The Ph of My Compost Tea is at 4.0? Any Help Appreciated


New Member
Yea so i have been brewing teas for about a month now and every now and then i end up with a ph very acidic. I just diluted the tea i made in another container to 3 gallons h20 to 2 gallons tea. Ph is still at 4.0.
Then i put in 2 teaspoons of powdered potassium carbonate, potassium citrate(for those that dont know that is just the ingredients of ph up)
My PH is still at 4.0:cuss::cuss:
Now what do i do??
Help please :wall:
What do you want me to tell you, bro? If you're for real, from what I can gather based upon your other threads and such you use way too many ingredients that have too much sugar, and other weird stuff as well. I can only suggest you stop doing whatever it is you've tried.

Instead keep it simple and keep it natural. Don't use ten ingredients; don't use soy sauce and high fructose corn syrup and bread crumbs. Blackstrap molasses is just about the only simple carbohydrate supplement you need, and even that shouldn't be used in copious amounts (1-2 tablespoon or less per gallon). Apparently [pure] fruit juices can also be used. Use reasonable amounts of an inoculant (humus, compost, earthworm castings), a simple carbohydrate source (molasses) and optionally kelp meal, some bat and/or seabird guano or a good liquid organic fertilizer, and optionally one or two other things such as alfalfa meal, soft rock phosphate, hydrolyzed fish, etc. but whatever you do just keep it to a few ingredients until it starts working out better.
i hear what your saying. All that stuff is good. Anyway, if i use other organic stuff and keep bubbling it, then will it neutralize after a few days?:sleep:
i dont care about soysauce anymore, or hfc. Im looking into sucanat. Anybody know the diffrence between sucanat and molasses

Sucanat sucks. While it does have a high proportion of molasses, it's also not as refined as black strap molasses. Blackstrap is known as third molasses because it's had the sugar extracted from the "juice" three times over. If you are looking for some serious carbs and simple sugars to add, give brawndo a shot. It's got what plants crave. I mean, come on look at the results. They speak for themselves.

bongsmiliebongsmilieSure for my tea i use
a few additives from previous grows
triple super phosphate (i put in a coffee grinder and grinded it)
nature's nectar (0-0-5) it's kelp extracts
molasses 1 tbs per gal - keep
sugar 1 tbs per 5 gal -cut
hfc 2 tbs per 10 gal- cut - due to it being a shitty source of carbs
soy sauce 2 tbs per 10 gal - cut
honey - cut - due to its anti-microbe properties
apple cider vinegar - keep- read somewhere it has over 30 diffrent trace minerals.
vitamin c with rose hips 500 mg
centrum a - zinc ( half pill per brew/grinded
great white
sub culture b
microbe brew
Oh God I seriously hope you're fucking with us. Apple cider vinegar, vitamin C and you wonder why the pH is fucked?! ... a multi-vitamin tablet??

Some people just have no business growing cannabis; organically or otherwise.
And this is EXACTLY why I pointed out the earlier post that told you to ditch those things..... You do realize that vinegar lowers PH don't ya? Why not add some salt free butter and coffee grounds while you are at it? :roll:

Oh God I seriously hope you're fucking with us. Apple cider vinegar, vitamin C and you wonder why the pH is fucked?! ... a multi-vitamin tablet??

Some people just have no business growing cannabis; organically or otherwise.
Serapis,coffee grounds are actually a good N source-once composted,but I think you know that, from what Ive seen you post you know your shit(no pun intended lol).

To the OP:open your ears and shut your mouth, something my father used to tell me often. Worm castings or compost,molasses,water,air-thats it simple. as you gain experience you can tweak it-add fish emulsion,guanos,alfalfa,etc...

To ClosetSafe:Brawndo its got what plants need!! PRICELESS!
Oh God I seriously hope you're fucking with us. Apple cider vinegar, vitamin C and you wonder why the pH is fucked?! ... a multi-vitamin tablet??

Some people just have no business growing cannabis; organically or otherwise.

If you seen my fat juicy Nuts, you would beg to differ. Oh did i say Nuts i meant Nugs!
by the way have you ever tried any of that Nullis? the answer is no or else you wouldnt have posted that. I realized i had to recalibrate my ph pen.
Anyway Vitamin C aids in photosynthesis, it also promotes tight dense buds. Scientists say cannabis makes there own vitamin c so might not recognize the addition. I recognize the addition! Nullis you know your shit right? then you should know a tbls of that is good. I Dilute my tea down good enough so i dont think apple cider vinegar will harm, besides it should promote fungi right buddy?!? besides my soil is adequatly limed.

"Don't player hate, participate."
Coffee grounds are also highly acidic, which is why I jokingly suggested he add that along with his apple cider VINEGAR. He started the post complaining about PH.... that was the discussion, and now he doesn't like the responses he is getting to his 20 ingredient teas.... :roll:

He can keep on adding lime and fighting PH all he wants.... he asked for advice and got it, and he can choose to ignore it and continue to have problems. Most people wishing to grow organically choose to use compost piles and introduce nutrients through composted soil. At least you can then control the PH to a degree.I do not subscribe to the theory that sugars and soy sauce are good for plants..... If they were, the agricultural industries would have been doing it long ago.... some of the myths tied into growing herb are hilarious... and posts like this op tend to entertain the rest of us. :)

Serapis,coffee grounds are actually a good N source-once composted,but I think you know that, from what Ive seen you post you know your shit(no pun intended lol).

To the OP:open your ears and shut your mouth, something my father used to tell me often. Worm castings or compost,molasses,water,air-thats it simple. as you gain experience you can tweak it-add fish emulsion,guanos,alfalfa,etc...

To ClosetSafe:Brawndo its got what plants need!! PRICELESS!
Studies also show that adding vitamin C may adverse effects on other nutrient uptakes. Also, it is possible to overdose because plants manufacture the vitamins they need as long as they are getting the proper macro and micro nutrients. It seems you have done a lot of reading and have added up everything you have learned into one compost tea, which is causing your problems. If you are putting all of that into your soil, you are not turning out beautiful specimens, or you wouldn't be asking for help....

Here is some more info on Vitamin C and plants.... they recommend not adding vitamin C at this early stage of the research, until more is known. I'm not sure how you can claim it helps, as you have a long list of ingredients you are adding that any one could be actually benefiting the plant. And where did you come up with soy sauce for a plant tea?

by the way have you ever tried any of that Nullis? the answer is no or else you wouldnt have posted that. I realized i had to recalibrate my ph pen.
Anyway Vitamin C aids in photosynthesis, it also promotes tight dense buds. Scientists say cannabis makes there own vitamin c so might not recognize the addition. I recognize the addition! Nullis you know your shit right? then you should know a tbls of that is good. I Dilute my tea down good enough so i dont think apple cider vinegar will harm, besides it should promote fungi right buddy?!? besides my soil is adequatly limed.

"Don't player hate, participate."
ok I just gotta sauce????whats in soy sauce(other than a crapload of salt) that cant be had from another(better?)source?
triple super phosphate (i put in a coffee grinder and grinded it)
nature's nectar (0-0-5) it's kelp extracts
molasses 1 tbs per gal - keep
sugar 1 tbs per 5 gal -cut
hfc 2 tbs per 10 gal- cut - due to it being a shitty source of carbs
soy sauce 2 tbs per 10 gal - cut
honey - cut - due to its anti-microbe properties
apple cider vinegar - keep- read somewhere it has over 30 diffrent trace minerals.
vitamin c with rose hips 500 mg
centrum a - zinc ( half pill per brew/grinded
great white
sub culture b
microbe brew

Cut everything else out and work on these:

Earth Worm Castings
Natures Nectar (0-0-5) it's got kelp extracts
Microbe Brew
Great White
Sub Culture b
Molasses 1 tbs per gal - keep
btw, for people that do want to add coffee grounds... I have put it in before.. But not something i practice regularly. It lowers the ph slightly to about 6.5. It aids in the tilth of the soil. I dunno i was misdirected about the soy sauce... I still think that the centrum could have possible benefits.. I dunno if i see them yet but i only add to plants in veg, and start of flower....
Of course i produce beautiful specimens. vitamin c helps in minute amounts if u dilute properly(veg or flower)

Although i am going to be keeping my teas simple now.. My ph pen broke, how ironic lol. fml
After this crop i will get a new ph pen and continue with my scientific ways :wall:
by the way have you ever tried any of that Nullis? the answer is no or else you wouldnt have posted that. I realized i had to recalibrate my ph pen.
Anyway Vitamin C aids in photosynthesis, it also promotes tight dense buds. Scientists say cannabis makes there own vitamin c so might not recognize the addition. I recognize the addition! Nullis you know your shit right? then you should know a tbls of that is good. I Dilute my tea down good enough so i dont think apple cider vinegar will harm, besides it should promote fungi right buddy?!? besides my soil is adequatly limed.

"Don't player hate, participate."

I only know that you're not real.