The UK Growers Thread!

thanks for that billy, so how long do they last before ya need to replace em?

They evaporate quickly, so they don't last long. Mix it with water and it'll last a lot longer. I had mine at the end of my ducting, so the extracted air blew over the pot. Works a treat.
some bud porn for a slow afternoon?

purp cherry cheese x livers
PAR has been used in agriculture for years to evaluate agricultural investment potential. Anyone involved with growing in aquatic environments will also be familiar with the term. It's nothing new. LED developer use it all the time because that's the whole point - LED for cultivation are designed to target PAR wavelengths.

Well done on the golf course by the way. I'm off for a pint. Take care fellas.
It's a marketing buzzword to try and make something appear better or more appealing than it might othwise be. Otherwise HID manufacturers would also use it to prove they are better than the next supplier, but no, they don't, ya have to wonder why :D Or are HID bulbs for cultivation not designed to hit certain PAR wavelengths, last i checked there was metal halide and high pressure sodium for a reason, they both work target different wavelengths.

I simply do not understand why people think they will do good by marketing on a forum, it has to be one of the worst advertising strategies around, every other thread on this forum is testament to this and all it has ever managed to achieve is think that the company in question is rather sub-par and as such don't give them the time of day, just my 2 pence.
Got me eye on LEDs there definitely the way forward makes perfect sense in my book, as long as they can match my HPS for end results then great. lot of money down the pan if there pants, Just not enough grows about tho to tempt me just yet.
Whats the ACTUAL draw of your light(s)? If I search around on that chinese wholesale site (think its called alibaba?) would I find your light on there?
and you might want to post that info in the LED users UNITE! thread on here. I've not been on it for a while so soz if you've already done that.
Nobody's disputing the colour range of LEDs. What is a problem is light penetration. It's all good and well having a light with a good PAR rating, but if it can only penetrate 6" of foliage, then it's no good to most.

Also, if you have so much faith in your own product, then start a journal in here. If I decide to give them a shot and make a purchase - I want your business address and home address, so if I've been taken for a cunt, I know where to throw the petrol bombs.
You're right to question penetration. HPS 600W for example is very intense. Look on our site. There are PAR readings for each light at various distances. Then look in Google or somewhere else, maybe Wikipedia, somewhere completely impartial, I know that there are studies out there, and look at optimum PAR for growth. I'll try and dig something up more helpful to explain. Let me tell you though that a 400W or 600W LED grow panel emits A LOT of light, and it's all being used. Although you can't see it as it's mostly red and makes your plant look black, you'll not have to worry about 6" penetration. But, I will agree with you that growing very tall plants isn't an efficient way to use an LED light. SCROG for example is perfect. Your targetting your plant in every way possible.

So in other words they don't have the penetration ability necessary for anything other than scrog or sog. Either 12/12 from seed or 12/12 from clone. Small clones at that. They'd have to be indicas too.

I won't knock anybody for trying to make an honest buck, but when all is said and done, you are still left with the same problems LEDs have had since day one. Lack of penetration.

Tell me about the foot print of these lights.