And So The Hysterical Bullshit Starts Again

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
BOSTON (Reuters) – Two Muslim scholars headed to a conference on American fears of Islam were pulled from a morning flight on Friday, and were later told that the pilot had refused to fly with them aboard.

Masudur Rahman, a professor of Arabic at the University of Memphis, and Mohamed Zaghloul, Imam at the Islamic Association of Greater Memphis, were asked to deplane Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight 5452 from Memphis to Charlotte. They were subjected to additional security checks after the plane had pushed back from the gate, Rahman told Reuters by telephone.

After additional screening, the two men were cleared by Delta representatives to re-board the plane, but were then told the pilot would not take them, Rahman said.

Rahman said both men had been cleared for check-in and boarding by airline and Transportation Security Administration officials during normal pre-flight procedures.

According to a TSA spokesman, the decision to remove the two passengers was made by the airline.
Atlantic Southeast Airlines, a regional partner operating as a Delta Connection, apologized for any inconvenience caused, but offered no further explanation.

The flight "returned to the gate to allow for additional screening of a passenger and the passenger's companion. We take security and safety very seriously, and the event is currently under investigation," an airline statement said.

The two men were headed to a North American Imams conference where they were scheduled to lead prayers. This year's conference is discussing Islamophobia or fears of Islam and discrimination against American Muslims.

Since the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by U.S. forces in Pakistan last week, U.S. government officials have warned that al Qaeda may attempt retaliatory attacks.

Rahman said Delta officials told them it was not passengers who were uncomfortable with the men's presence, but the pilot.
Given the men had been cleared by security, the pilot may not understand Muslim culture, the Islam religion or how they typically dress with their body fully covered, said Rahman.

"People are losing freedom," he said of the incident, which he said happens to other Muslim men and women traveling together.
Rahman and Zaghloul arrived nine hours late to the conference, he said.


Well-Known Member
Given the men had been cleared by security, the pilot may not understand Muslim culture, the Islam religion or how they typically dress with their body fully covered, said Rahman.
That's because that is not his job. Given the times, he could have honestly been a little spooked but a lot of people are right now. Or mb he was just a plain old hater. You didn't give an opinion Carne. I won't assume. I'll let you tell your side, but me? I can't blame the pilot. Who wants to die that way? Shit I ain't affraid to die. But please God, let it not be at the hands of radical, Islamic terrorists. I'd rather get shot in a botched robbery.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My opinion was made in the title of this thread. It's complete bullshit. If the pilot can't trust the thorough screening process they had to endure then he needs to find another job. One devoid of people that are different.


Well-Known Member
That's because that is not his job. Given the times, he could have honestly been a little spooked but a lot of people are right now. Or mb he was just a plain old hater. You didn't give an opinion Carne. I won't assume. I'll let you tell your side, but me? I can't blame the pilot. Who wants to die that way? Shit I ain't affraid to die. But please God, let it not be at the hands of radical, Islamic terrorists. I'd rather get shot in a botched robbery.
what makes those guys more of a threat than anyone else on the plane? they had no weapons, they were checked a few times. actually, they were probably the SAFEST passengers on the plane because they were checked again. the white people on the plane technically were a larger threat, but the pilot was too blinded by stupidity to see that


Well-Known Member
Who says they were all white? And I'd rather be alive and blinded by stupidity then dead.
I actually take the train more than fly. You get to talk to people and take your shoes off and relax.
i didnt say they were all white. i just used them as an example because the pilot was most likely a white guy. as for your second point, being blinded by stupidity is what could have caused the pilots death in this decision. he let his emotions about race take control, and thought it was rational to be suspicious of those two men. as i explained, it wasnt rational at all. the pilot kicked off the two people on the plane who had gone through the most security, because they are a security threat. do you see the irony in that?

he sensed danger when he saw them, and those emotions overrode his 'logic'

edit: and i love trains too! ive only been on one once or twice though


Well-Known Member
The MSM has so many people so fucking scared, HAHAHA it just theater folks, you are 100 times more likely to get hit by lightning than ever have any kind of an encounter with terrorism.


Well-Known Member
I believe that pilot is not fit to do his job. rational thinking would've quickly determined that the scary devout muslims were no threat. he was unable to complete a rational assessment in his mind prior to take off. how the fuck is that man supposed to act rationally mid air when the hydraulics start to fail, or that day the aircraft decides to loose cabin pressure, or has landing gear issues.... the co-pilot could've taken control of the situation if he saw his captain was acting like an idiot....

let's see if somebody who can actually make a difference has the balls to condemn this discriminatory act.... i want to see the teabaggers reaction if the kenyan decides to speak up against discrimination against muslims first..... Dubya did multiple times.... one of the few positive things i can honestly say about the man.....

i wonder who that pilot voted for in 2008..... sorry, had to go there....


Well-Known Member
I believe that pilot is not fit to do his job. rational thinking would've quickly determined that the scary devout muslims were no threat. he was unable to complete a rational assessment in his mind prior to take off. how the fuck is that man supposed to act rationally mid air when the hydraulics start to fail, or that day the aircraft decides to loose cabin pressure, or has landing gear issues.... the co-pilot could've taken control of the situation if he saw his captain was acting like an idiot....

let's see if somebody who can actually make a difference has the balls to condemn this discriminatory act.... i want to see the teabaggers reaction if the kenyan decides to speak up against discrimination against muslims first..... Dubya did multiple times.... one of the few positive things i can honestly say about the man.....

i wonder who that pilot voted for in 2008..... sorry, had to go there....
i didnt even think about the pilot being so irrational, he couldnt save the plane in an emergency. i totally agree with you that he probably wouldve folded in half if the hydraulics went out haha. it shows that his emotions can easily take control of his prefrontal cortex. definitely not good for a pilot

jeff f

New Member
BOSTON (Reuters) – Two Muslim scholars headed to a conference on American fears of Islam were pulled from a morning flight on Friday, and were later told that the pilot had refused to fly with them aboard.

Masudur Rahman, a professor of Arabic at the University of Memphis, and Mohamed Zaghloul, Imam at the Islamic Association of Greater Memphis, were asked to deplane Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight 5452 from Memphis to Charlotte. They were subjected to additional security checks after the plane had pushed back from the gate, Rahman told Reuters by telephone.

After additional screening, the two men were cleared by Delta representatives to re-board the plane, but were then told the pilot would not take them, Rahman said.

Rahman said both men had been cleared for check-in and boarding by airline and Transportation Security Administration officials during normal pre-flight procedures.

According to a TSA spokesman, the decision to remove the two passengers was made by the airline.
Atlantic Southeast Airlines, a regional partner operating as a Delta Connection, apologized for any inconvenience caused, but offered no further explanation.

The flight "returned to the gate to allow for additional screening of a passenger and the passenger's companion. We take security and safety very seriously, and the event is currently under investigation," an airline statement said.

The two men were headed to a North American Imams conference where they were scheduled to lead prayers. This year's conference is discussing Islamophobia or fears of Islam and discrimination against American Muslims.

Since the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by U.S. forces in Pakistan last week, U.S. government officials have warned that al Qaeda may attempt retaliatory attacks.

Rahman said Delta officials told them it was not passengers who were uncomfortable with the men's presence, but the pilot.
Given the men had been cleared by security, the pilot may not understand Muslim culture, the Islam religion or how they typically dress with their body fully covered, said Rahman.

"People are losing freedom," he said of the incident, which he said happens to other Muslim men and women traveling together.
Rahman and Zaghloul arrived nine hours late to the conference, he said.

poor fellas were nine hours late for the prayer meeting with other cavemen who probably support terrorists too. pity.

meanwhile we are okay with patting down 6 year old girls. you guys crack me up.

by the way, my kids are not free to wear the tee shirt they want too PUBLIC school for fear it may be a bad influence on the other kids. but mr muslim is allowed to board PUBLIC transportation wearing an oversized bed sheet, a backpack, a towel on his head, and smelling like plastic explosives.....

allah achbar can suck my balls


Well-Known Member
poor fellas were nine hours late for the prayer meeting with other cavemen who probably support terrorists too. pity.

meanwhile we are okay with patting down 6 year old girls. you guys crack me up.

by the way, my kids are not free to wear the tee shirt they want too PUBLIC school for fear it may be a bad influence on the other kids. but mr muslim is allowed to board PUBLIC transportation wearing an oversized bed sheet, a backpack, a towel on his head, and smelling like plastic explosives.....

allah achbar can suck my balls
this is the type of attitude and obliviousness we have to work to get rid of.

you must've misread the report and missed the part where they triple screened these guys and determined they weren't a threat... i wonder how many times their balls were tapped...

your ignorance and stupidity seem to grow every day. WHAAAA.... support terrorists too... haha... scholars who teach at american universities does not mean terrorist. just b/c they're muslim they're automatically a terrorist to you....

S T U P I D.


Well-Known Member
funnily, i look sorta like an arab, unshaved. and looking like that and dissheveled to boot. (had malaria)
i was travelling, got stopped at 3 airports. dogs, bombsearch, everything.

and i look more like medevial renditions of jesus, than a proper arab. (with a beard and semilong hair)

shaved and well dressed i look more like prince william of england. (more handsome actually :D)
and i did not get the slightest attention from any male airport staff (well except from 2 friendly gay looking guys)
at 4 airports.

stoned as fuck and carrying 50 seeds.

jeff f

New Member
funnily, i look sorta like an arab, unshaved. and looking like that and dissheveled to boot. (had malaria)
i was travelling, got stopped at 3 airports. dogs, bombsearch, everything.

and i look more like medevial renditions of jesus, than a proper arab. (with a beard and semilong hair)

shaved and well dressed i look more like prince william of england. (more handsome actually :D)
and i did not get the slightest attention from any male airport staff (well except from 2 friendly gay looking guys)
at 4 airports.

stoned as fuck and carrying 50 seeds.

weird that when you looked like a terrorist, you got searched more? i take my hats off to all the security that gave you a second, third or forth look.

to date, prince william hasnt tried to blow anything up. ahmed on the other hand.....