Does Fox Farm Suck?


Well-Known Member
I didnt say anything about ph, guess your not geting what we are saying, ppm is diferent from ph
Was just trying to help peace
Cuz the ph is f'ed! I think you and a few of the others on here are ff employee! Thats how you get so many posts defending their bull shit!!1


so first of all before you talk some shit read what i said. i never said they dropped their organic-ness by 15%. ill say it again, the organic soil, being organic... with use of organic FF products dropped the final yield by 15%. so before you go smoking out your ass, check your literacy skills.

really it was that hard to understand. i thought it was a wide known fact that organics dont by any means get higher yields than synthetic systems. buddy if only you could convince the world of your thoughts. maybe then youd make a living at this.
hahaha. i love your thread title.

its all about what you like in the way of fertilizers. i hear good things from some but some say its organic-ness dropped their final weight by about 15% over the use of synthetics. theyre great if you like natural and organic, but you just have to figure out what you like.
Well thanks for the clarification, and I apologize, but jeeze dude you should know people who participate here like to get stoned... even if they do read as many words as they can. I thought you were stating that FF dropped the physical weight of the organic ingredients in their products by 15%; guess I was wrong. To be honest with you I guess I didn't try that hard to understand it. But, you have to understand that people have all kinds of paranoid assertions about FF for whatever reason.
You're right, organics probably does yield slightly less than a hydro set-up would; but yield isn't everything and organics certainly uses less fertilizer.

Cuz the ph is f'ed! I think you and a few of the others on here are ff employee! Thats how you get so many posts defending their bull shit!!1
Right. It couldn't possibly be that we know what we're going and have great results with it.
And BTW, I have said in the past that I think the way Fox Farm advertises some of their products is a bit deceptive. But the soil is wonderful.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Op, exactly how do you ph your water/nutes ?

I've found that many people ph their water and then add their nutes.
After dealing with a few problems myself, I found it was safer to add all of my nutes and then adjust the ph to their proper levels.
Fox farm even notes on their bottles that some may want to check their ph levels after adding some of their products before watering...

I've never used anything but "pro mix bx" and "the entire fox farm line of nutes" and the only problem I have ever had was "grower error".

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i think a lot of people are discounting the fact that we all use WIDEDLY varying water sources. i believe i "have to" use lime in my ffof because if i don't the ph is in the 4's come flower time. i have used ffof at another location years ago (different tap water, same nutes/soil) and did not have to use lime at all. whether it is due to different water supplies or a different soil recipe is really beside the point. "the point" is that i now use lime and have no issues at all, although i secretly suspect my tap water as the culprit.


Well-Known Member
i think a lot of people are discounting the fact that we all use WIDEDLY varying water sources. i believe i "have to" use lime in my ffof because if i don't the ph is in the 4's come flower time. i have used ffof at another location years ago (different tap water, same nutes/soil) and did not have to use lime at all. whether it is due to different water supplies or a different soil recipe is really beside the point. "the point" is that i now use lime and have no issues at all, although i secretly suspect my tap water as the culprit.
yup yup i use FFOF and i remember a few times when i would test the ph my last week it would be 7.0-7.3 and i never add water source was distilled and tap, i would kind of switch off one week tap one week distilled type a deal..another thing if you let your soil dry out a little to much then that cause your ph to jump from salt build up


Active Member
Well thanks for the clarification, and I apologize, but jeeze dude you should know people who participate here like to get stoned... even if they do read as many words as they can. I thought you were stating that FF dropped the physical weight of the organic ingredients in their products by 15%; guess I was wrong. To be honest with you I guess I didn't try that hard to understand it. But, you have to understand that people have all kinds of paranoid assertions about FF for whatever reason.
You're right, organics probably does yield slightly less than a hydro set-up would; but yield isn't everything and organics certainly uses less fertilizer.

Right. It couldn't possibly be that we know what we're going and have great results with it.
And BTW, I have said in the past that I think the way Fox Farm advertises some of their products is a bit deceptive. But the soil is wonderful.
if it hadnt been stated in the manner you stated it i wouldnt have been as agressive. i smoke my fair share too, but before i call someone out on something they said i make sure that i actually read what they said.

as far as organics... no everything isnt all about yield, but in the main scheme of growing for a collective or for patients you really wanna give them the most bang for their buck. i love the taste of organics but one thing i learned the hard way is that quality and quantity run hand in hand. if youre the best quality, youll get the most quantity you can.


Of course I read it... and more than once. The way it was worded suggested to me that you meant something else.