Hydro with Advanced Nutes Shade Leaves Drying Up & Curling Down a Little


Well-Known Member
lol yea i no i no where do u find 39% h202 (peroxide) im guessing ........................ wats ptds......................... next grow im gettin hps ................ the near death experiences i couldnt stop cuz the grow isnt at my house so i cant constantly keep an eye on her ................. hence the name bride of frankenstine its cool though u live n u learn.


Well-Known Member
I would love to believe that and that topic along with molasses use are some of the more controversial topics on the boards.
He is talking about flushing for the purpose of reducing salts, not pre-harvest flushing. There is a difference. But yeah, some people flush for way too long.

Not true, Personal preference you can go as long as it takes to add back as much as the rez will hold before having to replace and then if you add back nutes along with the water you could go longer if you wanted you would just have to be careful and diligent with your math.

Ummm, you CAN do that but you are trying to prevent nutrient antagonism between different elements in your rez. Since there is no possible way to tell what nutrients are remaining in your rez solution, just adding back and adding back is a recipe for particular nutrients to get locked up. The kids new, lets not overload him. two week turnaround for veg and one week turn around for flower nutes. Top off rez with 1/4 strength nutes and tap water.

Oh and the H202 issue is Hot button as well. Look H202 has its place but if you are serious about Hydro Hydrozyme is the only way to go. Why fuck around with H202 all the time when you could just add Zyme and forget it? If you start using it out of the gate you never have any problems its when people don't and get into trouble and scream AHHHHHHH my plants have shit on the roots does everyone start on the H202 kick, Preventative maintenance people !! I never understood that.

People "fuck around" with h202 because it is cheap and effective that's why. Hygrozyme is a decent product and has its place but it is stupid fucking expensive AND it does not guarantee that your not going to have bacteria or fungus problems. You can induce "good soldiers" into your rez to fight off the "bad soldiers" or you can fuck that, add h202 and have no soldiers (and increase o2 amounts which is an awesome benefit. All this for about $5 a complete 3 month grow.

Again, this guy doesn't need to delve into the more complex and convuluded aspects of soil chemistry and microbiotics, he just needs to stop the plant abuse. h202...i.e. commercial grade hydrogen peroxide is available at any hydro store.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to know hygrozyme is better than I though, I have a new bottle sitting around and wasn't sure if was ever gonna use it. I used H2o2 first and then aqua shield. I'm leaning towards colonizing the roots with soldiers now because the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) soon turns into water (H2O) and oxygen into gas (O2). I found l had to add it often and it actually burned little root shots. On the other hand beneficial bacteria not only promoted root grow and kept it clean but also it's seems to be helping the plant with the uptake of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
ok i jus figured out as soon as i foliar feed the temp goes down from 80/79 - 74/75 im gettin a humidifier i think thats my main issue here cuz nothing changing to much except temp. when i spray the girls. wat should b the best humidity level.

ooooo i also have voo doo juice - Beneficial Bacteria Root Booster it amost sounds like thats wat ur describing ^^^


Yah man just use a base nute no sups or at least cut back it and use sensi AB and big bud and
Keep your levels low and you should do a good flush also
I'm on week 4 of flowering in a hydro system with rockwool. I have no idea what is causing the problems I'm having but I'm thinking about going back to "basics" i.e. Sensi Bloom A/B, hygrozyme, and big bud ONLY. Any thoughts on that? I used to add in F1, Vitamax, Calmag, and occasional Voodoo juice. (I'm stopping Calmag because I'm using tap water)

The girls are flowering but it seems a bit stunted. Will they ever get back to normal this late in flowering? (8-week cycle btw)


Well-Known Member
Veg humidity should be 50% - 60%
Flower humidity should be 30% or lower.
This is not true. Please do not adjust your humidity under 30% when flowering. Environment is the most important thing followed by nutes so make sure your temps and RH stay the closest to the ideal which are: 75°F 50-65% RH with no CO2 and up to 85°F with Co2.


Well-Known Member
Masp speaks the truth. 30% humidity at your temps will cause a massive vapor pressure differential (ergo, cause massive transpiration losses). I keep it around 60 until
Flowers are formed an then around 40-45 to fend off molds and fungus. Keep temps below 75 in latter flowering.


Well-Known Member
well, in a very strict sense humidity would regulate temps a tiny tiny bit because the greater the amount of water vapor, the more energy it takes to heat it. But that is really splitting hairs and the difference in temps at different humidities would hardly be noticeable, like not noticeable at all. You need a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier will raise temps. Now your beginning to see why I always advise people to have an air conditioner.


Well-Known Member
lol well i also found that the ph is going up .5 atleast every single day soooo if i stay on top of that n watch the temps i should be better than i wuz put some pics upp soon.


Well-Known Member
lol well i also found that the ph is going up .5 atleast every single day soooo if i stay on top of that n watch the temps i should be better than i wuz put some pics upp soon.
.5 PH swing a day? jesus dude.

I would like to throw this out there. No matter what strain this actually is, when and if you manage to get some smokable buds, you have to tell them it's trainwreck. cause this grow is indeed a fucking train wreck.

Like I said before, get a decent light and I will help walk you through it.


Active Member
You should have just spent $60 and got you an eighth...at least you would have had something to smoke....this shit is not that difficult to grow...actually, it pretty much takes care of itself if you give it what it needs (light and food).


Well-Known Member
Damn dude.... I had to check this thread since i'm using AN nutes and i was a lil concern about my fan leaves and its my first time growing but DAMN!!! After seeing ur plants i'm happy with my plants. i hope you eventually get everything dialed in right.


Well-Known Member
lil miss bride of frakenstine lol well i trimmed most the shade leaves off now she looks more naked lmao but its cool bud spots get more light anybody know any reason y the ph changes sooo fast. pic soon srry been working n smoking alot keep forgeting.