Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
Haha I didn't even notice it was but I have kinda had some bad luck today I drove out to idaho to get ciggs stop get gas and continue my journey get out there go to buy my smokes and card is declined no cell service no pay phone till the next town so they let me use their phone and the gas station double charged me :wall: wasted trip! Now get to fight with gas station and bank :(


Weed Modifier
good to see you guys on here, especially in the same night lol...we need to have another day when everyone is on and a big smoke session

hows everyone doing? its almost 4am here and i have a feeling it gonna be a lonnnnnng day

Lime, whats going on man? hows the spawns of charlie coming along? :wink:
a bit here and a bit more there...yes she is finally going to her purple color:weed: so i know she is almost done......soooooooooooon !:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
And who do you think is trying to take everything away from you?
Odds are that you won't be attacked by someone who won't run away when confronted, or even attacked by a less deadly weapon.
Ok, you've defended your family, whom most likely weren't the target to begin with, and your possessions which, while they are very important to you i'm sure, can mostly be replaced.
But if you shoot someone, then almost without a doubt your going to jail until things can be sorted out. Your house will be searched and life scrutinized. It's shitty, but these days, you catch as much heat for being a victim as you do for being the perp.

I wouldn't tell you that you can't own a gun, or even get a concealment permit, as those are your rights as an american. I'm simply saying I don't believe it's a good idea. And that it's more dangerous to own a gun then not to, no matter how much you educate yourself and your family.

BUT, if you desire to continue this discussion, then let's do it in the rambles thread. ;-) No sense threadjacking Rene. :-P
im not saying anyone in particular is trying to take anything from me. If you do shoot someone in your home the laws vary by state. Where i live, you have every right to shoot an intruder who is confronting you, if you shoot them while there running away or off your property you get a murder charge. ive had my CCW since i met the federal age at 21 and was able to.
as far as someone running away. Im sure that if someone were to come into my home, they wouldnt run away seeing as how theres usually atleast 3 cars in the driveway and they probably knew someone was home. Again, do i want to shoot someone, no. Would I, Yes. im just one of those people, like most who have children that would do anything to protect them, or die trying. I grew up around firearms, and have no fear of them in the hands of a suitable person. A big reason why im so big on owning what i do is because, im gonna be the last mother fucker standing in bread line. But hey, you have your feelings and i have mine


Weed Modifier
cant rep you man but i would...
I cant wait to see her get some color :clap: nice job bro
oh yah you wanted cereal? haha well here is the leaves from her mom from last chop :) so i have an ideal what color she should go:bigjoint:

just for you buddy but sorry no bowl? gotta spoon...:lol: fork might work better???lmao



Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to lime73 again.

I saw RIU's hatin on u lime...I can't rep you either...


Well-Known Member
oh yah you wanted cereal? haha well here is the leaves from her mom from last chop :) so i have an ideal what color she should go:bigjoint:

just for you buddy but sorry no bowl? gotta spoon...:lol: fork might work better???lmao
On-nom nom nom...dude i would just use my bare hands...hahahaha, keep up the good work my man!!!


Well-Known Member
I forgot to tell you guys haha...i went to bestbuy first thing this morning to get some stuff for a job this should have seen the fucking Nerdgasim these guys had when i got 20tb of storage


Weed Modifier
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to lime73 again.

I saw RIU's hatin on u lime...I can't rep you either...
I know hey? they always do that to me! think im always on suspension here ??? ....lmao guess ima whore? my pimps cut me off

its all good guys... can't rep ?.....just post porn ;) that works too :weed:wwoohhoooo bongsmilie
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