Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Stoney, I'm a profesional chef, I think the SPAWR needs delicious stoner food on deck at all times, you let me know when and me and my lady will pack up and move out there!

But seriously, my dream is to retire one day and own/host a B&B, a 420 friendly B& my dream for about 15 years now. (since I was 12!)
Perfect!!! i needed a chef... well really an entire kitchen crew. every dish will contain cannabis! that is a perfect fit.... I've would love to start a new business that could blow up that huge!!! I would retire all of my friends!!! and any RIU user would get a free stay!!!! wow, this NYPD is some damn good stuff!!!!


Well-Known Member
Perfect!!! i needed a chef... well really an entire kitchen crew. every dish will contain cannabis! that is a perfect fit.... I've would love to start a new business that could blow up that huge!!! I would retire all of my friends!!! and any RIU user would get a free stay!!!! wow, this NYPD is some damn good stuff!!!!
wow ur whole staff is right here. my wife works in a kitchen. she used to work for a gourmet chef and i am a lawn care professional. plus i can do a lot of other things as well. and between all of us we can produce the finest smoke available and keep the rooms full till we have to add more. lol

great harvest. think i would like to get some of that nypd. great harvest as usual, and pics are3 great. i rotate my plants like u do so i gues im doing somthin right lol. again great harvest bro.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member

What can I say that hasn't been said on this or one of your previous harvests...Shitty looking weed, you should be ashamed of yourself and just gather up all your grow equipment to throw away. As a matter of fact, you should throw away all your plants my garbage can. Make sure not to be too rough, er, cause they need to be preserved as the ugly things they are. No? Ok ok, so another successful harvest in the bucket for this like on-the-job training for you? Haha, with a little capital and a good location, I think you could make a living outta

P.S.-Beautiful plant!

metas right! Horrible.if it doesnt all fit in his can,stoney ill do dump run for ya! Free of charge!!!


Well-Known Member
looks great as always man!! and wow.... yeaaur roots werent bound up at all.. my roots always seem to build up at the bottom... even wen i transplant it from my smaller container.. the roots are everywhere. maybe its from the soil i use? the Miracle Grow soil. check out the pics from my other sensi star clone.... it was in a party cup (12 ounces) only for about 4 weeks... look at these roots.

Roots from the Sensi Star 2.jpgRoots from Sensi Star.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice stoney! Good pix too brother!i dont think i commented on that last nite! Cupl beers& some good weed!
Thanks KMK!!! I know how it can get when your toasted and surfin!!!

wow ur whole staff is right here. my wife works in a kitchen. she used to work for a gourmet chef and i am a lawn care professional. plus i can do a lot of other things as well. and between all of us we can produce the finest smoke available and keep the rooms full till we have to add more. lol

great harvest. think i would like to get some of that nypd. great harvest as usual, and pics are3 great. i rotate my plants like u do so i gues im doing somthin right lol. again great harvest bro.
I think we are on to something here!!!!!!! I will definitely be posting a smoke report of the NYPD when i sample it next week!!!! and yea, it is very good to rotate your plants around often. It keeps things even.

I can't believe I haven't subbed into this! I swear I did... Maybe I was just high and got all confused by the weekly bud porn. :D
aaahhh the bud porn will get ya every time!!! good to have ya here!!! take some rep with ya to!

metas right! Horrible.if it doesnt all fit in his can,stoney ill do dump run for ya! Free of charge!!!
you guys are sooo nice!!! here i thought i would have a hard time getting rid of all my grow stuff!!!! just because you guys are so nice i will throw in my jars of cured buds to!!!! HAHAHAHA

looks great as always man!! and wow.... yeaaur roots werent bound up at all.. my roots always seem to build up at the bottom... even wen i transplant it from my smaller container.. the roots are everywhere. maybe its from the soil i use? the Miracle Grow soil. check out the pics from my other sensi star clone.... it was in a party cup (12 ounces) only for about 4 weeks... look at these roots.

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I'm not sure how much this has to do with it, but I have been using the "wider" style containers. roots like to grow out not down. I was going to try and find even wider ones but I think these are doing just fine. I start my rooted clones in a small 12-20 ounce container then i only transplant one time into the finished container. when i first transplant, my roots look as bound as your's do. I also snip the bottom corner of the roots before transplant. i learned this from Cervantes.


Well-Known Member
just to clear this up in my stoned mind, you cut away the bottom of the rootball where it winds around the bottom? thnks stoney.


Well-Known Member
just to clear this up in my stoned mind, you cut away the bottom of the rootball where it winds around the bottom? thnks stoney.
yea, just little slits on an angle about 1 inch or less deep. I'll use CHB's photo since it is a perfect model... just snip the corners with the tip of the scissors (make sure they are sterile). here is a photo of where i would cut them.



Well-Known Member
excellent. thanks for taking the time to shiow me stoney. now it mkes sense in my stond mind lol. now lets burn a blueberry .

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
yea man, the thread got big quick!! Thanks dude but I don't think my setup is near perfect yet but it's working for me for the time being.... I have not made any butter yet but i want to soon. I am also gonna buy bubble bags soon to. I have made honey oil last summer but i don't like the IPA deal. i like organics not chemicals.

My rotation never really got all summed up in any one place on the thread... so no time like the present.. I'll explain it backward from harvest to cliping... I feel i can make sense of it better that way.

Every time I take a plant out of the flower box for a harvest, I put a new plant in the flower box. I usually move all the plants around in the flower box so the next one to be harvested is directly under the led in the center. i won't have to worry about this once I get my new light. so back to the new plant... take one out, put one in... I choose the plant that goes in the flower box by simply choosing the biggest one in veg!

A week or two before I put a vegging plant into the flower box, I lollipop her and cut all of her lower branches off. they don't get much light anyway and those tiny buds suck to trim every week! so I cut it all off and let the bud production concentrate on the top buds.

all these branches that I cut off I then use to make clones with. the upside of my method is, I don't have to keep moms and use valuable space to keep a large plants growing all the time...... downside is I take a big risk in losing the strain if the clone doesn't take or the plant dies... let's hope that doesn't happen anytime soon!!! I like to always have three plants at different sizes of each strain vegging at any given time.

I have recently "slimmed" down my strain count to NYPD, wonder woman, and blueberry. I am letting the bubblelicious go and also the AK47, and the lemon lime is not in the rotation anymore. I have two more bubblegum and lemon lime seeds and I have four close friends that always grow the AK. right now I am clearing out some room for new seeds i just ordered this week.

I hope i covered everything... I try to keep it as simple as i can, this way I can't make to many mistakes.
Thank you! exactly the kind of rotation I want to use but maybe four in and four out. glad to know its working so well for you. now i'll have less worries about trying it.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
what up stoney, to messed up right now to read back to see what i missed lately, but im sure its going good, LoL. stoney dog is running sat night in the puppy stakes, check it out if you can, races 4,6,8,10. grow on bro!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks KMK!!! I know how it can get when your toasted and surfin!!!

I think we are on to something here!!!!!!! I will definitely be posting a smoke report of the NYPD when i sample it next week!!!! and yea, it is very good to rotate your plants around often. It keeps things even.

aaahhh the bud porn will get ya every time!!! good to have ya here!!! take some rep with ya to!

you guys are sooo nice!!! here i thought i would have a hard time getting rid of all my grow stuff!!!! just because you guys are so nice i will throw in my jars of cured buds to!!!! HAHAHAHA

I'm not sure how much this has to do with it, but I have been using the "wider" style containers. roots like to grow out not down. I was going to try and find even wider ones but I think these are doing just fine. I start my rooted clones in a small 12-20 ounce container then i only transplant one time into the finished container. when i first transplant, my roots look as bound as your's do. I also snip the bottom corner of the roots before transplant. i learned this from Cervantes.
i also snip the corners of the roots at the bottom. =) i 4get where i learned that. it works good thos. promotes new root growth. and im sure the size of the container has alot to do with it


Well-Known Member
excellent. thanks for taking the time to shiow me stoney. now it mkes sense in my stond mind lol. now lets burn a blueberry .
sure thing bro!! I only snip them if they are bound up like that. If they look normal and happy I don't cut them at all. when they are bound up and i cut them, I feel they can reach for the new soil quicker.

Thank you! exactly the kind of rotation I want to use but maybe four in and four out. glad to know its working so well for you. now i'll have less worries about trying it.
The way I got started was I had grown a lot of vegging plants. more than I ever needed... and i waited till the veg box was ready to burst. then i started putting them in the flower box at the spaced intervals i wanted to harvest. the very first time i put three in at once... some plants finish before others and it is rare that they would all be ready at the same time.

Lol, at the kitchen staff comment. when I was 17 I was a sushi/hibachi chef.
I'm less than an hour to the ocean and I love seafood!!

what up stoney, to messed up right now to read back to see what i missed lately, but im sure its going good, LoL. stoney dog is running sat night in the puppy stakes, check it out if you can, races 4,6,8,10. grow on bro!!
hahaha I was pretty wasted myself last night!! read your comments and couldn't even reply!!!! but if your interested dude, check out pages 115 &116 for my first NYPD harvest. the shit is drying fast to! i hope it isn't harsh all.... i don't why I am worried. my shit always tastes great!! I am gonna be around tonight so i will be checking out Stoney in the races!!!!!! good luck tonight!!!!! i saw them the other night and you guys hit the boards almost every race!!!!

i also snip the corners of the roots at the bottom. =) i 4get where i learned that. it works good thos. promotes new root growth. and im sure the size of the container has alot to do with it
It really keeps things growing! i feel it slows down the top growth just a tad but the reward is worth every waiting minute!!!

sweet i love the hibachi. we go to one in grand rapids 1ce a year. lots fun.
There is one near me that I also hit up about once a year!! fancy choppin', funny jokes, big flames, and flinging food into your mouth from across the room!!!! you said it.. fun stuff!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how much this has to do with it, but I have been using the "wider" style containers. roots like to grow out not down. I was going to try and find even wider ones but I think these are doing just fine. I start my rooted clones in a small 12-20 ounce container then i only transplant one time into the finished container. when i first transplant, my roots look as bound as your's do. I also snip the bottom corner of the roots before transplant. i learned this from Cervantes.
I know you've posted pictures of your setup before, but is there anyway you could do that again? There's soo many pages to your thread :P

How many plants do you have flowering again?

What do you mean you snip the "bottom corner" of the roots?


Well-Known Member
I know you've posted pictures of your setup before, but is there anyway you could do that again? There's soo many pages to your thread :P

How many plants do you have flowering again?

What do you mean you snip the "bottom corner" of the roots?
I grow in two identical looking steel cabinets with sliding wood doors. They are 35" x 35" x 49" tall. I have painted the insides all chrome and have Styrofoam on the bottom to keep warmth in. Each cabinet has a 6" in line fan for exhaust. and i have multiple fans inside to blow the fresh air around. there are photos of these cabinets on page 1 of this thread to give you a visual of what I am saying. Currently I am using the same lighting and soil as I have posted on the first page also. Next week I will get my new light and i will be updating the setup and comparing the two lights. I will do a very detailed report on that so keep an eye out late next week.

as for flowering, I currently have five plants in flower. A wonder woman, an AK-47, a blueberry, an NYPD, and a bubblelicious. I would like to have at least eight in there, I will be putting another one in tonight(wonder woman) and maybe another early next week. that will get me up to seven. then I'll take one out late next week and try to put two more in. That should get me to eight plants in flower by next weekend.... i hope!!!

and as far as the snipping the corners... just simply snip the lines in red (photo below) about 1/2"- 1" deep. then set in the new container with soil, add water, show some love, and give her some light!!!!

Thank you Chris for using your photo one more time......


Well-Known Member
I have been keeping an eye on my wonder woman that i put the helmet on.... I'm not liking the way she is looking, so I have removed it. I'm not giving up on the idea just yet.... I feel this wasn't the right plant to benefit the full amount of potential and also i feel I installed it to late in the plants life. Here is a before and after photo. also here is a pic of her twin sister that i just lollipop'd and took three cuttings from for clones. She will going in the flower box in about 30 minutes when the lights come on. BTW... I don't like that my lights come on so late at night so I am going to start slowly moving it earlier.

With the helmet....

and without.....

and here is the 17" WW that is all prepped and ready for her first night.



Active Member
She looks so releived to be outta that hat. Like you said probably too late in her life. But maybe a new cutting can benefit from it! Good luck Stoney!! Both ladies look very healthy!!