Need a Diagnosis


Well-Known Member
I see the best brands for hydro being canna aqua and other long established brands, these are also meant to be awsome for soil growing as they contain a balanced npk and micro/macro nutes, if you want the other boosters etc etc then they sell them as well. Never heard much complaints with canna nutes. Everyone i know uses vitalink nutes for their grows and say they never have a single problems whatsoever, i thought they were quite an unknown company overhere but have changed my mind and may try them next.


Well-Known Member
I could use some help diagnosing the problem with this plant. looking at the stickies on this and others plant problem forums, I believe it to be a potassium or calcium deficiency. Older fan leaves have a burnt tips ( overfert?) and are yellowing at edges with some brown spots. I've been using cal/mag, thrive alive, fox farm growbig throughout veg and during flowering using snow storm ultra, which I believe is all soluble potassium. I'm growing in a soil mix, I'm in the 3rd to 4th week of flower and the room temps go from the mid 70's to mid 80's. I've been using fox farm bigbud and tigerbloom, cal mag, snowstorm ultra, thrive alive, and molasses in every feeding. I was wondering if flushing was the best way to go could use some helpView attachment 1170877View attachment 1170878View attachment 1170879
That could be over watering and or over feeding! I like to check ph and ppm when I water so next time I'll have a educated guess of what to do. Like I just feed back to back cuz the ppm was low and the ph was 5.9-6.2 So I put another cup of lime on the soil so next time it will be there!


Well-Known Member
Whilst i got my garden saver book out i am gona say yes it looks like potassium and calcium deficiency which is strange since you seem to have given them a lot in feeds so would point to nute lockout or ph, either way a good feed and lowered nutes seem the way to go and think its already been said so what were the results and how did it turn out?? Got more pics to see the results??


Walmart foods actually work too. See my avatar.

A 3-1-3 is not "super concentrated". It's a watered down rip. Do some research regarding what NPK values mean as well as the term "guaranteed analysis". You sound like the typical very young and gullible noob who will have to learn the hard way.

And to answer your question, I wouldn't touch any of this cannabis crap with a ten foot pole.


So I was wondering, UB, can I just use base nutrients to reach the growth potential of my girls? e.g. bloom A/B? or are there other things I may need as well? I'm in rockwool btw.

Also, can you take a look at some of my threads and see if you can give some feedback? I would really like to know if you see something there that others aren't. I think I might be adding too many additives and not enough base NPK. My plan is to use only the base nutes. Week 4 of flowering btw (out of 8 week cycle).


Well-Known Member
Cheap tomato ferts were what i used to use when i started, taste is better with biobizz but you are right i see no particular difference in growth.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So I was wondering, UB, can I just use base nutrients to reach the growth potential of my girls? e.g. bloom A/B?
Don't know. What's in the stuff? If you don't know what the macros or micros are regarding the product's ratios, it's time to learn. Learning what makes a plant tick should come before choosing plant foods.

Best bang for the buck is Dyna-Gro.



Well-Known Member
^Agreed, about the Dynagro. It was the first brand of cannabis-specific fert I used, chosen because it was so 'complete', and good-priced, as well. It's a excellent choice for a new grower, because it contains all the micros, and eliminates alot of the guesswork. It worked so well for me, that I still use it, along with Protekt, and Calmag Plus. I'd go organic, but due to a job that I started, i can't smoke anything for a few more months yet, so the mild improvement in cleanliness, over chemical ferts, isn't that important, atm. it's coming though, soon enough.... :)


Well-Known Member
Something similar is happening to my SLH. PH was to acidic because of the lack of calcium, magnesium and manganese, this was weird because I'm using tap, and only this strain is asking for more, I thought she was being spoiled and she had to eventually adapt so I just fed her water in between weeks with no additives. Nevertheless they started to look "overferted" which would be a wrong diagnose, and very droopy but not quite "burning" and lower leaves display that yellow shapes due to the deficiencies. While this is happening growth is seriously stunted and if left alone Ph will continue to drop creating more problems- What I did was to heavily flush with Ph'd water at 7 for the 5 first gallons and then 6.5 for the last 5 adding to this two 5ml of cal-mag and 3ml of H2o2 each. Also I heavily sprayed the leaves with corrected water so they may leach any toxic built up. Situation looks contained and they look way less clawlish, but I'll be sure it worked when the lights go on. Any advice is welcome, and maybe there's something here the OP could use.


Don't know. What's in the stuff? If you don't know what the macros or micros are regarding the product's ratios, it's time to learn. Learning what makes a plant tick should come before choosing plant foods.

Best bang for the buck is Dyna-Gro.

I dunno if it makes a difference but I'm in hydro.

I'm currently fixing a few problems with my girls. I decided that the problem is probably a nitrogen deficiency, which is locking out other macro nutrients. So I got insta-green and have been spraying it for the past 2 days on my girls (week 5 flowering). I also cut out all the additives in the rez except Connoisseur A/B, AN Big Bud, and B52. My PPM is at 1450-1500 and I am using tap water with a natural PPM of 270-300.

I guess my question is, if it's a nutrient deficiency, should I just load up on that nutrient or should I start low and work my way back up? And should I flush for a few days with water and a low dosage of Bloom A/B formula? With maybe a PPM of 600-700? Also, what do you think about Connoisseur? I was taught to use that before and that's why I'm using it now.

I have some dyna-bloom and the bottle says it's extremely high in P. It's like 4-20-9 or something like that. Is that normal? How come the other Bloom products I have are so much lower?


Well-Known Member
Dyna grow sounds good, is it really canabis specific? I would like to see this brand more, is it exspensive in any way??


Dyna grow sounds good, is it really canabis specific? I would like to see this brand more, is it exspensive in any way??
it's not expensive... although I don't really remember how much it was. To tell the truth, I actually know nothing about dyna-bloom. I was told to use this when I first started. And then when I posted on the forums here, other people have mentioned dyna-bloom and it came highly recommended, although I find that extremely weird because the NPK ratios are completely different from the other nutes I was told to use... Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I'm super green under the thumbs still...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, i have seen it recomended to clear up nute deficiencies and now i know that it is canabis specific, might consider this next time i buy ferts. I am in the uk and not seen it on websites before, do you still think i will be able to get it??


Perhaps. I really can't say. Although nowadays there's almost nothing you can't buy online (lots of double negatives here... :lol:)


Well-Known Member
There npk ratios seemed a bit whack but thought that this was the cannabis specific part, i use bio bizz at the moment and it seems quite cannabis specific tbh!

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
What's this "Cannabis specific" crap? It's a damn weed folks. There's no such thing as "cannabis specific" except from shysters like Humboldt, AN, Canna that want you to believe it is hoping you'll buy into their bullshit, which most gullible noobs do. They sell products that don't provide complete nutrition unless you buy 2 or more bottles of their watered down stuff. Most times the NPK values are reversed - too much K and not enough N. Don't fall for the hype, scams, and erroneous paradigms.



Well-Known Member
BANG BANG UncleBen is dead!!!lol!!! When i say canabis specific what i mean is grows dam fine weed and is a complete fertilizer with the proper NPK for the majority of strains. I wouldn't like to buy a fertilizer that says it is canabis specific, if someone would just give me the perfect NPK for veg and flowering i would go and buy that as there are thousonds or organic fertilizers in the world, as long as it grows weed nute problem free i'm good. To be honest after saying that what makes a fertilizer canabis specific in the first place, there is no magic ingredient i take it or some unknown knowledge we don't know about. I have just put myself of dyna grow now. I like the pretty pictures on my biobizz. Sorry dyna grow guys you suck!


Active Member
What's this "Cannabis specific" crap? It's a damn weed folks. There's no such thing as "cannabis specific" except from shysters like Humboldt, AN, Canna that want you to believe it is hoping you'll buy into their bullshit, which most gullible noobs do. They sell products that don't provide complete nutrition unless you buy 2 or more bottles of their watered down stuff. Most times the NPK values are reversed - too much K and not enough N. Don't fall for the hype, scams, and erroneous paradigms.

Keep believing what you want. Keep thinking you are the chosen one that know all about nutrients! Funny how you didn't respond to my last question. Anyways, I can't speak for Canna or "Humboldt Nutrients" but I can speak to the efficacy of SOME AN products and ALL of the products from "Humboldt County's Own".

Here is ANs Base nutes, UB can you tell me where there is a lack of the micro or macros?


Oh yea and I use House and Garden base nutes right now but Im thinking of switching back to AN because there are no base nutes as complete as this new AN sensi is.

