espect for even trying dex!
for the record things like flir CAN "see through walls" by generating an image directly reflecting something that is on the other side of an opaque surface...
it works by determining and then showing temperature variations: AKA this is the thing mounted on drones, planes, helicopters that is used to determine that a structure is being used as a growspace by establishing the heat signature of houses and buildings during various times of the day and night and then comparing the relative heat inside the structure with outside and or other similar structures...
this technology used to be used for strictly military needs, but with the growing "war on terror/drugs/people/citizens/civil rights" it has found major cachet with the various agencies tasked with carrying out such "WARS" and while it has been used with devastating effect on the battlefields of the world (finding snipers, enemy command and control centers ect) it has been less effective in fighting the drug war, though using it domestically (in america that is) has sky-rocketed since it has been available (approximately the past 15 years) it has not been seen as the end all-be all weapon against drugs it has been trumpeted as...
increases in computing power and technology have brought down the price as well as raised the usability of this technology in recent years, thus making it more attractive to domestic governmental consumers...
several civil rights groups have successfully mounted protests against the use of flir without warrants as well as "by-product" raids (eg, the electric company mounts it on a chopper, circles a major metropolitan area, and reports to the leo's any buildings which appear to be "hotter" than they should be)...
in most jurisdictions the use of flir is restricted to targeting one specific building and is authorized after the agency in question has attained a certified search warrant (kind of how wiretaps used to be used in the pre-9/11 days)...
if you weren't afraid of learning: doc111, five minutes on the interwebz could have shown you that your statement is, in fact, verifiably false...
sorry to burst your bubble...
as always i respect the diversity of opinion on this wonderful site, however am compelled to stand up when people spread falsehoods about easily checked facts...