Interracial Relationships

I'm a generation or two older than many here, in all likelyhood.
My parents were racist....they told me if I ever married a black man, they would disown me.
Of course, for a rebellious 70's S.Calif teenager...that only served to piss me off and vow to date any black guy I could attract.

Later on though, I realized two things.
1. I didn't find them particularly attractive and...
2. I grew up in a town that probably didn't have more than 2 black families in it. And they didn't have sons my age, apparently. :evil:

Oddly enough, my father's sister married a mexican man. He was dark skinned, and my family had no problems with him.
My son married a mexican woman, and they have a daughter. A beautiful daughter. :mrgreen:

Safe to say, I think people are people. Hook up with who you want.
A word to the wise take into consideration the sometimes vast differences in the cultures. They can be more difficult than you initially realize.
My son and daughter-in-law are divorced.
Mind if I ask why?

Look at the post. Look at the number of posts this brand-new-troll has.
Nothing to see, move along. Feeding them only encourages them.

ETA: it's currently at was only it's second at the time.
Busy little cuss.
It shouldn't happen. I cringe whenever I see interracial couples.

i think thats very sad for you to say that ,....its ppl like you thats takes everything that our ancestor's (your and mine) worked for,..back to square one love who you love ....and thats it..the sad part is that there's so many things that you'll miss out on if you havent allready beacause you hung up on a complexion........there's nothing wrong with that couple that you cring at.... in fact there probablly stronger than you'll ever be for having to deal with assholes like you that dont have anything better to do then hate!!!.....that couple that you dont like isnt the problem, there fine .....if you wanna figure out the problem go in the bathroom and look in the mirror!!!!!!!..........................p.s YOU SUCK
No matter what they say, there is one simple truth in life... All White men have a fetish for Asian women.

we'll if thats true i guess its the same for black men and latinos,......beacause i get stuck everytime i see the cuban girl from modern familly
No matter what they say, there is one simple truth in life... All White men have a fetish for Asian women.

by the way neo,...what did you ever do with that secret room that you found in your basement, when you screamed from the spider that shit was!!!
Well my first relationship, my gf was from Uzbekistan :) am deff pro. (and the girl in question who is now married to a Spanish american and for all who know Uzbekistan most people there are usually interracial, now her baby has over 5 cultures to choose from haha
Lost my virginity to a black girl as well, the saying "once you go black you never go back" doesn't mean shit to me cause I haven't been back to black since. .
The saying means you will never go back because you can't not because it was so good you wouldn't want to. it means that your own wont accept you back.
I disagree with interracial relationships. Sue me. Because of all the crossbreeders that disagree with me, it gets harder and harder to find a pure Italian girl to have pure Italian kids with.