First Outdoor Grow: Ireland


heh whats up peeps :) just ordered these seeds of the net..looking to plant maybe the autoflowers for caution and security :)

Easy ryder
Afghan Kush ryder
Amnesia Lemon
Blue Cheese
Utopia Haze

got one of each and they are all feminised..anyways going to scout around for a nice hidden place to grow the ryder's as i dont want to arouse suspicion with tall plants :)
seeds should arrive late this week so will start to germinate them..after countless hours spent on board looking at different outdoor threads theres a lot of info to take in! is it ok if i were to leave the seedling on the windowcill even though theres isnt a lot of sun around?? how long would i hav to leave them on it before moving them outdoors..also if someone could give me a water schedule that would be ideal

also when i move them outdoors would the lack of sun be a problem?? the current irish climate provides a few hours of sunlight a day..any advice would be appreciated :)


Active Member
welcome to RIU,

Not sure what your growing season is, but you might be behind schedule! If your late, you might want to consider saving the seeds until next season. Or grow a plant or 2 indoors.

Anyways about the seedlings, you can put them on the sill for small amount of time. Once the first set of leaves starts to turn dark green(indicating health) I would recommend moving them into their homes (permanent pots). They only need a smallamount of light to start, but it's imperative they are moved to get more light.

If you cannot find a spot that has at least 4or 5 hrs of sunlight(direct/indirect). It won't be worth it, seeds willbe a waste of money.

As for a water schedule, pretty much water whenever you can. If you don't have time, there's water pump systems, irrigation lines etc.. That's another can of worms.

That amnesia lemon sounds bomb! Anymore quesions, shoot!



thanks fot eh reply tux! growing season for ireland is about that shouldnt be a problem :) well i will be able to water them all the time pretty much but dont want to overwater them..any idea how many times a day they should be watered and how much water to use :)

also would you know anything about flowering nutes for outdoors?? was looking at the advanced nutrients available and they seem pretty good..might go for the big bud. would it be ok if i were to use only that nutrient during the flower phase?



Water them every 4 to 6 days... just stick your finger in the Soil and if it seems damp or moist leave it for another day... seen as you was saying it isn't very hot and not alot of sun there you should not after water much.
Just do like i said and stick you finger in the soil if its wet/damp/moist leave it for another day and just keep checking on it..



thanks for the reply that watering schedule in regards to the seedlings on the windowsill?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
im doin my 1st outdoor across the pond. all i can say is dont water too much and dont feed too much. those are very common rookie mistakes.

and as far as the little ones in the window, i go by weight, pick each one up and see if its light. youll get the feel for it and its the best way to make sure they are getting the perfect amount.

youll never get me lucky charms!! haha are they a big hit in ireland?


New Member
I sense young skywalker needs to do more reading. Been spending to much time worrying about ordor he forgot to research how to grow


Well-Known Member

your first two strains should be grand, other three i wouldnt be so sure, window is ok, just keep the soil damp when there in pots(water 2,3 days personally) i keep mine inside for 2-3 weeks then outside under a greenhouse for a few weeks then plant, dont worry about watering outdoors unless we have a summer like last, pots or ground?
theres a few options for organic nutes from weeds that you can use to make teas, look them up instead of buying nutes and spend the money on a pack of kc36, purple maroc or easy sativa.

join the fun


bud nugbong : i hate to break this to ya but ive never seen lucky charms on the shelf of the supermarkets here!!

timeismoney: you would not know how much ive been reading up on this :) but every1 tells something different..i hav everything i need to know but just double checking how much to water them by :)

tontoboy: well im just going to do the autoflowers outdoor and the other 3 il do indoor sometime later. gonna go with advanced nutrients big bud..hope all goes well with it :)


New Member
timeismoney: you would not know how much ive been reading up on this :) but every1 tells something different..i hav everything i need to know but just double checking how much to water them by :)
Water them every 2-3 days. Depends on how much sun they get will show how much water the use up. But you usually want to water before the top of your soil is bone dry. When they flower soil will dry up really fast


Well-Known Member
Well I give 2 shits less about the plants on this one... I wanna see Ireland! always have for some reason. Good luck with your grow. Make sure you get us some pics later on that show us the landscape.

And hey don't take what I said personal.. It would not matter if you were growing red blueberry snapple wapple. I find the scenery of ireland more beautifull then any marijuana plant... I wish the best again though with the plants.


timeismoney1: thanks buddy! will come in help very soon :D

hic: ireland is really really beautiful..outside of dublin its pretty much green everywhere! does get a bit boring if your not in he city but heh i aint complaining :)

redpowder: thanks red :) will keep this thread updated with pics and stuff :)


Hello jack, like you this is my first time outdoor growing but i have decided to practice with some seeds i got from a friends draw !!!. i planted them 3 weeks ago into little starter pots and so far so good. i keep mine in a small plastic green house and i find it helps shield them from the harsher weather. i have found that there is no real guide for watering other that what people have already said. The one common fact seems to be "less is better" try and get some pics up to seeds came from a thai-skunk cross.


heh madpaddy...sounds good :) ya im gonna germinate and leave the seedlings indoors for a few weeks then throw em outside..hopefully the weather lineup is good for the summer :) will put some pics up once its all started..where abouts ya from