Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Every courtroom has a bible..
Money In God We Trust..
The measurements taken from building noahs ark would have fit all the animals in pairs, they have even scanned the mountain they believe the ark is sittin on and found the Ark, but the government wont let them digg. And for the athiests who think Religion makes u weak in turn the other cheek dont forget Jesus instructed his apostles to get swords before judas betrayed him with a kiss thats how Peter cut the romans ear off, Soo live by the Gun Die by the gun goes the story...
And he still hasnt addressed ANY of my points (transitional links, Cambrian Explosion, Golden Scrolls).

For the record, if the Bible says the Earth is round, how come none of the people back then knew it was?

This guy is ticking me off with "asinine" questions.


Buz: "Goddamnit man your pissing me off! Stop trying to use logic with me! I would much rather insult you and dodge the question."
Every courtroom has a bible..
Money In God We Trust..

Yep, and our forefathers would be ashamed.

The measurements taken from building noahs ark would have fit all the animals in pairs, they have even scanned the mountain they believe the ark is sittin on and found the Ark, but the government wont let them digg.

Holy shit, are you just flat out making shit up now? Thats a bunch of bullshit and you and I both know it. They wont let them dig because every single seismograph they have taken has been inconclusive (in the spot they THINK it may be). Second of all, every scientist in the world has conceded that it would be impossible to fit two of every kind of animal on a Man made boat. Measurements taken? WHAT measurements, we have no boat! (you find a way to make a boat that dimensionally has a way to fit 2 of MILLIONS of species into one boat, you will be labeled an architectural genius.

And for the athiests who think Religion makes u weak in turn the other cheek dont forget Jesus instructed his apostles to get swords before judas betrayed him with a kiss thats how Peter cut the romans ear off, Soo live by the Gun Die by the gun goes the story...

Is that supposed to sell me on the whole thing? It actually does quite the opposite. Hypocrites.
The Holy bible is the most printed popular Book in the world... "Fact"
Wich means it must have some interesting wisdom and instructions on life in there. Period
Maybe God's trying to get a message across figuring thats its sooooooo old yet the most famous..

Just read this, and I realize you are no different than Buz. 'Its the most popular book, so god must favor it!".

No wonder organized religion has you fools tied around their finger, you just open wide and let them shove that spoon right in don't you.
First off, BB is clearly a troll. I suggest you guys all just completely ignore him, stop responding, it's as simple as that. He's not interested in anything except running around in circles, even real believers aren't as retarded as he's portraying himself to be.

The Holy bible is the most printed popular Book in the world... "Fact"
Wich means it must have some interesting wisdom and instructions on life in there. Period
Maybe God's trying to get a message across figuring thats its sooooooo old yet the most famous..

"cuz if you go platinum, it's got nothing to do with luck
it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck!"

-Industrial Revolution - Immortal Technique

Appeal to numbers. Logical fallacy. Just because the bible is the most popular book in the world doesn't mean it's true. If you think about it, it doesn't make much sense.. The second most printed book in the world is the next most true document? The book printed half as much as the bible is only 50% true? No, that's not how we figure out what is true or false, only what is popular.

Every courtroom has a bible..
Money In God We Trust..
The measurements taken from building noahs ark would have fit all the animals in pairs, they have even scanned the mountain they believe the ark is sittin on and found the Ark, but the government wont let them digg. And for the athiests who think Religion makes u weak in turn the other cheek dont forget Jesus instructed his apostles to get swords before judas betrayed him with a kiss thats how Peter cut the romans ear off, Soo live by the Gun Die by the gun goes the story...

You are just all over the place here man..

Courtrooms, money... ok, so because courtrooms keep bibles and money has the phrase "in God we trust" on it, that makes it true?... So were we to remove the bibles from the courtrooms and the phrase from the money it'd be false?


If you believe the world flooded and a 900 year old man captured and kept two of every kind of animal on the planet inside a boat to survive, you need to go back to school and pay attention.
"cuz if you go platinum, it's got nothing to do with luck
it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck!"

Sir, this is stupid;hands down:

". . . and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. Romans 1:27
First off, BB is clearly a troll. I suggest you guys all just completely ignore him, stop responding, it's as simple as that. He's not interested in anything except running around in circles, even real believers aren't as retarded as he's portraying himself to be.

Word, I'm all for debate, but this thread has the feel of several smart guys yelling and making fun of a retarded person.

After being explained why argument from popularity is logically invalid, he responds with this

Sir, this is stupid;hands down:

". . . and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. Romans 1:27
The response he gives does not even pertain or begin to make sense as a counter point to argument from popularity. His response here and most everywhere else suggests BB is near borderline schizophrenic with his logical connections. The fact that you guys continue to make sport out of the mentally challenged is quite disappointing to see in people who I considered enlightened.
I predict we will have a terrorist attack within the next 25 years. And it will be al Qaeda related. While I'm predicting that, we will also see a huge earthquake in this time frame. It's in writing now. Print this out or you can purchase my book. It is all spelled out in there. Crap, I forgot about the tsunami in my book. But I was imagining one and it did happen.

If you believe in me please join my cult. Pay me and I will preach my book to you. If any of you would like to preach my book, there is a 10% franchise fee.
Don't forget to get some tax exemption, because you don't want the Government getting his clammy hands on your God Money. And how can you believe in Al Qaeda? Don't you think that is some word that lovely ex president Bush Douche made up so we get behind his back like donkeys for some war games in the sandy butthole of our planet? Government made up the word *Marijuana* for us a long while back, we know it's real name is cannabis. Al Qaeda's real name is blow up your own towers to get the support of the people, PEACE
The fact that you guys continue to make sport out of the mentally challenged is quite disappointing to see in people who I considered enlightened.
Well said Ganja Friend. The mentally challenged can not control passing a stool in their own pants just as they can not control what they put up on the boards. It is a wonder that they found out how to get on rollitup and register and everything and they even taught themselves how to post and make threads. Curious George was originally a story about a mentally handicapped boy that lived with the Man in the Yellow Bicycle Helmet, but when it finally got published, it was changed to an adorable monkey story instead. BTW i'm not bringing up this wonderful and intense children's literature to cast a shadow of greatness over the bible... I just like books

I was about to give a rebuttal to your lame as reasoning, but ChronicObsession just wrapped it up beautifully- hands down. ;-)
Don't forget to get some tax exemption, because you don't want the Government getting his clammy hands on your God Money. And how can you believe in Al Qaeda? Don't you think that is some word that lovely ex president Bush Douche made up so we get behind his back like donkeys for some war games in the sandy butthole of our planet? Government made up the word *Marijuana* for us a long while back, we know it's real name is cannabis. Al Qaeda's real name is blow up your own towers to get the support of the people, PEACE

Exactly, they are still confiscating those CCTV`s.... I don`t understand how people can have faith in such a government and celebrate the death and revenge of all the people dead in 9/11... And a great trust for trust example with marijuana too!! +Rep!

See thats the problem with having a government system, we are being controlled by the mentally handicapped... By that I mean the people who make it to the highest government positions are power hungry and they just thrive and control us as a government. Nothing really changes, POWETHIRST!! ALWAYS!!

But calling Christians mentally handicapped isn`t too right, its all about feeding your mind the right things in this sensless life. I`m Atheist to my roots, but if somebody is claiming to be better from a Christian, I`d like to hear why they think such a thing?

Becase you can understand science better? (That doesn`t mean much, science provides no ethics or happines more than Christianity)

Because you are happier? (Nice Christians are very happy, and so are nice Atheists)

Becase you are friendlier? (A Christian following his book properly is very friendly, find out for yourself.)

Becase you are more open? (I can tell my Christian friend about my psychedelic trips and he listens with a big smile, he is hyperconfident of his religion and very happy)

There isn`t really a reason to demonize such a thing, its not like we have a great deal of reason to be Atheists and continue with the vast journey of science or logic, its not like its going to get us anywhere in an "ultimate" sense...

Be nice to them, a Christian I`m living in my block with is one of the nicest people I`ve met, even though I still half dislike religion I agreed to go to the church with him, just for funs :) He understands that and welcomes me for free food at the church without asking me to convert every day :) You can say his still trying to convert me, but everybody encourages their points and visions in life to a degree, my children are going to have an Atheistic input from me, my friends get an Atheistic input for me, its all fair...

Ease up guys! Everyone knows there are plenty of religions in this world and some have to be wrong :)
I do not conclude religious people to be mentally handicapped. My conclusion is based on 10+ pages of responses that do not make sense, one of which I outlined before stating my opinion. It is based on posts that resemble word salad more than any sort of coherent statement, and complete misunderstanding of nearly every point that has been made. This is not debate, it is meaningless tauntings of a griefer.
The response he gives does not even pertain or begin to make sense as a counter point to argument from popularity.

Padawanbater mentioned the word “stupid” in his rebuttal, so I built on that same word in order to unveil his agenda. Truth be known, I don't like peeps walking around incognito. He's in the wrong thread and so are you!! :hump:
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