Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
Nope fab the fucking idiots didn't take the memory card... Lumi we discussed that and that's why I need outta here...and I've considered kitty oh and the camera is back safe and sound in my pocket we are at a understanding now I'm still pissed!


Moderatrix of Journals
wait, so they took the time to take your memory card out before stealing your camera? brownie points much?


Well-Known Member
Haha no I was using it switching sd cards before they got here claimed to have thought was her phone lmao! I'm sure


New Member
well it was once she stole it
is this the same bitch u where storing her freezer full of food and she refused to pay something for the electricity
shit i would call her and put her shit on the curb

Haha no I was using it switching sd cards before they got here claimed to have thought was her phone lmao! I'm sure


Well-Known Member
What pisses me off the worst is I can't help but see the good in people and every time I give just the slightest trust this shit happens :wall:


Moderatrix of Journals
like i told u along time ago u need to look for the bad in them so u will know to stay away
sad but true, dear, my bestie is like you, and constantly getting screwed over by people. some of the best advice i've ever been given (and by one of my most respected people) was "hope for the best, prepare for the worst." and i think this applies to people as well as situations.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I normally don't leave that shit out but also was in a rush not thinking but you better believe I never even set it back down when I got it back haha its with me now :lol:


Well-Known Member
wow I hate thiefs! liars even more, but i'm happy u got it back
Me too oh well just won't give anyone the chance again lmao I'm straight rude if someone pops by unexpected you stay outside till I say so lol and most don't make it past the door :lol:


Pickle Queen
Yes we have alot of backyard guests, but i'm fussy about who comes in because of my girls, they are well hidden but some people are nosy!! and will ask what is behind that door, most let it go when i say nothing storage, but my nosy mother in law feels it's her right to open every door, cupboard, drawer hell pocket in the home her son lives in, trust me i will only humer her empty nest syndrome so long. She even tried moving my kitchen around, she feels it will be more functional ??? No putting the dishes in the cupboard above the dishwasher seem more "functional", and no i don't put my spices above the oven to dry out and clump.
Nosy people annoy me, i like my privacy
I dated this guy that had a crack head sister, she would steal all my stuff when she went potty, anything she could pocket, she even tried taking my birth control!!!
I snapped when i found her doing rails in my home, kicked her and her brother to the curb!!! Best was at christmas when she stole half a bottle of bubble bath from her sisters bathroom, wrapped it and gave it back to her, rflmao girl was messed bad

wow now that was a random rant!!!!!


New Member
might be a good ideal from now on to hide sd card incase it is took again and only install when using cam never can be to safe i say


New Member
i really am rolling on the floor laughing to that one

Yes we have alot of backyard guests, but i'm fussy about who comes in because of my girls, they are well hidden but some people are nosy!! and will ask what is behind that door, most let it go when i say nothing storage, but my nosy mother in law feels it's her right to open every door, cupboard, drawer hell pocket in the home her son lives in, trust me i will only humer her empty nest syndrome so long. She even tried moving my kitchen around, she feels it will be more functional ??? No putting the dishes in the cupboard above the dishwasher seem more "functional", and no i don't put my spices above the oven to dry out and clump.
Nosy people annoy me, i like my privacy
I dated this guy that had a crack head sister, she would steal all my stuff when she went potty, anything she could pocket, she even tried taking my birth control!!!
I snapped when i found her doing rails in my home, kicked her and her brother to the curb!!! Best was at christmas when she stole half a bottle of bubble bath from her sisters bathroom, wrapped it and gave it back to her, rflmao girl was messed bad

wow now that was a random rant!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lmao well I you certainly are in the right place for random! I can't stand people touching my shit! Sis always tries to move my stuff tells me well if you move this here it will be better just moves my furniture?! Tries to close shit in I hate it! How's it going tonight btw april?


Pickle Queen
i really am rolling on the floor laughing to that one
No priceless was when said crack head used her twin sisters id when she was arrested for possession, she was released on a promise to appear,the good twin was not so happy when the cops came to arrest her for missing her sisters court date lol, seriously these girls where identical, well one was a crack whore the other not so much, but she had to prove it was not here by showing her time card and her boss backed her up


New Member
i love a good ramble and when u guys r on it is a good ramble
i hate for anyone to move my stuff then i cant find shit

Lmao well I you certainly are in the right place for random! I can't stand people touching my shit! Sis always tries to move my stuff tells me well if you move this here it will be better just moves my furniture?! Tries to close shit in I hate it! How's it going tonight btw april?
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