Newbie with a Rough Situation but a Hopeful Plan. Please Help!

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Its the ozone generater,Ive just had a good buddy go through the same thing,he like to have never figured out what was wrong with his grow,he has alot of strains and he just about lost all of them before he trashed that ozone generater


Active Member

the ozone gen hurt the plants? was it a discharge model? because ive talked to several people and gardners that have them and they said they shouldnt do anything to the plants because its just air. unless you keep the gen running 24 7.


Active Member
I've just been test running mine to see if the smell bothers me and on my timer settings so far its fine. I smell it but I get used to it right away and you can't smell it in the hall and you can't smell it outside or anything.

I'll be posting pics tonight. She's looking great. Has about 13 bud sites. Starting to get some white little hairs.


Well-Known Member
a nice looking bush, this was topped? kind of looks like it
you seem to be doing well, only thing i can see is pot seems on the small side for the plant size
but don't take that as a transplant suggestion, if it's working, keep doing what you're doing


Active Member
the pot is a bit small. i think maybe 3 gallon? maybe 4 but this wasnt supposed to be a huge grow either. just one small plant for me to try out my first time growing.

i trimmed some fan leaves so the smaller lower buds arent so covered up. is that bad to do?


Well-Known Member
3 gallon should be good, it's hard to judge sizes from pictures
as far as fan leaf trimming, i'm not a fan of that myself, some do it, depends who you talk to
probably no great harm


Active Member
Yeah the pics are always hard to tell with sizes. I tried to help a bit with my hand but still its hard ...

Yeah I've been trimming just the ones the get in the way of light to the lower buds and it seems to help. Obviously the majority of the photosynthisis comes from the fan leaves but trimming a few shouldn't be an issue.


Active Member
yeah thanks.

shes starting to smell a lot. the ozone gen is working but i dont keep it on a timer anymore. just run it straight. how much longer should i wait to harvest? another month?


Well-Known Member
You need to take pics (I know I keep saying that). First, what I would do is look at the breeder's recomended flowering time. That's not gonna be exact and might not be even correct in your case, however, it's a good starting point of what to broadly expect.

A couple of things to watch for are when the white hairs turn brown and receed into the bud. The ultimate gauge is the trichomes though. And for that you need to go to radio shack and pick up a 30x or more microscope (they are only $15). Do not think you can avoid the scope. You really really need it. As far as what to look for in the trichomes... Well there are a lot of opinions on that. I suggest doing some research and make your own conclusions. When you harvest makes a difference and ultimately it is all based on reading the plant. I had 2 going this grow and they are probably gonna finish 2 weeks apart even though they are the same strain.


Active Member
sorry, feeling sketch because i dont use a proxy

there such a pain in the ass cuz they dont let me look at pictures.

ill post some in a few, she does seem to have some nute burn going on and ive flushed twice and its not clearing up so i dont know what the problem is but otherwise shes great.

sooooo many bud spots, its crazy. probably feeding today and ill snap some pics then


Active Member
here are the pics.

i fed her a tiny tiny amount yesterday beucase im nervous that she isnt getting enough food, ive flushed her three times since the burn look showed up. all with distilled perfect ph water.

grrrrr.... maybe i have to keep flushing until it clears up? no food?!?



Well-Known Member
Those leaves are never going to look like they once did. The goal at this point would be to stop the symptoms and get back on a schedule that won't hurt her.
You got some major issues going on there (ready for hydro?). I would get those pics in the plant problems section ASAP. What are you feeding, how often, and how much?


Active Member
I'm feeding about every third watering.

I believe its 0-17-18 humbolt organic nutes and I'm mixing like a table spoon in a gallon of distilled. I think I just need to keep flushing. Next time ill use a different pot because I think its just not very good at leaking the excess. I water till it runs over. And then a little more.

I dunno. She was fine a week ago so its probably just nute burn. I'll keep flushing till it clears up. What do you think about the buds? I know there hard to see....


Well-Known Member
I'm feeding about every third watering.

I believe its 0-17-18 humbolt organic nutes and I'm mixing like a table spoon in a gallon of distilled. I think I just need to keep flushing. Next time ill use a different pot because I think its just not very good at leaking the excess. I water till it runs over. And then a little more.

I dunno. She was fine a week ago so its probably just nute burn. I'll keep flushing till it clears up. What do you think about the buds? I know there hard to see....
you may have answered you own question, if by 'not very good at leaking the excess' means you're not getting good drainage at the bottom of the pot
toxic wastes may have built up if you're not getting a good flow of water through the pot(maybe)