wow, do you know how to twist things to your liking. here i will do it in crayon.
march across a country and kill people in the name of advancing your country, not religious motovated.
march across a country and kill people in the name of your god, religious fanatisism.
terrorism doesnt even figure into the equation. hitler wasnt a terrorist, terrorists go after innocent victims to i need to go this basic? RE READ YOUR POST it makes no sense
seriously jeff. think about it.
the terrorists who crashed the planes into the buildings were not what you would call representatives of islam or fastidious observers of sharia law.
have you looked into their activities before carrying out the attack? can you cite where the quran says it is ok to mass murder innocent civilians?
once you pervert the message of your religion, you fail to become a representative of that religion. you simply become a radical, an extremist, a terrorist.
and i can and have pointed out many examples across many religions.
unless you think the KKK is a great representative of the christians, that is.
je. sus. christ. like talking to a wall.