What about the second amendment then? if the law is to be interpreted as written then shouldn't that apply to everyone and be held above all else?? and if what you quoted is true then what about the removal of the 10 commandments at public places and the removal of in god we trust from quarters or how they stopped the pledge of allegance in schools? isn't that preventing religous freedom?
im not sure about the first part, but ill comment on the rest. those 10 commandments were in public places, ie. probably government property. would you be okay with giant stars of david or crescent moons on every street? if it happens in one spot, it can happen everywhere. it would only be a matter of time before there would crosses everywhere. i see enough of that garbage on a daily basis.
as for the in god we trust on quarters... not all of us believe in god. therefore it was not a statement that we all believe in.
pledge of allegiance... i dont know of any school that took out the pledge. but i have heard of them battling over 'under god'. i personally dont think it should be in there, since it was only added in the 50s as part of a political thing. its a perfect example of, like previously stated, religion getting into the system and staying in. once those crosses start showing up, they just keep coming and dont go away. eventually we become what looks like a christian nation. obviously muslims, jews, and atheists wont like this very much. this is why we should not allow the government to endorse religion