Estesj is out of prison! Dont post your grows if you are from Jacksonville FL.!

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Well-Known Member
Whats up friends that remember me? Yep yall remember my last thread was the bulk monotub grow. Thats what i went to prison for. They gave me 13 months and I just got out april 11th. In the court room when I filed my motion of discovery I was told that the arresting officer sgt LaDue of the Duval county sheriffs office found out I was growing shrooms through! They had a stack of paper 5 inches thick with every post I ever made! Turns out I got busted the same way growing weed last time. They treated me like I had a meth lab over some shrooms. His user name is duval somthing I forgot but if you are from Jacksonville FL. dont post anything about growing on here because they are all over it! please spread the word. Yall take care and give me a shout. Ill still be posting just not growing. I dont want those little dick steroid freak police crackers at my house no more so im just chillen. Peace!
how did they even know you are in FL. ?????? or how to find you ...somethings missing ....did a "friend" tip them off
url address buddy. The last time my old lady let em in on a knock and talk while i was sleeping. She ended up getting probation because of my plants and her xanax. This time once they saw I was at it again they used her probation officer as a way to come search without a warrant. Trust me this happened to me and I saw the discovery with all my posts and nobody knew about my grow.
so they got a warrent to get your URL after you posted about living in fl....???? would that not mean that either RIU is giving up info or your internet provider did...but they would still need to know more...they just can't see you on RIU and that you are in fl and then somehow obtain your URL...its something you missing guy
Wow that sucks man. I'm also in florida, but I have stopped growing all together anyways so I guess I have nothing to worry about
dude they dont need a warrant to check a url address. They need a warrant to come in your house but not to do a knock and talk. A motion of discovery in a court room does not lie. The only person that would dispute what im saying would be the police that does not want me to tell yall how I got busted. Please take heed Jacksonville. They are looking at posts and are members of riu.
Could it be duvalfl?

This will be used as an example with police departments and feds across the nation since it was so successful. Everyone that isn't legal needs to watch out from now on.
How do you think they bust illegal downloaders, ip adress. its all they really need, all they have to do is match that ip with
a direct support (internet provider)
bam the custie found. only thing i cant think of is facial description. if your face wasn avilable, they cant prove shit..
its appelable in court. so is them matching ips.(good luck fighting that) its the law, those who, re-enforce the rules are always breaking there own... it the wonderful thing we call goverment. there dgaf to the fullest.
Could it be duvalfl?

This will be used as an example with police departments and feds across the nation since it was so successful. Everyone that isn't legal needs to watch out from now on.

yea, they do. there getting serious, gald i live in so cal. rules are extreamly bendable/flexable
cops dont give 2 shits for smaller grows. unless not legal
Yea maybe duvalfl. They busted the fuck out of me 2 times fucking around posting on this site thinking it was all good.
none taken..I just don't see how anyonr can get your URL unless its from your internet provider, RIU, or standing outside your house hitting your wi-fi...Believe me I know what I'm talking did they even know to obtain your URL?????? answer that question and then you can start finding answers...right now you missing something...what some cop looking on RIU says hey this guy says he is from florida..lets get his URL...again the only way they could get it would be from RIU or internet provider...but guess what they don't know who your internet provider is was it RIU..I hope and think not...hmmmm don't get me wrong just looking at it all around...Its something you missing...did they take your pc when they busted you ??? bottom line cops can't just randomly obtain your URL...something told them to check you and they knew who "you" are and who your internet provider you know how many URL are in jacksonville...
Tooo many fuckin pigs in florida and really all over the southern US.I bet the cop thats on here smokes grass on his time..This country is so fucked up!!!!13 months for shrooms????
I know I risk a round of Shut the Fuck up Ernst and Fuck you Ernst.

But it's pointless to believe that posting text and pictures or even visiting grow sites is safe because you use an alias or even a proxy.

Everyone is deluded if they think that the data they send out isn't captured and processed without warrant in the USA.

Data is collected all the time from your ISP and that data is cross-referenced with web sites.

So why not get organized and legalize?

We will not get commerce first but we can get garden, use and private trade rights if we all stand together.

I am sorry for you prison time but you know the old saying "you can run but you cannot hide."

So use encoding, encryption and secure key transmission to send privately encrypted data. Notice I say encode encrypt your data then take that and encode, encrypt and use a secure key system for all correspondence where you put yourself and your loved ones at risk but more importantly forget making money for now and fight for Horticulture, use and private non-commercial trade rights with cannabis for all Americans.
We cannot force the Federal Government to change the international treaties on Cannabis but each State can change things for it's people.
Only by freeing "The People" can we make progress.. Commerce is a prison term and Horticulture for all is freedom.

I take it this old man will be told to go fuck himself and shut the fuck up.

Look for a new thread on the uniformity of the Federal Message on Commerce.

Any masked haters can also insult me there.

I'm out of the closet and it feels good! Together we will change things for the people and then the World.

The thing to remember is if you send the data you can be found. It is just that simple.

So please use common sense about posting grow pictures friends.. If you are at risk you only out yourself by telling anyone.. So why not get involved with legalizing efforts with others and skip the internet self-snitching.

Best wishes and my condolences on you 11 months. I hope you never have to do that again.
My lawyer told me that these sites work with the police and give them info all the time so maybe that was it but it damn sure boiled down to posting on this site. If I would have not done that I would of been fine.
thats what i was saying, they dont give a fuck! theyll do what please. EVEN IF ITS ILLEGAL TO EXUCUTE they still do it as they please. its a fucked up nation as we know it. you never know, there could uncovers all over this site, joined and +REP from users
im done posting my shit anyways, too much of a risk to take. even the fact of being legal. most dont care.

none taken..I just don't see how anyonr can get your URL unless its from your internet provider, RIU, or standing outside your house hitting your wi-fi...Believe me I know what I'm talking did they even know to obtain your URL?????? answer that question and then you can start finding answers...right now you missing something...what some cop looking on RIU says hey this guy says he is from florida..lets get his URL...again the only way they could get it would be from RIU or internet provider...but guess what they don't know who your internet provider is was it RIU..I hope and think not...hmmmm don't get me wrong just looking at it all around...Its something you missing...did they take your pc when they busted you ??? bottom line cops can't just randomly obtain your URL...something told them to check you and they knew who "you" are and who your internet provider you know how many URL are in jacksonville...
I notice that you also spoke of items on craiglist..and even posted about some of the things you saw on Craiglist around the time of your bust...Thats one way of letting them know who you are...They see you looking for something on craiglist...Piggy Wiggy places false ad waiting for you to call...bottom line guy from what I saw you were way to loose in your shroom post....
My lawyer told me that these sites work with the police and give them info all the time so maybe that was it but it damn sure boiled down to posting on this site. If I would have not done that I would of been fine.

Get politically active and skip the grow shots.

I posted thousands of pictures since 2004 and have taught or aided others in growing and organic soil but everything related to handing cannabis to others is strictly from verified medical to verified medical and in relationship to horticulture rather than supplying produce.

If we all could exchange "horticulture" like medical we would be free!
I notice that you also spoke of items on craiglist..and even posted about some of the things you saw on Craiglist around the time of your bust...Thats one way of letting them know who you are...They see you looking for something on craiglist...Piggy Wiggy places false ad waiting for you to call...bottom line guy from what I saw you were way to loose in your shroom post....

No argument here but is there a safe "tight?"

I can understand we need to discuss but to find fault in the degree of the amount of information shared?

Once we cross the line of posting our grow we are at risk.

I don't see it as one person's fault.
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