Uganda "Kill the Gays" Bill Passed Today


New Member
Uganda passed the bill to sentence gays to death and also anyone who harbors them. Incoming another African genocide? Will the UN stop African genocide for once?

A leader in left wing propaganda and someone who may or may not be a lesbian gives her spin below:

In 2009 she talked about this also


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Barney Frank introduced an amendment that would seek to end all aid to Uganda when this bill passed.

"I was pleased when the Financial Services Committee overwhelmingly, in a bipartisan way, voted in favor of my amendment urging the Secretary of the Treasury to oppose any financial assistance from multilateral development institutions to countries that persecute people on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or religious beliefs. In the discussion of the amendment I offered, I specifically mentioned the deeply troubling case of Uganda, which is now considering legislation to legally deprive people of these basic human rights. If the bill before the Ugandan parliament becomes law, it must be the policy of the United States government to oppose any aid to Uganda from the World Bank, the African Development Bank, or any other international financial institution of which we are a member."
We can thank American Evangelicals for creating and stirring up the hysteria that brought about this law.

May or may not be a lesbian? She is very open about her sexuality and talks about her partner on occasion.

Propagandist? She has won awards for her fact-finding and accuracy in her reports.


Well-Known Member
Uganda passed the bill to sentence gays to death and also anyone who harbors them. Incoming another African genocide? Will the UN stop African genocide for once?

A leader in left wing propaganda and someone who may or may not be a lesbian gives her spin below:

How else are they supposed to stop all these gays breeding familys of gay children? oh wait.....


New Member
Many people are predicting it will pass in news articles, the vote is today. Sorry for saying Passed in the thread title but I can't change it to be more accurate, oh well seems appropriate with all this hype - perhaps more appropriate is "will likely pass today"


Well-Known Member
Finally someone sees the malice of "gay!"

If thats what it takes, so be it! There fucking thousands of miles away, who cares guys?

We have our own shit soup stirring here in our homeland. Dont you think we should focus on "us?"

Let.them do what they wish to do, It is population control at its finest!


New Member
population control at its finest? Do you believe in eugenics? Are you some kind of satanist or nazi? socialist? Please elaborate


New Member
May or may not be a lesbian? She is very open about her sexuality and talks about her partner on occasion.

Propagandist? She has won awards for her fact-finding and accuracy in her reports.
I did not know that she is a lesbian - I apologize but my original post was intended as humor by using extremist language and petty insults.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Finally someone sees the malice of "gay!"

If thats what it takes, so be it! There fucking thousands of miles away, who cares guys?

We have our own shit soup stirring here in our homeland. Dont you think we should focus on "us?"

Let.them do what they wish to do, It is population control at its finest!
I mean this from the bottom of my heart oilyshifter, fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Jeez! Come on dried meat, its my opinion and I was not forcing it on no one!

You have no reason to personally attack me for what I said, that is childish!

Everyone has a voice and as such, everyone has the right to use it.

Or are you becoming like that what you always hate on?

I mean this from the bottom of my heart oilyshifter, fuck off.


Well-Known Member
And I quote, "my post was intended as humor by using extremist language and petty insult."

Thats my elaboration!

population control at its finest? Do you believe in eugenics? Are you some kind of satanist or nazi? socialist? Please elaborate


New Member
If you want to explain why you support eugenics or socialism ideas of population control, please enlighten us, otherwise I will not even acknowledge your troll insults or "humor" as you are now falsely labeling them. The fact that you didn't understand my post earlier leads me to believe you are a teenager and I am retired from babysitting.


Well-Known Member
dude, you are the teen here!!! who in there right mind would support such crap that you accuse me of supporting. Please bro, and if you didnt read my other post, i quoted your dumbass for your elaboration.

if it didnt get through, then here it is again,

"my original post was intended as humor by using extremist language and petty insults."

oh, you dont like that because you said it and you got your foot in your mouth.

anyways, have fun!!!

If you want to explain why you support eugenics or socialism ideas of population control, please enlighten us, otherwise I will not even acknowledge your troll insults or "humor" as you are now falsely labeling them. The fact that you didn't understand my post earlier leads me to believe you are a teenager and I am retired from babysitting.


Well-Known Member
best way to deal with olylifter:

1) engage him in rational debate
2) feed him to the lions
3) dissolve him in a vat of acid
5) assfucked by a large, aggressive orangutan

you can only vote once.