Week 3 Veg Leaves Losing Leaf Pressure?


CIMG0075.jpgCIMG0074.jpgCIMG0073.jpgCIMG0072.jpg:bigjoint:I've been a long time visiter of this site. Finally convinced me to try my hand at gardening. I'm in week 3 of my veg with 6 plants. My first grow.

The leaves seem to be leaning downward. Should I up my watering? I've been doing 1 cup of water everytime they dry out. Should they be larger by now? Maybe begin some nutrients? Any specific one people have had good success with for this stage of growth?

Setup: Closet grow. Two 4' 40 watt fluorescent bulbs. 6 Plants from some higher end bagseed. Seeded in jiffy pot sphag. until old enough to be transplanted into pots w/ MG organic soil. Water is at 6.2 ph, no nutrients added.

Thanks in advance. Constructive criticism is appreciated. I've read a lot, I'd just like to get some feedback from of the veteran community to a new grower. I had to move the lights to get the picture, its much brighter in there....lights were killing the lens on my phone camera.


Well-Known Member
well drooping leaves can be over watering or under watering. how are you checking to make sure it needs water? Also can you check to see if your root bound? Could be to heat stress. How far away are your lights? Whats your humidity level?


Checking water by putting my finger down a few inches in the soil. I removed the netting from the jiffy cubes before i planted them in their current pots so I wouldnt think them to be rootbound. Heat shouldn't be an issue, the fluorescent lights dont put off much, room stays about 73 F. My lights are 1-2 inches from the plants. I don't currently have a way to check humidity.


Also if I wanted to investigate visually for rootbind, how would I go about that safely? Oh and Lights are 24hours.

Is it too soon to begin adding nutes? I have some 10-10-10 liquid mix.. think I could start at 1/4 strength?


Well-Known Member
well drooping leaves can be over watering or under watering. how are you checking to make sure it needs water? Also can you check to see if your root bound? Could be to heat stress. How far away are your lights? Whats your humidity level?
Go smoke another bowl and let someone that is not high and has actually grown something give some advice. And thats being nice! Fuck you gave him the most general questions and you have the guy wondering how to pull up his plant to check for "root bindage" for christsake

First for 3 weeks you are a little behind because of your lighting do you plan on putting them under any other lights? Put it like this you have retards teaching your kids. Yes start to feed them now! What is your plan for nutes? If the cup is saturated when you water then you have been giving them enough if not water until it does, sure you could stick your finger in it but you should be able to tell by the weight of it. You do have drainage right? Lets get them a little bigger before we talk about transplanting and I would think about a different soil. Research it.

All the other shit too high to Bam Bam said is irrelevant at this point because the plants look fine for the conditions they are in but we need to improve on those in order to get them off the short bus and into collage.


Well-Known Member
You're not root bound! Not in 3 weeks with that size pot! your plant isn't root bound just because roots have grown to the edge of the bucket. there is still plenty of room in the middle for them once they reach the edge. are you sticking your finger in the same hole? if so that hole is going to look dry faster than the rest of the soil. The leaves will usually curl up to try to let off as much moisture as they can when you over water then droop. How long does it take for them to dry out? and a cup at a time doesn't sound like enough, You should be getting water running out the bottom, you need the soil evenly moist, otherwise the roots at the bottom don't grow or die. make sure that it isn't just running down the sides. I prep my soil before watering, loosen up the soil on top and make the edges just a bit taller than the center, then water from the center out covering the whole thing. then a little later come back and check the soil with a moisture meter. I would also fix the droop before I thought about adding ferts! you need to be watering right first! I'm sure that MG soil has enough in it to support growth for quite a bit longer! I'm thinking his plants are smaller from this issue not the lights. My clones and small veg plants tend to stretch under my t5s and not so much under my MH. they grow fast under my mh but are also a lot more full than the ones under t5s, they stretch up but not as many branches.


Well-Known Member
if you were root bound, you wouldn't be able to stick your finger in. it's as simple as that :)

my guess is that the cup of water you give it every time just doesn't suffice to get the whole soil wet. make sure that when you water you water thoroughly until water starts running down from the bottom. and of course use the lifting method as well to know when to water.


Well-Known Member
well...after growing some myself....

i'd say they look thirsty...they shouldn't even need daily watering at this point. those pots should easily hold them over a couple of days at least.
unless you have some mighty loose media anyhow.....
when you water, i would recommend no less than whatever sized container the plant is in as one measure of water for the plant....
they certainly don't look hungry for food to me....more like hungry for light...looks like they are pulling plenty from their current dirt...

i'd drop more light on em, wait while they adjust to the new lights and watering schedule, then feed them....i'd guess maybe two solid weeks to get to the feeding bit
may risk burning the wee tykes other wise....imo
they might harvest late....but a few weeks is nothing


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1600319View attachment 1600318View attachment 1600317View attachment 1600316:bigjoint:I've been a long time visiter of this site. Finally convinced me to try my hand at gardening. I'm in week 3 of my veg with 6 plants. My first grow.

The leaves seem to be leaning downward. Should I up my watering? I've been doing 1 cup of water everytime they dry out. Should they be larger by now? Maybe begin some nutrients? Any specific one people have had good success with for this stage of growth?

Setup: Closet grow. Two 4' 40 watt fluorescent bulbs. 6 Plants from some higher end bagseed. Seeded in jiffy pot sphag. until old enough to be transplanted into pots w/ MG organic soil. Water is at 6.2 ph, no nutrients added.

Thanks in advance. Constructive criticism is appreciated. I've read a lot, I'd just like to get some feedback from of the veteran community to a new grower. I had to move the lights to get the picture, its much brighter in there....lights were killing the lens on my phone camera.

That's looks like root bound drooping to me! Pop the dirt out of the cup and look at the roots. Its easier to do after watering the soil stays together better. Take a thin knife and run it around the dirt and the cup squeezing around the bottom of the cup to loosening it up. real little for 3 weeks!


After reading the advice and using some of my own judgement Ill have to go with spark's advice. I would'nt think them to be rootbound in the size pot at this age. I have been watering them every other day. I did not want to over water them, I've read that a lot of beginners make the mistake of doing too much of everything... I've been trying to avoid that. I've read a lot, but I still have a lot of learning to do as I go. I upped my watering, watered the soil evenly throughout w/ GoNuts's advice.

The pots do have drainage, and I put about 1-1.5 in of aquarium gravel at the bottom of the pot to help with drainage a bit. I've heard many good things about Fox Farm's Soils. When it comes time for transplanting I think I will go with their product. < Any specific FF product you'd recommend? I do not currently have any specific plan for nutes other than user higher nitrogen fert until flowering then remove the N fert and up my P. If that's wrong please let me know. Maybe let me know of a couple brands you've used with success?
Lastly, I thought that this light set would be enough for the veg state and when time comes for flowering I had planned to buy a couple HPS bulbs. They have a stack of 200watt HPS bulbs at a local restore (like goodwill) for $16 a piece. Same place where I purchased my current fluorescent setup for $12. I have money, but I'm not rich. Can't beat these places. Do you think my plants need more light? Or will my current setup suffice? I had thought about if my first grow went well that in the future I'd buy a nice MH setup, but as many of you know its fairly expensive. I wanted to try and slowly buy the expensive equipment throughout each grow. The wife would kill me if I went out and bought $300 worth of supplies for a hobby she doesnt approve of, but I'm addicted. Thanks for your responses so far, I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
After reading the advice and using some of my own judgment Ill have to go with spark's advice. I wouldn't think them to be root bound in the size pot at this age. I have been watering them every other day. I did not want to over water them, I've read that a lot of beginners make the mistake of doing too much of everything... I've been trying to avoid that. I've read a lot, but I still have a lot of learning to do as I go. I upped my watering, watered the soil evenly throughout w/ GoNut's advice.

The pots do have drainage, and I put about 1-1.5 in of aquarium gravel at the bottom of the pot to help with drainage a bit. I've heard many good things about Fox Farm's Soils. When it comes time for transplanting I think I will go with their product. < Any specific FF product you'd recommend? I do not currently have any specific plan for nutes other than user higher nitrogen fert until flowering then remove the N fert and up my P. If that's wrong please let me know. Maybe let me know of a couple brands you've used with success?
Lastly, I thought that this light set would be enough for the veg state and when time comes for flowering I had planned to buy a couple HPS bulbs. They have a stack of 200watt HPS bulbs at a local restore (like goodwill) for $16 a piece. Same place where I purchased my current fluorescent setup for $12. I have money, but I'm not rich. Can't beat these places. Do you think my plants need more light? Or will my current setup suffice? I had thought about if my first grow went well that in the future I'd buy a nice MH setup, but as many of you know its fairly expensive. I wanted to try and slowly buy the expensive equipment throughout each grow. The wife would kill me if I went out and bought $300 worth of supplies for a hobby she doesn't approve of, but I'm addicted. Thanks for your responses so far, I really appreciate it.[/QUOTR

Real small for 3 weeks! I use florescent for just 1 week could be not enough light?


Here's my current lighting setup running 24hrs 1" from the top of the plants:CIMG0076.jpgCIMG0078.jpgCIMG0077.jpg

This morning one of my girls is showing spotting on two of her lower leaves, CIMG0080.jpgIt isn't looking bad yet but I'd like to prevent whatever is causing the spots. Light yellow spots along the veins on just the two lower leaves.CIMG0079.jpg. Poor picture quality I know, dumb cheap camera phone. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Go smoke another bowl and let someone that is not high and has actually grown something give some advice. And thats being nice! Fuck you gave him the most general questions and you have the guy wondering how to pull up his plant to check for "root bindage" for christsake

First for 3 weeks you are a little behind because of your lighting do you plan on putting them under any other lights? Put it like this you have retards teaching your kids. Yes start to feed them now! What is your plan for nutes? If the cup is saturated when you water then you have been giving them enough if not water until it does, sure you could stick your finger in it but you should be able to tell by the weight of it. You do have drainage right? Lets get them a little bigger before we talk about transplanting and I would think about a different soil. Research it.

All the other shit too high to Bam Bam said is irrelevant at this point because the plants look fine for the conditions they are in but we need to improve on those in order to get them off the short bus and into collage.
Didn't realize today was "be a dick for no reason" day on Rollitup. Seems to be more often than it used to be.

His plants might not be root bound, but since he gave such limited information in the original post; I thought I would ask some general questions to get a little more information so I or someone else could figure out what is going on with his plants. But seeing as how his questions has already been answered; I'll leave this post alone with a nice "fuck you" sparka and be on my way.


I still love you though Bamf. Sit back, smoke a joint and don't worry about other peoples misinterpretation of your good intentions.
Thanks again for the help.


Well-Known Member
Those lights are good, the ole 4foot t8's, i do miss them now i've switched to the t5's. After about a year those bulbs get a bit dim and useless, some say change em every 6 months but i like to keep mine a year. Two 4 foot t8's is ok but four 2 foot t8's would be better for light coverage on those plants. Don't see why those lights cudn't take you to ten inches in height or so. Sparkafire's got some good advice but Bamfriet is right about the attitude, got to play nice somehow, sure if we were all getting high in the same room we wud be laughing and joking.


Thanks, any advice on what those leaf spots are and what kind of nutes (brand or NPK) I should be runnign at this stage?


Well-Known Member
me i dunno much about lights but i seen people do some nice grows and even budding with cfl, perhaps it's about how you do it but you need to have enough lumens in the of the day. if you can get an hps bulb + ballast cheap, go for it, it's definitely way better than cfls, quite satisfactory.


Well-Known Member
Dude the guy had him trying to figure out how to pull his plants out to check for rootbindage on a plant 4 in tall!. Nice or not nice I really do not care how you take me as long as the information you give has at least some merit and does not confuse people anymore than necessary. People come here for information and it only makes it harder to get that information when people just give opinions and not true facts. When I first came here I never asked questions I researched all my own shit digging though the garbage to figure out what was real and what was fantasy and that was my biggest time consuming thing I did. I am harsh to those who just want to hear themselves be heard not those who are learning and asking pointed well thought out questions. Hey if you think I am wrong call me on it I am more than happy to learn something new but you better have your facts straight and from what I am seeing most just want to complain on how rude I am.


Well-Known Member
I think the guy was meaning "root rot" although that wasn't it either. As for the post spark, king, and the nut guy specially told you what to do. Good luck man