Do You Think? It's Wrong to Steal from Wal-Mart?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Statistics? I don't need stats to recognize what a childish, self center thief you are. YOu steal from my store in my state and you get Shot in the face. We have property rights in this country. We aren't Socialist yet so you have no right to confiscate my property in the name of the collective.

Friedrich Nietzsche is a pedophile and a moron.
Anyone who has declared someone else to be an idiot, a bad apple, is annoyed when it turns out in the end that he isn't.

~Friedrich Nietzsche


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to draw a single ounce of respect from you.
I also have no urge to grow up.
How about Fuck off?


Well-Known Member
If it isn't yours and you didn't work for it. Leave it the fuck alone! You say a company that would never notice it or miss it. Interesting, that's part of the reason for keeping track of the inventory. You steal something and everyone else has to pay higher prices. No . It is never okay to steal.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
If it isn't yours and you didn't work for it. Leave it the fuck alone! You say a company that would never notice it or miss it. Interesting, that's part of the reason for keeping track of the inventory. You steal something and everyone else has to pay higher prices. No . It is never okay to steal.
tell that to the Govt and everyone else who legally steals. I know the fuckin taxman dont have problem robbing me LOL


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has declared someone else to be an idiot, a bad apple, is annoyed when it turns out in the end that he isn't.

~Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche is the most contradictory and useless philosophers to ever exist. HOw he ever made it into the books is beyond me. He is meaningless and so are his ideas (according to his own logic). He's a sad twisted moron and died a decrepit, dickless madman.

I would quote someone else if I were. LOL

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Friedrich Nietzsche is the most contradictory and useless philosophers to ever exist. HOw he ever made it into the books is beyond me. He is meaningless and so are his ideas (according to his own logic). He's a sad twisted moron and died a decrepit, dickless madman.

I would quote someone else if I were. LOL
I'm sure you would quote someone else if you were.


Well-Known Member
I love people who just hate on people without having a reason. You say his writings are meaningless and contradictory? Please explain?


Well-Known Member
I love people who just hate on people without having a reason. You say his writings are meaningless and contradictory? Please explain?
Read his writings. He believes in nothing yet has existentialist beliefs. He's an existentialist nihilist which I find to be quite confounding. Everything leads into his perspectivist views that nothing has meaning and nothing is real yet we have true value we create. He's bonkers and only contrarians value him, not the objectivist minds. HIs logic is circular validating only its self.


Well-Known Member
I love people who just hate on people without having a reason. You say his writings are meaningless and contradictory? Please explain?
I don't hate on anyone. I just deplore those who have no regard for others rights. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
It would take me a long time to read his writings and reply with something on a scholar level.
I still remain skeptical of someone calling a mans life work bonkers.

He did alot in the value of truth right?


Well-Known Member
Anyways back to the OP. I agree with the other's that say "Not good", Stealing is wrong... No matter what! What comes around goes around", such as Karma!! If you think about it u just said you could have afforded the item. So that's just plain, stupid not to mention rude. As for the unfornuate people that can't afford food, etc, I can see that desperate times can cause u to do things u may not want too. And I feel bad for them. But no wonder u say u r rich... u don't pay for shit!!!LOL J/K


Well-Known Member
It would take me a long time to read his writings and reply with something on a scholar level.
I still remain skeptical of someone calling a mans life work bonkers.

He did alot in the value of truth right?
he had to figure out the criteria that confirmed his existance.
then there was the fashion of the day... and they didn't even have walmarts back then.
and shaving was a forray into possible self-mutilation.
and all the shoes were uncomfortable.
and bread was HELLA cheap.
tortilla had chickn is weren't party cuddlecakes notable if.


Well-Known Member
I guess you guys focused on the stealing part, I dislike thieves but I despise China and what they are doing to us with Wall mart.