i just discovered i might have some bugs in my soil how can i get rid of them? is there any organtic bug killer i can use...please help ++++reps if it works
WHAT???? Did you just say finely crushed glass??? I am speechless...... I really don't know how to respond to that. Do I ask for clarification, where you learned such a technique or request the link to where it came from? At this point I am thinking any one of those would suffice at this moment. This is such a classic I am putting that line in my signature.there are organic and non organic pesticides out there. if the bugs are breeding in your soil (laying eggs) i'd use some sort of pesticide to ensure the problem will be under control. If you are just seeing them there, layer the top of your soil with rocks or sand. Finely crushed glass also works well because it slices the bugs open as they try to live on the soil.
Well thanks, I will be here all week make sure to tip the waiters and waitresses well.Hehe, Sparkafire, some of your replies make me laugh. I was as surprised as you about the glass tip so I checked Google and although there was hardly any info on on it I did find the below link, still sounds bizzare though.
It says....
''Crushed Glass – This type of mulch is not nearly as dangerous as it may sound. Crushed glass has become more popular as container gardeners discover their colors and high aesthetic value. Crushed glass offers superlative drainage and also helps to keep away pesky insects and bugs, as well as offering a more modern look.''
Yep I did the google ( thanks for the help big guy )and learned all about diatomeaceous and it does have some unique bug repellant properties I would like to hear from someone that has used it to verify the legitimacy of it. I find it would be a hard stretch to go from a mined mineral to ground up glass, anyway he works at hydroponic store so he knows what he is talking about. And I will let you deal with your stomach problems on another forum.There is some product that cuts tiny bugs but i think it is diatomeaceous earth and not cut glass. Hey sparkfire if you havent heard of this stuff you should google it yourself as i am not posting a link!! Think that this is what dan2581 is on about! It cuts bugs and ants etc etc up pretty good and eventually kills them, yes this stuff will work great in container pots if you think you have bug problems but be carefull with the stuff i think. Also used to remove tapeworm from inside you! Yuck!!
Danger? my middle name is danger that's why crushed glass is so appealing.Instead of glass try go gnats does the same thing you claim your crushed glass to do without the danger
Sorry man, Stick around Dan the Hydrostore man will have more funny and useless remedies to spew to unsuspecting high school kids soon enough.LMAO!! You beat me to it!!
No man he just works at a hydroponic store so he knows how to grow dank.had to be high to write that LOL