So Why Didn't It Work?


Well-Known Member
I made some bho about a grams worth for this recipe..
I added the bgo to coconut oil...
mixed them together...

then added it to milk then drank it...

little taste.. nothing bad... but... after drinking .5 g...and waiting... nothing happened...

am I missing a step?



Active Member
Did you use any heat during the process? You should have heated the bho/coconut oil mix for a while to bond the two oils for better absorption. You say you drank .5??? Well, .1 of good oil should have been plenty if done properly.


Well-Known Member
I used the microwave to heat it.. I know this must be the fail part of it all... I did not really let it sit for too long and only zapped it for less then a min at 10 sec intervals... I dunno.. I usually have a high tolerance and smoked the same hash and had a nice buzz but edibles are not working as well as I would like.. seems I have to go with 1g + of hash to make something I can feel for more then an hour or so... hate the idea of using close to 11g of weed to get a 6 hour buzz....

I did the same thing as above with vodka and hash.. once it was mixed with the vodka (half a shot glass) I drank it.. and nothing again...


Well-Known Member
Make Cannabutter, its way less likely to be shite.

Just get a pot,put about an inch of water in it, put it on the lowest heat setting on your stove (dont use a gas stove, too hot). Dissolve a stick of butter in it and add your herb material. I use fresh frozen trim. Leave it for 2-3 hours simmering but NOT boiling, stirring occasionally. Then pour it into a Tupperware container and leave to harden in the fridge. Just scoop the butter off the top of the water and your ready to rock. Dont eat it by itself tho, its sick tasting.

I used about 14g's of trim last time, made 8 cookies, and 1 is enough to feel like you got a concussion or something! Simples.


I also want to know about the same kind of the help and have the better one opinion here...
Thanks in advance for any kind of assistance.............


Well-Known Member
If he made BHO, it should have decarboxylated during the process I wouldve thought...I dont think the THC wouldve bonded to the fats unless you simmered it, maybe that was it? And your hash/edibles will only be as good as the plant they were made from...wish I could help you more man.

Negative Rep

Active Member
Dont the cannabinoids decarboxylate when the water evaporates from the bud tho, a-la curing?

Not exactly... What you're really trying to accomplish is removal of the carboxyl group, which will release water, but you're really after the carbon atom. Check out for a techier but better read.

The reason why decarboxylation happens in cures is because of the length of the cure. Say, a 3 month cure isn't as decarbed as a 6 month cure, but the water content isn't the deciding factor on that.

I best add *AFAIK


Did you heat the mixture during the process or not?
Because I think after mixing them both you should heat them so that they can be absorbed properly.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a combination of the suggestions made by other posters. Can't see where a BHO achieves de-carb, which requires heat or time. Blending it in the microwave would achieve neither. I'd give it a try in one of the tiny slow cookers. 4-5 hours in a slow cooker is what I use for canna oils.


Ursus marijanus
If he made BHO, it should have decarboxylated during the process I wouldve thought...I dont think the THC wouldve bonded to the fats unless you simmered it, maybe that was it? And your hash/edibles will only be as good as the plant they were made from...wish I could help you more man.
Actually no. My good solvent extracts often solidify (the popular term here is "budder up") because they're mostly or almost entirely THCA. When I smoke'm, this does not stay that way, of course.

To make this work, the bho must be heated over 100ºC for a good ten minutes. If you do this in glass, you should be able to see foaming start and then decline ... once the bubbles are gone, it's all THC and ready to rock ya. cn