Is She Too Droopy?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'm just wondering if I should be concerned, my first grow is on day 28 from germ and I'm wondering if this droopiness is something I need to be concerned about? She's a Nirvana Short Rider.


Thanks a mill!


Well-Known Member
Just a 125W dual spec CFL. Cheers for the thumbs up, I was getting a little worried coz she was growing at an amazing speed from germ, but the last 4 days she slowed down dramatically and her leaves seemed to droop and curl.

I thought she may have stunted but after looked at pics taken on day 24 and today, I can see the difference.
They droop a little at dark cycle dont forget. Try spraying them with club soda if you have no Co2 stop week 2 of flowering tho if you do.


Well-Known Member
They droop a little at dark cycle dont forget. Try spraying them with club soda if you have no Co2 stop week 2 of flowering tho if you do.
I took those pics just before putting her to sleep, and the droop seems to be an ongoing thing for the last few days. I moved the light up higher in case it was heat stress, but it hasn't really made a difference. I'll try spraying with the club soda when she flowers.

thats good, when do you plan on flowering her?
She's an auto so I believe she'll do her thing when she's ready. As this is my first grow, I opted for an easy strain to learn the tricks of the trade.


Well-Known Member
Plant is ok, bit worried about your lighting though, looks like its under a desk lamp. Try to get a hps when she starts flowering.


Well-Known Member
What Kelvin is that CFL? 2700k works great for flower but you can get away with 6500k. Do you have an fans blowing in the room? because you need air circulation as well and the plant looks ok to me. My plants droop 1 hour before lights off that means trying to go to sleep.
Yeah my BB's do that too its like they get tired? Make sure you completely saturate the soil with water till it runs out the holes in the bottom?


Well-Known Member
What Kelvin is that CFL? 2700k works great for flower but you can get away with 6500k. Do you have an fans blowing in the room? because you need air circulation as well and the plant looks ok to me. My plants droop 1 hour before lights off that means trying to go to sleep.
It's a dual spec - 6400k blue and 2700k red. I don't have a fan in there but I go into the room frequently to air the grow space out - plus any draft that comes in through the window hits the plant directly so she's getting plenty of fresh air.

I didn't realise they drooped before lights out - that's so cute! :)

Yeah my BB's do that too its like they get tired? Make sure you completely saturate the soil with water till it runs out the holes in the bottom?
Ah not to worry, she gets plenty of water - I spray the leaves every second day and I keep the soil moist (but not soaked) at all times.