Active Member
oh no dont touch jk
He had a gnarly fever last night, 103. Better today though. That is actually a shot of the red kush, day 34 ;Northern Skunk, I am betting!!!
Why do you need my scope when your camera does a way better job at inspecting the Trichs.....LOL I will trade you my scope for that camera please.....
Hope Guido is feeling better!
I wish i had a tripod, and a better cameraI need a new camera,... and a tripod,... and better lighting for pics..... FML.
I love my light mover...but remember they do NOT increase coverage area only distribute that light around the SAME space much more efficiently...IMHHO a 400 watt covers 2 x 4 or 3x3 at the mostBack up to two lights again, another move in the shed. I have a ton of available space now, check it out.
DEF a light mover!!! I put mine in and freakin LOVE it, as do my ladies!! I have a 400 watter covering an area thats probably 3 feet deep by 7 feet long, and my plants have totally increased in size and yield versus just lettin the same size light sit. Just personal opinion tho man, ur shit always seems to come out great no matter what!looks like another light would be nice for the extra space or a light mover.