Attention to All Users

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i posted i was leaving before i left.

i will not allow you all to slander me or the staff any longer.

there's the DOOR.

so you said you were leaving, but then you still checked in,~ just didn't sign in~... so did you ever actually leave ;)
hmm probably cause i don't like you(as a mod)

as a moderator I think you do more damage to this site than helping it, straight up.

go blow some glass dude...
hmm probably cause i don't like you(as a mod)

as a moderator I think you do more damage to this site than helping it, straight up.

go blow some glass dude...

and as a member, how are YOU helping by posting this?

you don't like me because i get on you for your insults. then you insult me so you get more attention. then when you get my attention you complain about me giving you attention. you keep posting questions directed towards me to answer, then tell me to just go blow some glass.
i came back long enough to clear the air.

i left because of the "VETERAN TROLLS" who feel they run this site. most of them have posted in this thread. i am going to do what should ahve been done long ago and ban them all. if potroast wants to start ANOTHER campaign against me for trying to CLEAN this place up, then so be it.

all i ever wanted was a respectable place to hang out. there is NO reason to attack, harass, gang up on, or poke fun at other members. you all have been doing it for months now. tafbang and geewhiz are just 2 examples. when a COMMUNITY acts as you all have been acting it destroys itself.

YOU all brought this on yourself by PROVING you aren't mature enough to act as respectable adults.


starting with bricktop for "recruiting members to other sites".


You're a real jerk, aren't you? Plus, I hear you banned fabfun, too. Guess I'm up on the chopping block next. How dare I be outspoken or criticize the all-powerful, all-knowing fdd. Why wouldn't BrickTop and everyone else, promote other sites? And the only 'cleaning up' I've seen is that trolls attack, others defend and those are the ones getting banned. YOU are attacking other mods, or former mods? That is NOT a very good example to set. And you are apparently getting people banned by lying to do it. NOT very mature, at all.
I've spent plenty of time on one of the other sites BT was "promoting". It's a GREAT site, very informative, run the right way, with mods who don't arbitrarily ban people just because they don't like them. MOST of the people who had anything worth saying on here have already gathered there and thete is none of the B.S. That goes on here. I have been reading this whole thread, not responding, just seeing what the Hell was going on, but I just had to speak out after hearing about people getting banned for speaking thier minds.:roll::finger::cuss:
You're a real jerk, aren't you? Plus, I hear you banned fabfun, too. Guess I'm up on the chopping block next. How dare I be outspoken or criticize the all-powerful, all-knowing fdd. Why wouldn't BrickTop and everyone else, promote other sites? And the only 'cleaning up' I've seen is that trolls attack, others defend and those are the ones getting banned. YOU are attacking other mods, or former mods? That is NOT a very good example to set. And you are apparently getting people banned by lying to do it. NOT very mature, at all.
I've spent plenty of time on one of the other sites BT was "promoting". It's a GREAT site, very informative, run the right way, with mods who don't arbitrarily ban people just because they don't like them. MOST of the people who had anything worth saying on here have already gathered there and thete is none of the B.S. That goes on here. I have been reading this whole thread, not responding, just seeing what the Hell was going on, but I just had to speak out after hearing about people getting banned for speaking thier minds.:roll::finger::cuss:

personl attack and insults are not allowed.

not really hard to understand.

don't attack and insult me and i never would have logged back in.

am i missing something here?

i was GONE!!!!


"i know i'll get banned for this...."
"why was i banned...?"
Wow!! I fell asleep and it was page 5, 8hrs later, pg 35! Isnt this thread illegal already for taking up "too much space?"
Well this thread is a good indicator of the quality of the site.

years back there was little to no moderation and little to no problems

fast forward 5 years and growing pains are here again. This site exisits based on users and staff. All too often people get wrapped up in useless fights or discussions. While i understand we all want our way there must be a line. Sometimes even moderators cross the line, it has been case and point for years. They come and they go.

But one thing to remember is they are here to protect the interests of this site and the owners. Like it or not they are here and they have obviously have spent some time laying out rules and they are enforcing them.

Is this abnormal? No, all too often the users of this site dont see or feel the moderators. Now that you do just adapt. plain and simple...............

have a good time and go post some good content
No shit I don't even know what to make of this. From the very first pages it just seems like a bunch of complaining, rumors and whiny childish bullshit. Drama and shit blown out of proportion.

So you think this site is going to hell yadda yadda yadda; then why not just fucking leave! Go to the other forums! Whatever!

You really can't say anything about free speech here... RIU is not congress; it is obviously a privately owned and operated web-site. They can make as many or as few rules as they want and even sporadically enforce the ones they do have. If I really thought this site was getting way out of line with what I felt was appropriate I would just high-tail it without a peep. There really are plenty of grow sites around and it really isn't difficult to set up your own; no excuses for the bullshit.
Hey Guys,

The rules are very simple to follow, the only one that can be tricky is the short posts one. The threads that just say yes i agree on a particular topic and I will speak to the mods about loosely enforcing this. The rest of them are basic internet behavior. Ella and Mary as well as the rest of the moderators are just trying to further this forum and grow it to be something amazing. But again this is your forum and you make what you want of it we are just trying to guide it in the right direction. If the rules are not followed then you will receive an infraction, these are all basic rules and I am sure all of you can follow them. Thread closed this got out of hand.

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