RIU is being watched.. just be careful. Tread lightly..


Well-Known Member
and be careful with that you post.. including pictures.

I actually just got done pulling my latest grow. I threw the plants into the fireplace and torched them. My nerves can't take it anymore.. I'm afraid. So, with that being said.. I'm going to just wait until they eventually legalize cannabis in my state, before I grow again. I'll still be around here.. checking out other peoples stuff, but me personally.. I won't be posting any further pictures because I no longer have anything to show.

I've got a little bit of sadness right now.. because that PKB plant turned out to be female.. and she had some of that tightest nodes I've personally ever had any plant of mine have.. would have been a very dense 'rock like' bud structure for sure. I only have 5 more beans of the 'PKB'.. and after just only seeing a glimpse of what those genetics are capable of.. I think whenever I do start growing again, I will def. be growing out one of those babies.. just fucking amazing! I've never even heard of the strain 'Ice Berry'.. probably because it never got out to the public.. it was a creation of the breeder that sent me all these strains of his to begin with.. to test out. I've never heard of 'Blue Kush' either.. come to think of it.. and the PKB has both of those genetics in it.. along with Pandora's Box. So yeah, its just an amazing strain.. and I didn't even get to finish it.. to see what it would have produced in the end.

Def. starting to regret my actions.. but, since I feel a lot of heat for some reason, I feel better about being safe than sorry.

So yeah, until they legalize cannabis in my state, I will no longer be growing cannabis. It sucks.. but like I mentioned at the beginning of my thread, my nerves just can't take the abuse any longer. I do feel like a huge weights been lifted off my shoulders though.. so that part feels good. :D

Anyhow, just wanted to share the news with everyone.



Active Member
Well thats kinda scary.... Luckily I'm in Cali, all legal.......
Tell the Feds that you're "all legal" haha.

Sorry to hear you pulled and torched your plants CG, I never wish for someone to get busted, but I do "hope" that you were being watched or something so that you didnt pull and torch for no reason but paranoia :( after this first grow of mine I'm gonna have to take a break for a bit from growing but it's looking like it may be a good time to take a short break with all this hacking and stuff going on.


Well-Known Member
i am in cali too. that really sucks that you had to destroy your lady. wish you could have sent her my way. i would have finished her out for you :(


Well-Known Member
Well thats kinda scary.... Luckily I'm in Cali, all legal.......
Yeah same here in Colorado, I mean unless your commercial growing who cares? I am fully legal, if the feds want to take my small time grow down then FML.


Well-Known Member
people are getting hacked?!-

this can't be from links on the forum. doesn't rollie have some type of prevention against malicious code being injected into the site?

just remember folks, don't click the link.

it's too bad in just a few short years riu has gone from the shit, too being shit.


Well-Known Member
yeah without details sounds like fairy tales...

why is RIU being watched?? give us examples and concrete evidence.

you seem to be quite a computer prodigy..... i want to hear stuff like this:

"i got paranoid and I did a little investigating and found that there might be a user who's a cop, it's ________________________ . reason I say this is _______________________________________"

^^ that type of juiciness.. you can't just say something like that and not give us any more info.... come on....!!!


Well-Known Member
well riu and other websites like this can be being watched with people being with the law enforcement playing it off like a pothead. I seen a case of a law enforcement in the site.


Well-Known Member
well riu and other websites like this can be being watched with people being with the law enforcement playing it off like a pothead. I seen a case of a law enforcement in the site.
user ID or it didn't happen.

i remember long ago there was this guy called Ludacris.... a whole scandal arose...

anybody remember that???


Yeah same here in Colorado, I mean unless your commercial growing who cares? I am fully legal, if the feds want to take my small time grow down then FML.
I hear ya on that note. But me too, 7 plants 3 licenses in the household......... they've got bigger fish to fry.........


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit. And then I call Bartel Dew Taco. At which point I want everyone to look at it. I mean just look at that!

But yea, I call bullshit. Your Beckish style paranoia is lame at best. I suggest you stop smoking the dust....

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Its all bullshit,he would have at least set his plant outside to grow.Ive been busted in the south (last october)and Ill still post pics.If you dont give tooo much info you have nothing to worry about


Well-Known Member
Im new on here so forgive me if im missing something or this is a dumb question but how do you know its been watched or what makes you think this?