How Many Here Dont Smoke Pot?


Well-Known Member
I would guess not to many. While this is an informational site it's also a hey look what I can do site. Maybe a caregiver just starting out or someone's who thinking of growing medicinally may pop in for advice. I'm thinking about 85% of us here are smokers.


Well-Known Member
Come on.......... can't I find anybody that doesn't smoke that hippy shit? There has to be someone on here with half a brain.


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke nor do I grow it.

I'm here mainly for entertainment purposes only.

thanks for asking though.. appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
There are many here with half a brain. Maybe you should look at yourself first. ;)
YOu know I am just kidding.... I am just trying to get others to respond. If I could smoke I would, but instead I grow for my wife.


Yup. Non smoker here. Wifey smokes the shit out of it tho. I had to give it up for my job. Bitch of it is I am new to growing. Hard for me to get a feel for the potency of my crop. Been quitted for a year now after being a 24/7 stoner for 20 years. One day I will be back.


Active Member
Half a brain? I have met and spoken to people on riu that not only have more than half a brain but retain more knowledge than you can ever gain or forget. I don't think this is a place for you , frankly if you are going to come to a place where we conversate and share simply to insult us well then maybe my friend you should FUCK OFF!


Well-Known Member
Half a brain? I have met and spoken to people on riu that not only have more than half a brain but retain more knowledge than you can ever gain or forget. I don't think this is a place for you , frankly if you are going to come to a place where we conversate and share simply to insult us well then maybe my friend you should FUCK OFF!
Reading this post and watching your avatar is very amusing.


Well-Known Member
Half a brain? I have met and spoken to people on riu that not only have more than half a brain but retain more knowledge than you can ever gain or forget. I don't think this is a place for you , frankly if you are going to come to a place where we conversate and share simply to insult us well then maybe my friend you should FUCK OFF!
Take it easy..... It was a joke I was just gaoting people into responding. Looks like it works. WE should relax and smoke a bowl.
havent touched the stuff.

I also belong to a jeep webite but I dont own a jeep either.

I also look at porn but dont crank one off regularly.
I live next to Lake Michigan but dont swim.
I have a dog but never walk him


Well-Known Member
Damn to be that dumb you really must be a pig!
Don't go around insulting people unless you want to start a war
This thread is in good fun...... Relax. Do you think I would spend the amount of time I do on here if I thought smokers were stupid. Would I have a grow in my sig? I am looking for folk like me who, for what ever reason, can't/don't smoke that hippy shit.