How do brownies feel?


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strength, but I stay away from that stuff these days. I'm a lightweight, and not ashamed of it. Smoking, I can gauge how I feel as I go... edibles, you eat it and wait to see if it was too much. Last time I ate too much it almost felt a bit like an acid trip. Speaking of which... I took a hit of acid and went to school once. Pretty crazy experience. I wound up leaving early. Turns out school isn't the best place for that. :)
eh im not too much of a lightweight so i think i should be fine


Well-Known Member
haha despite your attempts to make me go cut my wrists, i like you. entertainment value is high in you


Well-Known Member
eh im like whatever, whats the point of hiding it??? its being real... fuck what people say


Well-Known Member
Lol if your scared about being high in school you gotta try some stuff I've done shrooms 5 times in school this year gotten drunk right before once and I am dropping a tab tomorrow towards the end of school Shit I go to school high almost everyday


Well-Known Member
ive smoked before school before and know how to deal, just never had a brownie before and i dont want to be completely just thrashed


Well-Known Member
ive smoked before school before and know how to deal, just never had a brownie before and i dont want to be completely just thrashed
I ate 3 brownies 3rd period last Wednesday I think its fine unless you can't handle yourself