what do you think


Active Member
looks pretty cool of a space to work with, dont no how big it is in there..
what kind of lights are u using.


Well-Known Member
if that's your vegetative and flowering space all in one, you will need to flower when they are very young. nothing wrong with that, just something to expect.


Well-Known Member
if that's your vegetative and flowering space all in one, you will need to flower when they are very young. nothing wrong with that, just something to expect.
well my space is around 3 1/2' tall so i was thinking around a foot tall.maybe a bit bigger.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Very nice. I don't know but do you have enough cfls? I wouldn't think 3 would be enough. Could be wrong though. Goodluck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
I dont believe a clear plastic container is healthy for your plants, you want a dark container, so that it has no light penetration.


Well-Known Member
I dont believe a clear plastic container is healthy for your plants, you want a dark container, so that it has no light penetration.
Videoman is correct. Light + roots = BAD! Light is not good for roots. Transplant after a week or two once the plant gets established. Give it a good watering once transplanted in new pot/soil and try to do it close to when the lights go out so there is less shock on the plant.


Well-Known Member
thanks ill be changing them soon thats the only thing i could find for the size at the time of transplanting. because they were root bound.