Well-Known Member
are you retarded?Oh, so what your saying is that uganda has a higher "ses" then anywhere in the great'ol US? And that the south is pAssing the same laws? Your logic does not make sense! U know I thought you were kool buck, but turns out your not, you are just as hypocritical as your friend cured meat.
i said SES and aids are more correlated than sexuality or race, not that high SES leads to high rates of aids. in fact, it is the complete opposite. hence my suggestion, in jest, that if we really want to limit the spread of aids, we start killing people in low SES conditions, like the american south.
how you interpreted my words to think i said that uganda has a higher SES than anywhere in the united states or that the south are passing similar laws is completely beyond me and a testament to your mind bogglingly poor reading comprehension.
i like that you don't think i am 'cool' any longer, the last people i want admiration from are people who are functionally illiterate.