The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
wot a fuck about. down to 3 plants now. one died last night. got to hot in tent my thermo heater wasnt set right. woke up to 3 stunning plants and one wilted like fuck. gutted was the biggest and most budded one. wot i dont get is its th one which was other end off tent to heater. fuming now.. my fault for gettting so stoned yesterday. wot a twat. hoping some revive can bring it back to life. not holding my breath tho
Should be ok m8. Im sure it will make a recovery. Ive put this current grow through hell and back and they still look

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha that revive stuff is pure gold. 2 hours later plant is alive again. just looking like bin in cage with anderson silva for a round. still tho massive difference in few hours. am a happy plum now. am going on a job hunt. happy smoking fellas. and i still think shame on yous for anyting over a ten a g. i wont sell myself more then that. all i can say is i would stiop smoking at 20 for 1.5 g and sure plenty others will do. i mean if you smoke an oz a week that is more then u earn in a week. i wood just go to th dam smuggle some back with me and do for same price as getting here off a local grower. plus th whores there so allways got something to do haha... peace

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wot a fuck about. down to 3 plants now. one died last night. got to hot in tent my thermo heater wasnt set right. woke up to 3 stunning plants and one wilted like fuck. gutted was the biggest and most budded one. wot i dont get is its th one which was other end off tent to heater. fuming now.. my fault for gettting so stoned yesterday. wot a twat. hoping some revive can bring it back to life. not holding my breath tho
i've just drought-ed one of mine too man, they'll bounce back, might be a little less yield but somethings better than nowt eh.

from this

to this in a week

caught it just in time...:dunce:


mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yum yum. that looks good for a week after that tall did u grow them? wot u use to sort it out?? cheers chaps but think th revive is worth its weight in gold. twice now it has brought em back from th brink off death.
billy did you say yesterday you was making honey oil?? wot is that ?
right gotta walk dog now before i go job hunting. feel rough this morning. to much baileys n reefa last night. mayb a fry up needed


Well-Known Member
i can barely handle the cannabutter taste in cake after a few slices fuck cooking a steak in the stuff ur mental Don lol you northaners are real men hay lol

just ada packed livers joint joint its defo some top smoke m8 i really like it, really impressed with both considering they came down at 56days havent had a mix up joint yet been savouring each flavour on its own so far.


Well-Known Member
yum yum. that looks good for a week after that tall did u grow them? wot u use to sort it out?? cheers chaps but think th revive is worth its weight in gold. twice now it has brought em back from th brink off death.
billy did you say yesterday you was making honey oil?? wot is that ?
right gotta walk dog now before i go job hunting. feel rough this morning. to much baileys n reefa last night. mayb a fry up needed
u make it with butane. Google it m8. Im a little scared tho. lol Even big Don cany handel

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yum yum. that looks good for a week after that tall did u grow them? wot u use to sort it out?? cheers chaps but think th revive is worth its weight in gold. twice now it has brought em back from th brink off death.
billy did you say yesterday you was making honey oil?? wot is that ?
right gotta walk dog now before i go job hunting. feel rough this morning. to much baileys n reefa last night. mayb a fry up needed
they were about 2.5 ft when i flipped maybe a little taller i've since scrogged a couple. didnt do anything other than water it man, it got dried out cos there was a blockage in the feed line :( not heard of revive but it sounds like it does the trick.
i can barely handle the cannabutter taste in cake after a few slices fuck cooking a steak in the stuff ur mental Don lol you northaners are real men hay lol
just ada packed livers joint joint its defo some top smoke m8 i really like it, really impressed with both considering they came down at 56days havent had a mix up joint yet been savouring each flavour on its own so far.
i made the batch of butter with just livers mate its sweet as you like just a little bit in thed pan and then a bit more once you rest the steak, lush mate. aye the livers can come down at 7.5 no prob, ive seen it up to 11 and it looked fuckin insane, purple in places but it would make donkeys blush man.
Hey don longtime matey just to let you know the site is up and live now check it out geez let me know what think
what up EM, site looks swish man, the vid of franco is funny, i watched the sneak peak vid of the new strains coming out, every new strain had a nice pic to show you but none for the exo? no test grow pics even the pic you have on your site is a blurry dark shot. imo ill wait n see them grown out. oh hang on on westy did that and they didn't look like exo for toffee. not wanting to hate on your site it looks nice. but the claim of franco's that its the official exodus cheese is bollocks.

oh and when you select something thats out of stock a message would be nice instead of the page just refreshing and nothing appearing in the basket ;) otherwise good job man, all the best for it!
u make it with butane. Google it m8. Im a little scared tho. lol Even big Don cany handel

exodus mission

Well-Known Member
lol u nutter Don singles will be sorted out soon about the video true on the exo but im guessing you wont ever get a true clone in seed form also the doctor is not on the market and wont be for a while.

Thanks all for the feedback

peace :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man, i wonder why peeps keep trying. imo ive had blue cheese that spanks cheese from the usual suspects, id rather smoke a good cross than an inferior pure but thats just me.

the doctor? lost me there man