Can Your Grow be Found Using Google? Read This


Well-Known Member
The other day i was thinking this guy that lived in our house before us who is now our neighbor had bugged the house because they seem to know everything we are doing either this or he is watching our place with google earth.

see, they had left some of their things on our property which isnt bad (like some tires) but they were in the way and we moved them close to a field. the VERY NEXT DAY these idiots where at our house picking up these tires with a truck. how in the HELL did they know we even moved them? you could see them from the road but you would have to have super vision to see we moved them because the road is pretty far away. also i say that he is now are neighbor but he lives down the road and cant see our house.

last year i put some plants off the property way in the field along a ditch and they took everything even the males. my dad said it was deer hunters that walk the ditch but i think it was our cock sucking neighbor who is watching our house with google earth.

im not sure but i dont normally hear of deer hunters walking a ditch going through brush and trees. usually they go into the woods. but i donno. how did the neighbor know about the tires only 1 day later? also i was walking the ditch and looking around the woods for possible places to plant if i ever decided to do it again and the ass holes drive by not once but 3 times. they could see me from the road.

i dont know exactly what they were doing but they were deffinitely keeping the road warm. i think im not even going to bother to attempt to grow anything again because they well just take it again. im not going to wait all year watching it grow just to have someone steal my shit.

what are your thoughts about my house being bugged or being watched? is there anything i can do about it? next time i see them should i ask them how they know we moved their tires? they will prob lie if i do. they aren't bad people and are in fact really nice but i think they are watching this place and we have no privicy. :roll:


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt think google earth keeps real time pictures....
i dont know how it works. i had a friend tell me that you can watch your house in real time and his dad used to watch his house and he said you could see cars that pulled into your driveway but i dont know if he was bull shitting. thats why im asking on here.


Well-Known Member
the pictures are old! The picture of my house is at least 2 years old. In the pic there are the old owners cars in the driveway still.


Active Member
the photos can be very old, depends on where you live, but noone is watching you in realtime from satelites other then maybe the fbi or cia


Well-Known Member
my dad also said google earth is in real time because his work had it. it just cost more then regular google earth.

i still dont know what is up...
They most certainly don't have that ability. At street view they actually have to send cars with directional mounted cameras, the satellite images are years old in most cases and google does not have their own satellite to be dedicated to ground imaging. The US, China, Russia, and maybe the EU (not sure) have these capabilities but nobody uses these trillions of dollars in resources looking at tires and plants.


Well-Known Member
ok i believe you guys that google isnt in real time but please explain how this guy knowed we moved his tires...


Well-Known Member
ok guys thanks for the replys im obviously making more out of this then what appears to be. i just want my weed they took last year. damn bastards. who the hell takes even the males? that was my seeds for this year and now i have nothing...


Active Member
Lol youd think if google earth was that good theyd have found bin laden awhile ago.... no but seriously they cant see shit with google earth and secondly bin laden has been dead for awhile, this is just all bs to get obama another fucking election and who knows what else


Well-Known Member
Lol youd think if google earth was that good theyd have found bin laden awhile ago.... no but seriously they cant see shit with google earth and secondly bin laden has been dead for awhile, this is just all bs to get obama another fucking election and who knows what else
i believe its to get obama votes as well. i did not vote for him the first time and i will not vote for him a second time