You Govt Hard at Work, Screwing You


New Member
They dont want us to make money off the land , that money is for them, we are to be slaves and dependent on them. There is so much stuff like this going on right now its ridiculous, just earlier someone posted on here about how they are taking over even gold panning lol


Undercover Mod
Why would we ever want to regulate our fisheries so not to deplete them. They are not a limitless source.


Well-Known Member
We have been using this method in Alaska for most of the last 15 years. Halibut IFQ, Crab IFQ, Sablefish, Prawn quotas, etc....

That's why we still have the best fisheries on the planet.

Regulation is the only way to reach sustainability!


Undercover Mod
I think we should fish until they are gone and when there are food shortages that will really help the price of all food.

jeff f

New Member
We have been using this method in Alaska for most of the last 15 years. Halibut IFQ, Crab IFQ, Sablefish, Prawn quotas, etc....

That's why we still have the best fisheries on the planet.

Regulation is the only way to reach sustainability!
not according the fishing industry in maine? your fishery is entirely different. maine has been managing this for hundreds of years and all the sudden it gonna be over.....somethings wrong.

not saying its take on fishing. my point is, your govt is purposely raising the cost of fish. thats the point. fishing is one sport that regulates itself. more fishing pressure less fish to catch less boats go out, less fish caught, fish recover, and the whole thing starts over. always has since the beginning of time in most cases.

this is not only stupid, but directly costing you more to eat. fuck these people HELPING ME, fuck them

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Jeff I think you need to look in the mirror when you accuse others of ignorance. Your partisan bullshit is the political/ecological equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. You can't see past your hatred of the Kenyan pretender.

jeff f

New Member
Jeff I think you need to look in the mirror when you accuse others of ignorance. You partisan bullshit is the political/ecological equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. You can't see past your hatred of the Kenyan pretender.
nice troll cock face or whatever your name is. unless you like your govt raising PURPOSELY the price of fish. i dont see where there function is to actively increase the price of groceries THEY had nothing to do with making.


Well-Known Member
fishing is one sport that regulates itself. more fishing pressure less fish to catch less boats go out, less fish caught, fish recover, and the whole thing starts over. always has since the beginning of time in most cases.
Let's examine your theory:
Chilean Sea Bass
Atlantic Cod
Bluefin Tuna

Should we continue to point out the many cases that your theory has failed on?

I broker halibut, salmon, crab, and shrimp occasionally for the Japanese. I'm willing to debate you on this topic.

I'm always open to learn. Please inform me of a fishery that is not regulated that has shown sustainability. By no longer being cost effective, do you mean that the fishery is wiped out?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Let's examine your theory:
Chilean Sea Bass
Atlantic Cod
Bluefin Tuna

Should we continue to point out the many cases that your theory has failed on?

I broker halibut, salmon, crab, and shrimp occasionally for the Japanese. I'm willing to debate you on this topic.

I'm always open to learn. Please inform me of a fishery that is not regulated that has shown sustainability. By no longer being cost effective, do you mean that the fishery is wiped out?
Girdweed, don't throw facts and truth into the mix. What's wrong with you? It's all about rhetoric and propaganda. :p

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Trout. We fish all the time and usually cook them on an open fire inside tin foil with butter, lemon and salt. Yummm!


Well-Known Member
Got some monster rainbows up here, I caught a 7 lb and a 12 lb in one day. I like the taste of the little brookies better, but walleye is WAY better than trout IMO. Beer battered with some miracle whip on the side MMMM.


Well-Known Member
We eat quite a bit of walleye during the annual trip to camp in northern Ontario. It's great for a freshwater fish!

jeff f

New Member
i am not debating that there should be limits. there should be. my point, as stoned as i was when i started it, was the attitude of the feds toward the fisherman and the cost of the product.

the greenpeace weenies want to price the fish so nobody can afford, therefor no need for fisherman. and the govt said we dont care if you go tits up, just tell us the effects.

most seafood trends in this area is for farm raised fish anyway, so fuck the fisherman......