Smoking Alone


Active Member
I used to like to smoke alone. Just because weed is expensive and I hated when people would just smoke up and not bust any out. Now I blaze with all my buddys even throw nugz to them free. Its amazing how much good things come right back to me. I see it as everything comes right back. You help a less fortunate good things will happen. Karma


Pickle Queen
I'm greedy with my weed, i always share if someone is around but i don't look to share with anyone, unless they usualy have their own, then i will call then so we smoke the best lmfao


Well-Known Member
I'm a lone wolf smoker myself. Wife isnt interested, my friends all drink. I'm the only pot head in my group.. & that's just fine.

I preffer to smoke alone. In my house. With my tv, my couch, my fridge etc. I dont think i've ever smoked with anyone. Maybe a hit here or there, but never like a sit together around the living romo & get stoned. Those are MY times & I really enjoy the quiet & the time to be alone & think.

NOt anti-social, married, 3 kids, great job & life but the pot part I keep all to my self.


Active Member
I smoke alone 90% of the time so when I get a chance to smoke with my buddies I jump on it.

But I enjoy spinning dubstep and smoking outta glass by myself

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
i like to smoke alone when i can. its just that i like to smoke at my own pace and usually im like a rasta with it, holding an un-lit blunt lighting it up as i feel.


Active Member
On the way to work or on the way home Is when I puff alone. I chamber joint on the way to work and one on the way home. I puff with my boss on the job, everyday.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy burning with my friends when they throw in a nug too or get me back with the next session...but overall, nothing is better than toking solo or with the cat. I stopped smoking with certain kinds of people alomg time ago; guys that dont pitch in, guys that hog all the smoke, guys that barely pitch in at all, or the worst was this dude that we would use his grinder to break the bud up, then he'd roll up but leave like half of the weed in the grinder for himself later on...fuckin shiesty called him out on it and the fucker lied about it and said he had a bunch in there before I added my nug! Plus he gets mid grade and I only get top shelf quality!!! So yeah, im kinda picky who I smoke with that's why I roll solo most of the time


Well-Known Member
On the way to work or on the way home Is when I puff alone. I chamber joint on the way to work and one on the way home. I puff with my boss on the job, everyday.
Fuck.. I am the boss. I should try that with the boys :) Actually, they would have NO idea I do this. I usually hit the old pipe at 4am in the morning when I get up. Enjoy a couple hours wake N Bake while watching Andromeda reruns :) or MASH. I usually hit the old pipe again on the way home.

What is Chamber Joint? Is that some sort of tube that holds the smoke??

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I love to smoke alone or with someone else. But, left alone I'll get up and do things, like... clean the house. lol.


Active Member
I usually smoke alone right now and I enjoy it a lot more than smoking with friends...but I still love smoking with friends when I can. I love being high on my own because I am able to relax and feel however much I want. When I smoke with other people I don't get as high because my friends don't smoke as much as I do, and I don't want to keep smoking them out just so I can get as high as I would like. I love the conversations that happen while smoking with others though, it's the most entertaining shit.


Well-Known Member
about 75% of my smoking is done alone. if i'm out and about i smoke just because it's there (more often than not i'm the one who brought it anyway). when i'm at home i smoke because i feel like it. when smoke on my own i usually have "plans" to occupy myself with. at a friend's house it's really just a social thing, i can take it or leave it, especially if it's not up to my standards. i really hate feeling obligated to smoke someone's brown weed just because it's polite. i also hate having to "explain myself" if i turn down a blunt. so what if i'm a weed snob? more for you, now stfu. that's what i have to say about that.
That's hoe I am too but here atkeast people I hang out with always have some dank weed


Well-Known Member
Anyone else here prefer smoking alone to doing it with others? Personally I love it. Not just because you're not swapping germs with multiple others, having to listen to people fight over what spot they get, the scumbags that never have money and always say they'll pay you back later when they never do... it's just so much more enjoyable for me to do it alone.

When I'm high it honestly frustrates me when I can't do my own thing. I don't like sitting around bullshitting with other people, I want to listen to my music, play games, read, etc. Of course if I only smoked alone, it would eventually get boring, but 8/10 times I will do it alone and I prefer it that way. Intellectual conversations are definitely fun when high, but it seems rare to find people that actually want to talk about something meaningful/interesting when high.

What do you guys prefer?

I like to get high and watch certain films by myself. Sometimes films require your complete attention and having a room full of stoners is not the way to go about it.


Active Member
I dunno, I don't like perpetual moochers and a-holes, but when I smoke alone, I get bored. Part of the fun (for me anyway) is being with a group of people who are also high. Being high and around sober people or being alone and high kinda sucks. Maybe you need new friends.


Well-Known Member
i usually smoke alone. who would i smoke with? it's not like i live in a dorm and a bunch of people are trying to get in on my stash. i have my own homegrown so it's not like i have to be all stingy with it but honestly, i have no one to smoke with. guess i am a lonely pathetic person. sort of a hermit and i enjoy it this way.


Well-Known Member
im basically a loner but from time to time when i or someone else got some green i'll puff with em, shit loners DO get lonely sometimes.


Well-Known Member
i dont kno if this is just me but sometimes it seems like you get higher when your round people but i usually smoke alone but that's because i am anti social sorta of

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
having to listen to people fight over what spot they get, the scumbags that never have money and always say they'll pay you back later when they never do
Don't take this the wrong way but it sounds like you need to find some new friends! Fighting over the spot? RUDE!

IDK, I usually smoke with The Spouse, but nearly everyone in our small circle of friends is a stoner. Alone is cool- I just need 1-3 hits to get a nice, mellow, light buzz going. If I'm in a meditative mood or need to chill out or take a nap I'll light one up.

Having more weed around the house and having become a more chillax person over the last 5 years has both resulted in and come about from smoking more weed. The Spouse certainly doesn't care if I burn one alone, as long as I don't hog all the Kandy Kush. :lol: That was his baby.

There's a time and place for both. Figuring out that time and place is up to the bag-holder.:blsmoke: