Hamburgers & Adrenaline

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New Member
hey is there where everyone is in the basement
say some of that shit to me sounds sexy hun
but dont be cussing me cuz i will translate it

mieux maintenant mon amour noir, le géant en colère dort je n'ose pas remuer un orteil


Pickle Queen
well i told u i would translate but u two seem to want to be alone bye
translate for who? i have a french diploma fab, stop being so damn dramatic and let me smoother crypt with my naughty french love, u have rene


Active Member
u just get internet porn sorry
notice how I quoted april?
yeah, I wasn't really talking to you.
you kinda made that mistake earlier when you thought april was speaking french to you.

yeah maybe you should just stop before you make another conversation mistake.


New Member
1. no i knew she wasnt talking to me
2. i dont care who u quoted i was talking to u
and no mistake has been made except for yours to fuck with me
for the second time
notice how I quoted april?
yeah, I wasn't really talking to you.
you kinda made that mistake earlier when you thought april was speaking french to you.

yeah maybe you should just stop before you make another conversation mistake.


Active Member
1. no i knew she wasnt talking to me
2. i dont care who u quoted i was talking to u
and no mistake has been made except for yours to fuck with me
for the second time
so this means what now?
where do we go from here?
are you going to show up to my door?
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