so I don't think I'll fully be able to enjoy it until I get better.

Okay laters.
Yes my friend I'm really digin this BHO. I've been dabing all day and most of the night. As a matter of fact I just woke up from a 6 hour nap lol. This shit will straight up glue you to the couch after a long session. Another thing I like about it is that you can melt this stuff right into some butter or oil and make edibles with it. As a matter of fact I'm gonna do another batch tomorrow and make some cookies.
What up brother. Haven't got around to making the cookies yet but when I do I'll be sure to give ya a report.

You got a thread going yet on some other forum or something or are you still wandering around like a nomad?
cookies are fun to make.... i made sum for the 1st time on 4 20. they were great. i only used 2 1/2 grams of hash.. and made like 20 or 25 cookies.... they deff did the trick.
I made some brownies a cpl of months ago and they kicked my ass. It was the most stoned I've ever been in my life and it actually kinda scared me a little. So now I'm kinda leery about how much oil per stick of butter I should go with. I'm sure I"ll figure it out by the end of the weekend and a report will most likely follow.
I made some brownies a cpl of months ago and they kicked my ass. It was the most stoned I've ever been in my life and it actually kinda scared me a little. So now I'm kinda leery about how much oil per stick of butter I should go with. I'm sure I"ll figure it out by the end of the weekend and a report will most likely follow.

yeaaa mannn.. lol. i know EXACTLY wat cha mean. i ate only 3 cookies... and didnt feel anything for a lil bit.. ten all the sudden it hit me... and hit me HARD!! its not like smoking at all... a lil more intense than i thought.. i thought it was gonna jsut make me sleepy... but thats not the case. i just got cookie mix that needed butter.... adn i put the butter in a pan to melt it.... and i kept breakin up pieces of the hash right into the pan... it took a lil while for it to melt tho.. =/ but it eventually did. the cookies tasted great too.. u could taste the weed/hash a lil bit.. but it was enjoyable to eat.

good luck with them!!