Club 600


Well-Known Member
so you don't think this is a nut...all the other pre flowers on this exo have stigmas on them and are relatively thin. This has no stigma, and looks like a nanner to me.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys nice pics! Is the harvest pro 1000watt ballast worth buying for 90 bucks? Or Do i go with a Vulcan ballast for 125$? Also looks like those ballasts wont use digilux looks like i have to go hortilux? thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
Grape Crush got the chop, most of the beans are out and drying.

I swear this Acapulco never changes, lol

And the Northern Skunk with about 3 weeks to go.


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I want to thank all of you who entered our best pic contest for all of you are winners. Job well done.
Packages are in the mail...7 to 10 days estimated arrival dates.

looks like a nanner to me.

bill, you could be right actually. A light mover may provide additional coverage for a 600. On the premis that MJ is actually only using light around 7/12 of the time throughout the daily process, then providing you have the ration used for additional light movement, in theory it would, A/ make the space easier to cool, and B/ Provide sufficients light to provide optimal growth C/ Be a lot cheaper!
Dezracer and I had been discussing a mover for a vertical light and I think if I could get that sussed I would definitely reduce my light number. Or at least give it a try.

Peace, DST
So is my best option getting one 1000/600 on a light mover?


Well-Known Member
I usually dont page bump myself but it was pretty hard to get these shots with my point and shoot in one hand and a scope in the other lol forgive me! lol plus the six seems kinda slow anyway.
copy from journal,

I tried taking some trich shots of the ?purp. Looking damn near ready!


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I've been able to contribute bud pr0n to this thread but I have 6 girls coming down by the end of this month, here's my closest to harvest. Sharksbreath :leaf:

She is very nute sensitive, I've nute burned all 3 of my Sharksbreaths, lol


Active Member
so you don't think this is a nut...all the other pre flowers on this exo have stigmas on them and are relatively thin. This has no stigma, and looks like a nanner to me.
I see it. i bet its a nut.
what are the differences between exodus cheese and psychosis?


Well-Known Member
I usually dont page bump myself but it was pretty hard to get these shots with my point and shoot in one hand and a scope in the other lol forgive me! lol plus the six seems kinda slow anyway.
Those are some good looking shots bro. That must have been a pain in the arse to get them shots. What kinda scope were you using?


Well-Known Member
Those are some good looking shots bro. That must have been a pain in the arse to get them shots. What kinda scope were you using?
thanks :-D a local grow shop was giving them away, the only label on it is "made in china" lol I threw the box away so I dont know the brand name.

edit: Im high and blind! its a waltex 30x


Well-Known Member
Goooooood morning 600 :-) walked into the shop to find about 10 gallons of water on the floor, time to get a mop and get medicated lol
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Shwag- my super soil is just ready to use after cooking for 30 days. I tested it on some veggies about 5 days ago and things are looking good so on to the mj it goes :-) none phd tap water only here I come! lol
Thanks whodat, I'm stoked to try it. PS That nug looks DANK AS FAWK. Nice work.