Light Burn?


Active Member
Can some one make the images small...I just water the plants like 2 hrs ago with Ph water. The lights are on a light mover and the light about 5 inches away.


How big is your light? Unless you have recently moved the light away i would say no thats not light burn as the newest growth looks fine, may have been a PH issue, really not sure, but don't think that it was your light.
If someone could tell us all how to avoid these giant pics it would be great...... I don't have a clue how to make them smaller


Well-Known Member
they do look bad. more info is needed. how old are there plants. what is the medium and size of container, what food have they been given. I wouldn't think this is light burn (you didn't say what light). but it's recommended to take the light a bit more distant when plants are suffering.


Well-Known Member
also, when taking pictures from a cellphone, always cut & paste the picture to a new file ('untitled') to avoid geo-tagging.


That will get rid of the geo tag? what about the rest of the info in the pic, is that still there? I have heard about cleaning the pictures before, i don't stress as my old Canon doesn't give much info, but one day i will have an A55 or A77 and i will care.
Sorry to steal the thread!


Well-Known Member
Yo poster.... your phone is trying to give away your location.... I found this info embedded in your pictures..... from your Nexus camera....

# GPS Version ID {0x00} = 0x02,0x03,0x00,0x00
# GPS Time Stamp / UTC Time {0x07} = 14/1,55/1,6/1 [hours, minutes, seconds] ===> 14h 55m 6s
# GPS Date Stamp {0x1D} = 2011:05:07 UTC


Well-Known Member
That will get rid of the geo tag? what about the rest of the info in the pic, is that still there? I have heard about cleaning the pictures before, i don't stress as my old Canon doesn't give much info, but one day i will have an A55 or A77 and i will care.
Sorry to steal the thread!
I believe so. But it sounds like Serapis is more qualified to answer that.


Active Member
All my setting are off on my phone how can that be? I'm using envy nuts with calmag. 2 1000w on a light rail. 3 gal bags feeding them about 1 gal Ph water every 5-7 days. Nutes every other watering. There on frogs soil. There about 2 months old


5 inches is too close for a 1000 watt, i would move it back to closer to 8-12", you will still get plenty of light. I would watch the new growth, at this point it looks solid, if it gets damaged then it may be time to make some changes, but i would move the lights away a bit, i won't claim the 36 inches that a lot of people say, it can be done in under a foot, but 5 inches is too close.