Should Retards be Allowed to Fuck?

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seems like the people that should not reproduce have the strongest drive to do so. what up with that chucky darwin?


Well-Known Member
If society has to take care of people then there's a problem.
what truly defines a society is how they treat their weakest and most vulnerable members.

and although we agree that retards have no business raising a child, i would not go so far as to say the practice should be outlawed.

why? because i would rather tend to the consequences of having too much liberty, rather than suffer the consequences of having too little liberty.

would you not share your loaf of bread with a starving man?

let me preface this upcoming reference to the bible by stating that i am only slightly religious because of teachings like this:

Fucking Jesus H. Christ said:
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
your attitude disgusts me, 420god.

i no longer like you. go be butthurt about this if need be.


Active Member
I could throw my dick and balls on the table and just truthfully speaking- make most of you question your man hood(my girl has plenty of pix to back that up if any of you fags wanna check it out!). I was also blessed by the forces that be with a freakishly high capacity for processing info. IQ scores are meaningless but suffice to say mine has repeatedly tested quite high and well above the "intellectual threshold"... I still consider myself a stupid fuck ( so imagine what I think of most people=)) . You think being black or gay or nerdy is tough; harboring intelligence is the burden of THE most subjugated group in the world: smart people- we have to live with you stupid fucks! So some moron asks "should we let retards fuck?" I retort- should we let you? from where I'm standing, most of you are inferior by way of comparative intellect, so maybe I should stuff you all and your families that bred you, into ovens and turn on the gas? I have personally worked with people deemed handicapped and found most of them to be some of the most honest, caring, and pure people I have ever encountered. You horrible fucks blessed with a sound body and mind, have the audacity to dehumanize a fellow human being based on something they could have never prevented, fuck that and fuck you!


Well-Known Member
what truly defines a society is how they treat their weakest and most vulnerable members.

and although we agree that retards have no business raising a child, i would not go so far as to say the practice should be outlawed.

why? because i would rather tend to the consequences of having too much liberty, rather than suffer the consequences of having too little liberty.

would you not share your loaf of bread with a starving man?
Religious teachings like that? That's probably the worst example. Give everything you have to the church, what a fucking joke.

Our culture is becoming fat, lazy and stupid because of the way our society is today. Too many people with their hand out expecting charity.

Take those charities away and see how those same people act.
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