New Member
Will the ph of my compost tea buffer back to normal? Because i put a cup in and got it to 10ph
Im pretty sure the addition of hydrated lime will kill your microbeasties on contact.. Rendering your tea useless regardless of ph. dump that on your soil grow and your PH of your soil is gonna shoot through the roof. You dont add hydrated lime to raise the ph of your compost tea...thats nonesense...who told you to do this? A cup of hydrated lime in your tea will ruin your plants PH...
Does anyone else agree with me???
Don't just take anybodies word for it. You're on the fucking Internet, why don't you satisfy your own curiosity?Can you please explain how hydrated lime kills beneficial microbes???? Unless u just want me to take your word for it.. It is calcium hydroxide.. Why does that kill bennies???????!!
Wetdog btw, don't tell me how to grow cannabis![]()
Well it certainly wont do the micro-herd any good. Do you want 'some' microbial activity or do you want your soil teaming with microbes?Ok but what i understand about beneficial microbes is that some reproduce regardless of ph.. Is that not true?? The other thing is that it is calctic hydrated lime (agricultural grade). If hydrated lime kills beneficial microbes because it has calcium hydroxide in it, then are you saying that everything that contains calcium hydroxide in it kills the micro herd??!!!??
Seriously, i know hydrated lime can be nasty shit.. I use heavy clay native soil, thats why i like it... What i wanted to do was add more calcium to my compost tea.. Cound i just add gypsum to my tea instead of hydrated lime?? Gypum is like 70% calcium hydroxide and like 20% sulfur or something like that.. But on the contrary calcium hydroxide is still in the ingredients of GYPSUm so can i use that??