Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Well! . . . I'm not at home with mother. I must work you know.

If you WERE at home with mother, id tell you to sit down and have a nice chat with her about interpersonal relationships, manners, and possibly get a few tips on staying consistent when debating your beliefs.

In fact, id be MORE interested in meeting HER, and figuring our exactly what kind of person/upbringing it requires to turn into what you have. Most of the things that people claim 'lead' to your condition, i went through as well. But we sure didn't come out the same...... nowhere near.
That's funny, because I've provided many links and they only think I get from you is dodging. :roll:
Heres what ill do buddy. Ill go through this entire thread for the 20th time, and ill collect EVERY link and reference to data we have provided.
THEN, ill do the same with every link YOU have provided.

How do you suppose that post is going to look? hmmmm?
Post 150:
This is the Cambrian explosion.
It’s a deathblow to evolution. The fossil record does not support evolution - Sorry!!


Post 157:

Anthropologist went searching and found a layer of fossil called the Cambrian Explosion, because it refers to the great quantity and diversity of life found in this geologic column. You see, evolutionist claim that humankind took millions of years to establish, after crawling out of the sea. But this fossil layer proves that humankind had a sudden appearance and did not take millions of years to evolve

You sir should pay attention to the point.

Pretty sad right? THREE LINKS in the ENTIRE thread.

I also want to add, of those links, we can break it down. One, came from a Christian website that flouts the same lies you do. The other two, came from, and this makes me laugh, WIKIPEDIA. Weren't you JUST telling me we couldn't trust wikipedia?

Ill have another post here in a minute, but i have to quote TONS more than 3 posts to get all of our links in one post. In fact, i might not finish it today, because we have provided you with SO MUCH information already that you have ignored.

You remind me of a person who has lived in a cave, chained to the wall, since birth. Someone comes along and leads you out of the cave, into the sun. The light is too bright, so back into the cave you go, watching shadows on the wall, thinking its reality. That's sad LOL

You remind me of a person who has lived in a cave, chained to the wall, since birth. Someone comes along and leads you out of the cave, into the sun. The light is too bright, so back into the cave you go, watching shadows on the wall, thinking its reality. That's sad LOL

HOLY SHIT. If that isnt the pot calling the kettle black i dont what is! Your a joke dude, and posts like this only show how backed into a corner you truly are.

Your a master of spin as well. Going through this thread again, its AMAZING how stupid you look. Twisting words, paraphrasing, quoting ONLY the bible. Hell on page 10 you tried to twist the words of someone who was INSULTING you, into something that was your defense. He actually had to post again just to let you know it was directed at you. Kinda absurd really.

You cant spin everything, and your days are numbered. Start peeling the stickers off of your Christmas calendar, oh wait, even THAT was stolen by the church and spun to fit their agenda! Damn! You learn from the best!

-edit- The only 'shadow' here is your god, the only 'wall' your bible, and the only 'cave' the Church. But way to try to take something i said to you 20 pages ago and spin it to your advantage. You dont have an original bone in your body.
Also, if your THREE links is 'The Light', then it finally makes sense why you are still debating. The amount of info we have sent your way by now would equivilate to 10 Hydrogen Bombs worth of light. Did it melt your eyes back into their sockets? Was it too powerful?

I thought so.
You really are on some high and mighty horse aren't you? Its like, you get a few paragraphs in, you start making a LITTLE sense, then . . ."

This is hilarious because, you've never made any sense, even though being propped up by your mentor mindphuk.

He'll probably chime in to rescue your puppy-ass. bongsmilie
Why are you guys debating someone who is only interested in contradiction? I've not seen brotherbuzz post one original thought, valid counterpoint, or much of anything except petty teasing. It's silly to take the time to offer reasonable debate to someone who is beyond approach. Don't you guys enjoy real challenge? Debating him is like shooting fish in a barrel.

*EDIT: he proves my point with the next two posts. Ask yourself, do these really inspire a reply?
Do Bible quote count ? Oh! I'm sorry LOL

They sure dont.

This is hilarious because, you've never made any sense, even though being propped up by your mentor mindphuk.
He'll probably chime in to rescue your puppy-ass. bongsmilie

Lol, typical.

Why are you guys debating someone who is only interested in contradiction? I've not seen brotherbuzz post one original thought, valid counterpoint, or much of anything except petty teasing. It's silly to take the time to offer reasonable debate to someone who is beyond approach. Don't you guys enjoy real challenge? Debating him is like shooting fish in a barrel.

*EDIT: he proves my point with the next two posts. Ask yourself, do these really inspire a reply?

Your bring a very valid point, that others have pointed out as well. To be honest, i see it this way: i left the other thread, because it was no longer on topic (the debate no longer had anything to do with knocking on doors). This thread, while it is exactly as you describe, it is at least still on topic (to some mild degree). And admittedly, I enjoy watching him make a fool of himself.

I suppose im a troll for his stupidity ;D
Are you gonna answer my posts now that your back? "Conveniently" miss them?
BB, your not actually addressing any of our posts with any sort of facts. Quoting the Bible is ridiculous, its mostly a book of fairy tales designed to guide ancient people to be good people, not to be quoted as historical fact. (Even Priests,Bishops or Cardinals will tell you this, and the Bible was put together by the Vatican, that is a fact).

Actually just answer me one question, do you genuinely believe every single word written in the Bible is ABSOLUTE fact? If not, what criteria do you apply to "pick and choose" whats true and false?

Please note none of the above is in any way aggressive, just questions, so insults arnt warranted.
". . . its mostly a book of fairy tales . . ."

How are the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Cambrian layer of our geologic column made up? These are "physical" and "tangible" pieces of evidence, from the mouths of Paleontologists. What part of this do you not understand? This is profound in itself.
How are the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Cambrian layer of our geologic column made up? These are "physical" and "tangible" pieces of evidence, from the mouths of Paleontologists. What part of this do you not understand? This is profound in itself.
Neither of these things prove the Bible, that assertion is a complete distortion of both the facts and reality.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were written hundreds of years after the fact, after being passed by word of mouth and are infact part of the Bible and not proof of it.

The Cambrian layer actually completly disproves the Bible which states God made all the species at the same time in 7 days (which is a human measurement by the way, why would a timeless being take 7 days?!). And actually the current calender measurements arnt even what they were back when the Bible was written!
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