Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

hungry much... lolz

it looks like N to me (maybe some zinc too) but that does not necessarily mean you are feeding too much/too little.. you could be feeding the perfect amount but your PH has locked it out.. or it could be something else completely.. unless we know exactly what you have done (which is unlikely cos i'm not sure you would even remember every single thing you've done:) diagnosis is tough.

it still looks salvageable to me

The Complete guide to Sick Plants


hungry much... lolz

it looks like N to me (maybe some zinc too) but that does not necessarily mean you are feeding too much/too little.. you could be feeding the perfect amount but your PH has locked it out.. or it could be something else completely.. unless we know exactly what you have done (which is unlikely cos i'm not sure you would even remember every single thing you've done:) diagnosis is tough.

it still looks salvageable to me

The Complete guide to Sick Plants


im going to agree with you in regards to this. kulong, Beansly - what you think?
hungry much... lolz

it looks like N to me (maybe some zinc too) but that does not necessarily mean you are feeding too much/too little.. you could be feeding the perfect amount but your PH has locked it out.. or it could be something else completely.. unless we know exactly what you have done (which is unlikely cos i'm not sure you would even remember every single thing you've done:) diagnosis is tough.

it still looks salvageable to me

The Complete guide to Sick Plants



yeah, I was gonna say if you ARE feeding it, then your pH has to be completely fucked because that plant is starving! Also im pretty sure there is a Nitrogen def, and a cal/mg deficiency. N & Mg for sure.
View attachment 1583923View attachment 1583924
Classic Mg def.

I see deficiency signs of multiple nutrients tbo. At this point your just being mean to your plants...
Is it that you don't have enough money for nutrients???
Cause I'll tell you, as long as you flush a little more often, cheaper nutrients like Miricle Grow will work fine
(I'm not advocating Miracle Grow or Monsanto Corp., I'd just rather everybody grow some pot than no pot).
They are sad starving but actually they don't look awful.
Other than everything I just said, the look pretty good! lol
They would totally bounce back almost 100% with a little love. The important part is it's not too late to do something.
If you don't listen to me for the love of god talk to someone else and SAVE YOUR PLANTS you bum!
I will tell you what I think, remember you asked.

If you flushed with plain water and they are truly flushed, I would pee, yes pee, in a 1500L water bottle and fill the rest up with distilled water (just plain old store bought water you would drink) and water your plants with that. A ratio of 10-1, 15-1 or even 20-1 water to urine ratio would work per plant. Do not pee on your plants, pee in the bottle then add water in the bottle! Use all 1500L per plant.

Stop using your tap water and use store bought water. I say this just for you as a precaution because I do not know your waters PH or the chemicals in your water.

Then the next watering I would follow my dried seaweed guide in my signature and water them with that.

This is what I have been doing with my plants (both autos and non-autos) and they are the healthiest plants I have grown or been a part of growing.

I was going to save that little secret until everyone saw my end results, but your plants would benefit from my method.
I will tell you what I think, remember you asked.

If you flushed with plain water and they are truly flushed, I would pee, yes pee, in a 1500L water bottle and fill the rest up with distilled water (just plain old store bought water you would drink) and water your plants with that. A ratio of 10-1, 15-1 or even 20-1 water to urine ratio would work per plant. Do not pee on your plants, pee in the bottle then add water in the bottle!

Then the next watering I would follow my dried seaweed guide in my signature and water them with that.

This is what I have been doing with my plants (both autos and non-autos) and they are the healthiest plants I have grown or been a part of growing.

I was going to save that little secret until everyone saw my end results, but your plants would benefit from my method.

I have heard the pee rumor, but haven't investigated it.
Your plants are really healthy looking. You water them the next day though right?
That's cool. If you don't add ferts to the flush water you gotta at least feed them soon after.
I just don't understand what french is waiting for, or what the theory is to not feeding your plants.
If you have REALLY rich soil then yeah but otherwise no.
I mean, technically, your plants are in flower. They need even more nutrients than before!
Idk what the hells going on...
i am feeding now, next feed is tomorrow, as your idea of zinc, what can i get to fert it with zinc?

You're fucking killing me...:|

You are going in circles and you are about to make the same exact mistake that put your plants in this situation in the first place.

I tell you this as a friend, if your plants do not make it, don't you dare say it was my fault because you have not listened to me or followed my instructions.
they do look hungry an as mantis said about the zinc because the leaf still has green veins with yellowing of leaves etc, also do you have a fan fixed on them or oscilating asking as i have had a fan fixed on a plant which caused the same problems as what you have,the leaves do not transpire properly an they dry out quick causing yellowing with green viens sometimes have brown spots then the leaves brown up an dry out completly, i only thought of the fan thing because one side of the plant looks worse than the other or am i way off track
i am feeding now, next feed is tomorrow, as your idea of zinc, what can i get to fert it with zinc?
You are feeding?
(Btw, Zinc is the most common micro nutrient found deficient.)

What instruments are you using to test the pH?
How do you test your soil?
What kind of soil did you use again?
What if any amendments did you add to the soil?

Idk if it's Zinc but here's the description of deficiency;
"Zinc is the most common micro nutrient found deficient. First, the younger leaves exhibit interveinal chlorosis, and new leaves and growing tips develop small, thin blades that contort and wrinkle. The leaf tips, and later the margins, discolor and burn. Burn spots on the leaves could grow progressively larger. These symptoms are often confused with a lack of manganese or iron, but when zinc deficiency is severe, new leaf blades contort and dry out. Flower buds also contort into odd shapes, then crispy dry, and are often hard. A lack of zinc inhibits all new growth, including buds...
...Treat zinc-deficient plants by flushing the growing medium with a diluted mix of a complete fertilizer containing chelated trace elements, includin zinc, iron, and manganese. Or, add a quality micro nutrient mix containing chelated trace elements."
you are nearly correct. i have a fan about 1 foot away, but it does oscilating.
Ignore Beansly and Kulong because they are both partly right and hopefully things will calm down and we can all just get along. lol

When I flush I flush with plain pHed water. Then in the final flush I use a light nutrient formula to feed the plant something. Your plant looks very hungry and I would start feeding her something. Start light feeding and work your way up to the point you see the ends brown a little and then back off just a tad. Also depending on the strength you feed them at, I alternate feeding with plain pHed water. I try to feed at least once a week. I guess it depends on how long til your pot dries out. In veg my pots usually need water every 3rd day and I do feed water feed water. During flower my pots may require every other day waterings and then I do feed water water feed water water feed. You can also work up to a half strength dose and maybe feed every watering but make sure to get about 20% runoff to clear salt build up.

And I do not think pee is good in flowering because it is high in N. But I may be wrong because I never used pee and I am only going from what I have read and not personal experience. I don't use pee but I use lots of poop, not my own. heh
Definate Drug Abuse here.

You can nute / not nute,, Flush your ass off or not. Don't matter because it's not the problem.
All you guys surprise me.
Only one close was Kulong in a indirect way.

What do plants NEED to survive (hint, very basic)?
If your using that specific nutrient line, or your growing a strain for the first time, then yeah, maybe you might wanna start out with 1/4 or 1/2 strength nutrients thats on the bottle to get to know the line. But eventually you wanna feed your plant at full strength or close (this is why I advocate the purchase of ppm meters. It's a lot easier to control the strength of your water and recommendation of the bottle becomes just a measure to gauge start at). Plants are hungry greedy bitches. They love their nitrogen, and they love their phosphorus and potassium. They may not eat as much as you can give them, but they grow as the rate at which you can feed them.


Ignore Beansly and Kulong because they are both partly right and hopefully things will calm down and we can all just get along. lol

Dude what are you talking about? You know if you read a little that I said the same thing days/pages ago.
Before you tell someone to ignor someone else, maybe you should add something new to the conversation.

Wow, what a cock fight.
French this is why it's best just to do your own research and experiments. There are four strong opinions and I'm sure were all right to a certain extent.
I still believe it's nutrient def due to pH.

Definate Drug Abuse here.

You can nute / not nute,, Flush your ass off or not. Don't matter because it's not the problem.
All you guys surprise me.
Only one close was Kulong in a indirect way.

What do plants NEED to survive (hint, very basic)?

If your thinking about sunlight/light I said that already.
Dude what are you talking about? You know if you read a little that I said the same thing days/pages ago.
Before you tell someone to ignor someone else, maybe you should add something new to the conversation.

Wow, what a cock fight.
French this is why it's best just to do your own research and experiments. There are four strong opinions and I'm sure were all right to a certain extent.
I still believe it's nutrient def due to pH.

If your thinking about sunlight/light I said that already.
I was just joking around and trying to get you d-bags to calm down and put your egos away. You 2 are supposed to be in charge but you are both acting like little kids.

I usually avoid most of the rif raf in this thread and admit I did not read all of the spam about his plant and only read a couple posts which were talking about flushing so I added my 2 cents.

This thread is becoming a big joke and if it gets any attention it is because of all the drama. At first it was other newer growers getting in piss matches but now it is the 2 main dudes of the thread. How does that look?

If I want drama I will turn on Maury. lol

Now both of you shake hands and smile at each other and argue in PMs please.

Thank you please drive thru.
We all think were right and we all think everyone else is wrong but the truth is his plants bounced back after he flushed them. He flushed them with pain water.
So we can assume a few things that could've been true;
There was probably a nutrient build-up in the soil
The pH may have been off and the high volume of water fixed it until eventually it changed again because of regular watering and feeding.

What I think happened is that the soil used wasn't the right pH in the first place. After it got flushed the huge amount of water changed the pH of the soil, making nutrients that were once locked-out, available. Eventually, the soil went back to it's normal pH and with soil being flushed from most of it's nutrients, started showing deficiencies and now you know what I think, I've said it a thousand times, I'm done with this topic too. Good luck French.

I'm not in charge of anything;-)
,,, of course not sunlight.

The flush gave it a short lived jolt of life. Should be easy as pie for anyone with any "experience", as you put it, if people would stop and think a bit. :leaf:
Truce kulong?

anyway here's my pic updates, watered with just ph water, hygrozyme and shark bite
coming back alive after the transplant from the party cup
she had a great white root system when i transplanted and it seems as if the roots are liking the space in the 4g pot
anyway... on with the show