Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
and dont use the bathrooms
i was going to say that watched that friday night haha woody is bad
Haha yeah he is! Love that movie has anyone seen shaun of the dead one my favorite zombie movies! Its hilarious and sis had to re enact a scene days later she high centered the car and ran inside told her bf I wrecked the car he says you were parks she goes about that.... I damn near peed myself...if ya haven't seen it you must!


New Member
of course i seen it im cool

Haha yeah he is! Love that movie has anyone seen shaun of the dead one my favorite zombie movies! Its hilarious and sis had to re enact a scene days later she high centered the car and ran inside told her bf I wrecked the car he says you were parks she goes about that.... I damn near peed myself...if ya haven't seen it you must!


Active Member
Haha yeah he is! Love that movie has anyone seen shaun of the dead one my favorite zombie movies! Its hilarious and sis had to re enact a scene days later she high centered the car and ran inside told her bf I wrecked the car he says you were parks she goes about that.... I damn near peed myself...if ya haven't seen it you must!
My Hubby loves Shaun of the Dead. All kinds of zombie and vampire movies, really.


Well-Known Member
My Hubby loves Shaun of the Dead. All kinds of zombie and vampire movies, really.
Haha me too but shaun of the dead is one my favorites just love when they are beating the zombie to queen....don't stop me now..don't stop me now..don't stop me now cuz I'm having a good time having a ball! Ah they do it to the beat just makes me laugh!


Well-Known Member
Awesome man, those scopes on those big hand guns always make me a little tense cause there so fucking cool ahahaha
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Hahahahahah looks like its a couple months old and he has a problem with buying guns and forgetting about them only to get into the safe's and find new guns all the time:-) No wind and handloads says 600 yards on yote sized varmin;-) 150 yards with the handgun with 2-7x32 scope "not installed in pic" 100 yards without:-)

Wait i found another one on the internet
Rene do you like in Quahog? cause people repeating themselves really fucking grinds my gears to :wink: when my wife and i argue she does it on purpose untill she starts seeing the little vibrations i give off when i get super pissed lol.
Time for another you know what really grinds my gears! When people constantly bother you! This kid always asks me a hundred fucking texts for the same question I've already answered :wall: I say I'm busy ask they stop and randomly keep on with the texts and questions...I even told the kid look I'm no idiot and unless you want yelled at I'd stop making me repeat myself..I have a bad problem with repetitive things and I don't plan on changing that days later he does the same and that just really grinds my gears!
shaun of the dead? thats the newer age zombie movie in england and there hiding in a bar right? great flic if it is..
Haha me too but shaun of the dead is one my favorites just love when they are beating the zombie to queen....don't stop me now..don't stop me now..don't stop me now cuz I'm having a good time having a ball! Ah they do it to the beat just makes me laugh!
hows everyone monday going? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Lmao hey ncg how's it going today? My day is ok so far its payday though I'm not happy that just means I get to know how much I'm short on rent :( wtf ever I'm working on it and gonna hold my head high try not to worry several of my riu buddies have offered me help and I couldn't say thank you to all of ya enough! Haha oh and I hate repetition it just freaks me out I swear
causes shit to short circuit! I get all anxious and really annoyed then pace then if ya don't stop I will lose it haha I try to give warning but doesn't always work that way! And ya know what else really grinds my gears?! When people don't heed my warning :lol:


Well-Known Member
yeah man those pay days always suck!! Well i hope it all works out man, im sure it will. like you said just hold your head up and everything will fall into place one way or another :wink:
sorry dude i took a break from writing this to watch a interview on the guys who wrote loose change. ill pm you later dude i cant sit still right now


Well-Known Member
Yeah man they may suck but its all good things usually do look up just haven't found the right solution yet ;). The most important thing is I don't stop trying :)


Well-Known Member
dude...shot in the head? i know they were navy seals but why not shoot him in the kidney hes on dialysis and he would stay alive with some patch up and they could have brought him back here and burned him on a steak at GROUND FUCKING ZERO

al-quieda (or however you spell it) is declaring revenge
They called him the "mastermind of 911" so now that hes dead and hussein is dead...when are our brothers and sisters coming home? or who are we going to war with next?

sorry guys im fucking pissed right now, im not buying this shit for a minute...body buried at sea? riiiight they got cell phone video of hussein's lynching but no confirmation of bin laden...

then they hammer the guys who wrote loose change with stupid questions, to what get audio bytes from them...this is fucking crazy

former fbi says he expects alot of minor terrorists attacks, and obama puts an international travel safety some fucking thing...


Well-Known Member
They should have brought his head back to the states then burned him on a stake for the world to see ya fuck with us we cut your fucking head off kick it around then burn the SOB. Thats a honor to be burned at sea WTF are they fucking thinking. And this is why i have more guns then sperm count ahahahahaha just wtf i know i read the same shit just WTF


Well-Known Member
Haha hey slim how's it going today? Yall get too worked up over this stuff ;) nothing we can do about it...


Well-Known Member
i couldnt wait till then either go get that sack
My guy is just getting up god some of us like to smoke in the morning hahahahaha So i was smoking a cig out back and this lady is walking by and looks at me like i was killing her and she started wavy her hand in front of her face like that is suppose to give her fresh air.....Heres a fucking hint bitch dont walk by my house dont walk in the city if your worried about fresh air and on that point wtf is she doing in the city if she is worried about fresh air keep in mind she was 30 plus feet away and i was down wind what a snooty dumb bitch. Just keep walking and shut your mouth if i see her again ima ask her bout the stanky old fish smell ahahahahah I hate the fucking city so much and city people i live in a part of my state where million dollar homes are small and the kids around here get brand new cars when they turn 16 even known some to get houses bought for them after graduation im ass broke and so is my family it sucks being around here.

I make a point always to be watchful of my second hand smoke this is my house fuck you bitch. Sry they get to me some times hate the nose in the air shit or the entitled shit your not better then anyone and if you want to get down to it rich are rich for mostly one reason they are ABOUT them selves and not others and hoard their money rich people are cheap as fuck. Aslo she was walking a little bitch dog little foo foo thing a hawk could fly away with.

Oh and when i was smoking out back a fn squirrel ran up plucked my seedling out of the ground ran up in a tree and ate it in front of me that little fucker.
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