Estesj is out of prison! Dont post your grows if you are from Jacksonville FL.!

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hahah na shes my wife and shes strait. she is on more probation because of this. They wanted to send her to prison because she was already on probation but I testified in her behalf. The condition was that to get more probation she cant have any contact with me her own husband as a condition, So I;m out of prison now and cant even live with my wife. Crazy ha? that is crazy...tell a man not to go near his wife...WTF... note to self -- Stay the phuck out of Florida !!!!
Yea Fl is a well known fucked up place. I am born and raised here and hate it.

Dude. Move to New Mexico. We have medical here. You can grow here with a grow license and you don't have to pay anything to get it. Just like your medical card. It's free. The only cost is the doctor's visit for your approval.
Dude. Move to New Mexico. We have medical here. You can grow here with a grow license and you don't have to pay anything to get it. Just like your medical card. It's free. The only cost is the doctor's visit for your approval.
That does sound sweet.
so i guess this puts to rest the idea that silly disclaimers in sigs and the "i certify that i'm not a LEO" crap that you have to check off when you join is really just for decoration. and i would REALLY love to know just who "cooperated" with their investigation. i doubt it was actual riu admin, but it could have been vb or whomever is above them. if you did time surely you are intitled to this information. who was it exactly that handed over the evidence?
You don't have to "hand over" evidence. When you have no privacy settings anyone can gather the information. You don't need a warrant or cooperation when it's just sitting there for everyone to see.
those posts are hearsay unless they can establish they belong to you beyond reasonable doubt.

they can only do this by tracking the posts. either RIU or your ISP helped the authorities. it's somewhere in the evidence which was presented to you on discovery, you just don't know where to look.

get a lawyer, this is a question you should be able to answer at this point.
This is allowed in courts. They tie your IP to your router, and can actually trace the time you post your stuff. And the address you post it from. Looking at your situation it would be like wearing the same outfit you robbed a bank in for your facebook photo. Which actually has happened. People thinking the internet is truely anonymous is a farce.
i think you just told them what happened.

i think they brought up some internet posts b/c they thought you could've been chatting online about your activities and you barked like a dog...

not even at that point could they have pinned it on you b/c they need the MAC address of the machine you were using to definitively determine where the posts were sent from. you said they didn't even take your computer, which doesn't make sense at all. did a tech guy sit at the computer and sift through the hard drive?? if a tech guy didn't testify that there was no doubt those posts originated from the machine that was found at your house, then your talking shit about this site without knowing the legal grounds behind your incarceration, which makes you double-ignorant.

i don't buy for a single minute that the posts on this site were actually used as any sort of evidence. they put them on the table to get a plea out of you and that was that.....
you do know the police aren't forced to tell you the truth before your arrest right??? seems to me the conversation was along the lines of:

detective: we have the internet posts. our tech guy's gonna trace these back to your computer and then what?? we don't know if it's you or your wife sitting at the computer, we're gonna have to charge both of you.

you: no! it was me!

if their tech guy was gonna trace them he'd do it without your permission or knowledge.... i do feel bad you had to do time though....
And it will take more than just having posts(that don't actually mean shit)on a forum for a conviction.A starting place for them but not enough top convict.
Ernst there is a such thing as sharing too much info...espcially if you trying to do something in secret..I know you want to get everyone on the " legalize it tour" , but right now I'm trying to make sure others don't have to spend a year in jail because of sharing too much info..I suggest you read his shroom journal first to understand what I'm saying...

I am medical and 10 years in on that. I have a different point of view.

I'll stop here so I don't preach. Thanks for the kind reply.
Read the whole post bro. My wife was on probation and the same cop that busted me a year before knew that and seen that I once again like a fool had posts of a new grow and used her probation officer as a way to search without a warrant. Like I also said they had every post I ever made in the courtroom. They did not tell me how they knew when they were arresting me that comes out in the discovery. It all boiled down to me talking about my grow online because the cop is a member. These are facts! I would never tell on myself like some rookie greengo. I am 35 years old and have been dealing with the police long enough to keep my mouth shut! How hard is this to believe \? Please someone with some sense feel me on this.
This is one of the most fucked up things i've seen on a weed forum.


Do you really feel that way?

Sheeple.....there all over the damn place.

Oh you will find all kinds on grow sites and in my experience many oppose full legalization for all people.

Generally, it's worse discussing legalization on a grow site than it is discussing legalization with the church people around here in my experience because I feel I will offer the No people something they will consider a moment or two and I feel the grow people are already entrenched for the most part.
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