The hairs are changing color!?!?


Well-Known Member
hey guys my project is goin well, its about one month into flowering. ive noticed that 99% of the hairs are blond /clear but some are now turning a dark amber an kinda look like there dieing or something. just the hairs tho. they look like the red hairs on dried trees any idea what shes telling me?

And have one more question about stressing... i have 3 lovely ladies under 54 watt floras with 5-6 cfls and one 23 watt mix spectrum flora. there growing about 2-5 inches a day an sometimes when i get home the colas have touched the top 54 watt floras an brown the fan leaves... what kinda stress does that do and can it effect my yield?

thanks roullette :weed:


Well-Known Member
i started flowering 1/22/08 so its been only a month to the day basicly. so thats why i dont think i am ready to hearvest quite yet. i know it doesnt help much i dont have pics up but theres like 85+ % are still blond just a noticeable amount are amber hope there not gettin sick or something.


Well-Known Member
it doesnt mean anything, thats what happens to them...have you noticed on weed the hairs are red or orange?? It doesnt neccesarily mean your gonna have to harvest soon, the trichromes dictate when you should harvest


Well-Known Member
2-5 inches a day is ridiculous. watch out. your gonna have 15 foot pLnts in a month. this guy is on a roll. howd you do it.,... please do tell us,


Well-Known Member
depending on your 'high', a 'body buzz' weed is harvested at around 30-40% red/brown or dark-colored hairs. when about 60-80 % have turned color the high is more intense. but, sounds like you could harvest most of the buds now if you like and save the lower ones for a later harvest. it depends on your setup, really if this is feasible.


Well-Known Member
2-5 inches a day is ridiculous. watch out. your gonna have 15 foot pLnts in a month. this guy is on a roll. howd you do it.,... please do tell us,
im a noob farmer 1st grow here but i just use a DWC set up in a rubber made bin. with 4 net pots ( one was male hes dead). i use 7-8 gallons of distilled water. then i make a ppm solution with my nutes of 700-900 never over 900. i use BC boost, BC bloom, awesome blossom, thrive alive b1 red, magical,sugardaddy, and hygrozeme. use all 1/3 strenght keep my PH at 5.7-6.2. they drink over 7 gallons in a week and grow like crazy. honestly 2-5 inches man. ill have the colas easily 3-4 inches away in the morning an come home from a 8-10 hrs day an the leaves are pinned against the lights burning the leaves..... pisses me off. so now i do LST cause my light cant be any higher so LST is want i have to do.

And for lighting i use 4 54 watt flora grow lights with 5-6 cfls ( different spectrums ) and i have one 23 watt multi spectrum i stick in between the ladies to get some light to the lower branches

I started my grow about 1 week before last xmas of 07 an now its 2/23/08 there easily from my feet to about my armpit and im 6 feet tall. so for a noob farmer im doin something right.. i aint complaining :weed:


Well-Known Member
Also from what ive read on multiable sites is that a plant can grow 6 inches a day if the conditions are ideal. about a month ago i started getting 9 point fan leaves and now they rolled to 11.i have leaves the size of baseball mitts 2 times the size of my hand. my boys told me to hold on to them an roll a blunt out of the leaves on harvest which imma do. if the plant thinks its in its best living conditions it will grow like an son of a bitch from what ive read.

And i have to give a shout out to MynameStitch.
dude has helped me out with this post and i hope i dont get in trouble for posting another grow site but i caught a sickness early cause of this forum.
magical saved my ladies... Thanks homie!!!

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New Member
If you have hairs turning red way too early, you need to check the roots because you may have an infection or something bad going on.
I have no idea what everyone else is talking about, i'm guessing their all very new to growing


Well-Known Member
If you have hairs turning red way too early, you need to check the roots because you may have an infection or something bad going on.
I have no idea what everyone else is talking about, i'm guessing their all very new to growing
ok thanks for the post im thinking something maybe wrong to....
there is a secrect i must say.

i had 4 goin in a 17 gal bin. roots are tangled together so i cant seperate them, but its my 1st grow an i learned. but one was a male so i castrated him real good. but the roots are so tangled with the others that i would kill them if not shock them so bad that there maybe no recovery. so i might have rotting roots from the dead male. what should i do ?:weed:


New Member
Wow yeah, its rotting roots then
you have to get 35% H202 and mix it at about 5 ml/L and dump it in to kill off the infection.
So if you have a total of 17 Gals. x3.75 =63.75L X 5ml = ~320 mL that should help the situation. But you'll probably need addition doses in a couple days. That's if you have to save this crop. If it's small and not really getting dense, I'd start over cause it will never fully recover


Well-Known Member
Wow yeah, its rotting roots then
you have to get 35% H202 and mix it at about 5 ml/L and dump it in to kill off the infection.
So if you have a total of 17 Gals. x3.75 =63.75L X 5ml = ~320 mL that should help the situation. But you'll probably need addition doses in a couple days. That's if you have to save this crop. If it's small and not really getting dense, I'd start over cause it will never fully recover
well its only on the herm i have from what i see. the other 2 are raging. i am picking off the herms balls. could that be part of it?


New Member
That's a different situation. Did you have a hermie before you noticed the early blooming or did you get a hermie after the whole rotting happened.

I would get rid of the hermie before it potently wrecks the rest of the crop. Picking balls won't guarntee 100% prevention from pollination, just a few dust particles will potentially pollinate the crop. And hermies can be sneeky too, making a ball overnight and releasing before you get to it.
And hermies are a horrible smoke, and make crappy hash too. Hermies are only for seed production in my book...


Well-Known Member
im a noob this is my 1st time and i couldnt tell the difference between a pistol and a sack at first an it was a herm from pretty much flower time. and since i didnt know at the time a few ball bags have opened so pretty much the way i look at it is its already to late a few sacks opened. there where so sneaky that the sacks where in the actual bud and the yellow bananas looked like the hairs until i looked real close an was like FUUUUCK!!

but thats the one thats popping balls like a champ. even between replying to this forum i picked off over 12 new ball bags. so im kinda thinking thats why the hairs are turning amber.

i did run to the store an grabbed a big bottle of H2O2, but i was also thinking doesnt hygrozeme do the same thing?

and for that herm should i still chop it? or is it to late, to many sacks open ? can i even get a head change from 1 month of flowering? i do have 2 other sick ass ladies and if i could chop that herm and smoke it i will. just to save my others.

sorry for all the questions but another guy on here said just cause its a herm doesnt mean imma get alot of seeds. this is the forum


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strain and how much polen each flower produces...If you got a fan if your grow room like most of us that hermie will give alll your plants seeds disinfect the room after the grow to better yet your hole house. When a plant produces seeds it takes away its potency puts more stress on the plant to make seeds. Put it this way witch is faster in a race a pregnant pitbull or the spaided pitbull?


Well-Known Member
i do not have a fan in my room. i know i prolly should but dont see the benefit. havent had one and there raging nicely except that herm is starting to get them amber hairs.. i think its from picking the balls...... damn i dunno lol.
does anyone think that the H2O2 isnt a bad thing an i should just add it to eliminate the root rot thing if it is happening?

i mean the dead roots are gonna rot but will that infect the others?

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
Yeah maybe root bound or sick roots, maybe try flushing for a day or two with just PH water and see if anything changes.

Trichomes are what will indicate pulling or not they look like miniture mushrooms on the bud under a mag. glass. when they cloud up and start turning amber it is just about time to yank em.


Well-Known Member
if only 1% are orange,,thats about right for week 4 especially if its a quick flowerer i.e 6 weeks like some strains,,,,if the leaves look healthy and perky not droopy then im sure theres probably nothing to worry about.peace


Well-Known Member
thanks man that sounds about right.. there all ripping. i know theres dead roots in there cause of that male but i thought the hygrozene was made to help break dead roots down.. im sure not it that high of an amount but u know what i mean.

thanx again guys