Second Grow


Well-Known Member
hey everyone got a lot of pics. I upped the light to 13 on 11 off. Read you can get fatter buds. Does anyone have any experience with this. ALso how do they look. :peace::peace::peace::peace:



Well-Known Member
I wish I knew vertise... although Im on my first grow currently so I'm still learning... Although Ive never heard anything like that... Ive heard of 3 different light cycles, two for veg (24/0, 18/6) and then just straight 12/12 for flower... My thoughts would be try and immitate nature as best as possible, which 12/12 would make more sense... but like I said Im clueless, but whatever your doing keep it up big homie cause their the prettiest Ive ever seen!

p.s. Ill be posting some pics of my ladies tomorrow or so when I can snag a camera, so be sure to take a gander, PEACE!


Well-Known Member
I wish I knew vertise... although Im on my first grow currently so I'm still learning... Although Ive never heard anything like that... Ive heard of 3 different light cycles, two for veg (24/0, 18/6) and then just straight 12/12 for flower... My thoughts would be try and immitate nature as best as possible, which 12/12 would make more sense... but like I said Im clueless, but whatever your doing keep it up big homie cause their the prettiest Ive ever seen!

p.s. Ill be posting some pics of my ladies tomorrow or so when I can snag a camera, so be sure to take a gander, PEACE!
ill check them out and thanks man for the response to my question. Also thanks for the compliments love them


Well-Known Member
I think you do that to help determain sex faster,in my opinion your robbing your plants of 1 hour of light but thats just my opinion


Well-Known Member
Bozley he is not robbing the plant of 1hr of light he is adding one hour of light.

Vertise I do not have the experience of using 13/11 on/off but I have read from many experienced growers that plants will flower with slightly more than 12hrs of light. I am sure the effects of this is strain dependant. It seems reasonable that there would be little to no negative effecs because the fact that outside it is rarely 12/12 even when the plants begin to flower.

Those plants are looking great. You are going to have some purple smoke that is for sure. Keep up the good work and I love pictures.



Well-Known Member
just my opinion tho I've seen outdoor flower with times like that so it prolly does vary.....but don't they frost up in the dark?


Well-Known Member
bozley and kushmaster thanks for the good words. also thank you for answering my question. From what i have been reading the trichomes form because of your plants reaction to light. If the atmosphere is less humid your plants react by creating trichomes in order to protect the bud/leaves from getting to dry and burnt. The humidity is the real gauge of how many crystals your bud has. The trichomes act as reflectors, reflecting the light from drying out your leaves (during normal growth)


Well-Known Member
yup the ultimate grow guide is the book i have read. Well maybe 75 percent of the book. Thats one of the places that mention 13 on 11 off for a lighting schedule.


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
they look so close to harvest :mrgreen: if i had to guess how long they have already been flowering id say 6 weeks.