Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Well-Known Member
Edit: You is meant to interpreted generally, not singling anyone out.

If you believe he's a troll, then he's doing a great job because he's pissing you the fuck off. Calm down man, it's pointless. He's obviously given up on converting people a while ago. The fact of the matter is, he's making egregious claims solely to make you respond with hostility. While he "plays it cool."
Normally this would just be a lame face to face argument tactic, but on paper it holds far more weight.
You see, by associating your anger with your arguments, even a high school-er could argue that you are being irrational and highly emotional. While brothabuzz keeps his cool and comes of as logical and keeps his emotions detached from argument. However, he is simply feeding off of your emotions by expecting your next move and further pissing you off. If this argument were a game of chess, he would be slowly wiping out your pawns.
Don't fight back with anger fight back with evidence.

This doesn't really have too much to do with the bible, but an interesting point: Most fundamentalist Christians believe that Jesus was white. You'll notice that most portraits and pictures of Jesus to this day depict a white Jesus. The funny thing about that is there were no native White people in Bethlehem at Jesus' birth. You had some Romans who conquered the lands, they weren't natives, and most certainly were not Jewish. Jesus was actually most likely black or middle eastern in appearance. Since the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt for a fair amount of years, the Egyptian men most probably had intercourse with the Jewish women at the time. After a fair amount of breeding, and killing off of Jewish males, the resulting offspring probably looked pretty similar to a modern day black or middle eastern man. Fun fact I guess.
Trust me, this isnt lost on me ;D
Truth be told, my post will reflect a different mood depending completely on what time of day and how high i may be. But in the end, really i just wanted to stoop to the level he has been for a while.
We've been providing evidence since page once =D

And great point on the ethnicity of jesus, it is often overlooked.


Well-Known Member
What you have to do is use your intellect. For example, the Dead Sea scrolls were found in the 1940's, which chronicles many books of the bible. Some of these books date back to 300 B.C. That's damn now near the beginning of recorded human history and yet there were to discrepancies when compared with today’s Scriptures. Do you understand the implications of this? :bigjoint:
LOL you're funny


Active Member
I'm talking about major transitions between different classes like reptile to bird, amphibian to reptile, reptile to mammal. Those are the transitions that we have shown you. Now you cut and paste a comment that says that those don't exist? Please. You won't even explain why you think the examples I gave are not transitions. You won't because you can't.

"There is no evidence in the fossil record of one kind of creature becoming another kind. No transitional links or intermediate forms between various kinds of creatures have ever been found." For example, "the evolutionist claims that it took perhaps fifty million years for a fish to evolve into an amphibian. But, again, there are no transitional forms. For example, not a single fossil with part fins...part feet has been found. And this is true between every major plant and animal kind."

"Nowhere do we see animals with partially evolved legs, eyes, brains, or various other tissues, organs, and biological structures."

"If continuous evolution is a universal law of nature, as the evolutionist claims, then there should be an abundance of evidences of continuity and transition between all the kinds of organisms involved in the process, both in the present world and in the fossil record. Instead we find great gaps between all the basic kinds, and essentially the same gaps in the fossil record that exist in the modern world."

There are no links of plant to animal, fish to amphibian, amphibian to reptile, reptile to birds and mammals. There are no links whatsoever.

"All of the present orders, classes, and phyla appear quite suddenly in the fossil record, without indications of the evolving lines from which they developed. The same is largely true even for most families and genera. There are literally an innumerable host of `missing links' in the record."

Case closed.


King Tut
This is found where, at Wikipedia 5:2 Give me a break. :blsmoke:
Faith(per Oxford English Dictionary)

<LI id=m_en_us1246069.001 class="sense sense-type-core scrollerBlock">1 complete trust or confidence in someone or something:this restores one's faith in politicians
<LI id=m_en_us1246069.002 class="sense sense-type-core scrollerBlock">2 strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
<LI class="subSense scrollerBlock">a system of religious belief:the Christian faith
<LI class="subSense scrollerBlock">a strongly held belief or theory:the faith that life will expand until it fills the universe

i used the shorter, dumbed down version for your ease of reference. Still says the same thing in more words.

Try again.


Well-Known Member
"Nowhere do we see animals with partially evolved legs, eyes, brains, or various other tissues, organs, and biological structures."

Case closed.
absolute nonsense you need look no further than your garden to find examples.

find a flightless beetle any one will do now you will notice its back is one solid shell no? wouldnt the formed wings underneath of it be proof of transition?

of the snakes that still have traces of hind limbs?

are these not transitions from one state to another?
or are they mistakes that god has tried to cover up?


Well-Known Member
No matter how much explaining anyone does, this troll will keep denying it because that's what trolls do. He knows your right, he sees the evidence, he's just denying it to get all of you to keep posting so he can keep trolling.

Stop posting in this thread guys, it's nothing more than a waste of your time.


BB, hope you realize by trolling you're doing much more harm to your cause than any of the people destroying your fairy tale creation ever could, so congratulations on being ignorant to yet another piece of information that could be useful to your life. When your voice starts changing and that acne comes in, just remember, that's just your body TRANSITIONING into adulthood, asshat.


Well-Known Member
This is found where, at Wikipedia 5:2 Give me a break. :blsmoke:
Lol, and now he dismisses Wikipedia as if it has no basis in fact either. I got news for you buddy, if your book had 1/1000th the amount of facts as Wikipedia, we would have never had this argument to begin with.

Oh, and the multiple books all intentionally left out from the bible because they didnt 'fit', according to some. Id love a more detailed and thought out explanation on EACH ONE if you would like to provide them. History Channel and the internet has already told me why, but id love to hear YOUR version.



Active Member
of the snakes that still have traces of hind limbs? Are these not transitions from one state to another?
If what you say is even remotely close to the truth, such "creatures" would have died and left a fossil record of its transition. What's so fucking hard about that blondy?


Active Member
Lol, and now he dismisses Wikipedia as if it has no basis in fact either. I got news for you buddy, if your book had 1/1000th the amount of facts as Wikipedia, we would have never had this argument to begin with.
Dude, did you realize that Wikipedia could be added to by anyone? That doesn't sound very authoritative to me.

You must be a puppy. LOL


Well-Known Member
Dude, did you realize that Wikipedia could be added to by anyone? That doesn't sound very authoritative to me.

You must be a puppy. LOL
Actually its what they call 'peer edited' and has moderators. Now please, point out one place in your book, where someone can find something that is factually incorrect, and fix it? Oh wait.....

Your argument against Wikipedia is as flawed as any of your arguments. For every 1 person that is out there trying to add false info to Wiki, there are 100 that are out trying find and fix it. You lose.

Also, still waiting on explanations of those banned books, fool.


Well-Known Member
All insults and fallacies, no valid argument at all. You are quite possibly the worst religious debater i have ever met BB. Better take an extra class at sunday school this weekend.


Active Member
Organic matter decays Buz. Small bones too. Keep trying.
Sir, you should leave this subject to paleontologist, because you clearly don't know what you&#8217;re talking about. These scientists have found not only small and large fossils (bones), but fully entomb animals, reptiles, mammals etc. Are you fucking kidding me?


King Tut
Sir, you should leave this subject to paleontologist, because you clearly don't know what you&#8217;re talking about. These scientists have found not only small and large fossils (bones), but fully entomb animals, reptiles, mammals etc. Are you fucking kidding me?
Some of 'em anyhow. Go look at an 1800's cemetary and tell me how many intact skeletons you find. And THEY were somewhat protected from the natural elements.
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