NFL Is Back. If There Are Any Football Fans On This Site?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It was sarcasm. No human is more important than any other human black white or mentally retarded. I'm british, i have no issue with em wasting public money haha.

My point is it doesn't amtter how perceivebly important and unreplacabe they are, they are an employee just like anyone else and hold no extra legal rights as a result of being mr fantastic. They are all employees, not products. At the end of the day though, it's always fucking unions causing issue. all of the recent british airways union strikes over pay and hollidays etc, if i was the boss i'd have just fired the lot of em, but suddnely they have some sort of legal protection because they've a union? bahh! why does everything have to become so damned compliated. My boss tells me that i will be earning X an hour, i sign it understand ing i will be earning X an hour, i don't go running to some bunch of people crying because i think i'm worth more and that the boss can afford it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
a company may sell oranges or socket wrenches whatever...their employees make the product, market it sell it...the nfl owners make nothing their product is the players so it is insane to try to compare you and your boss to the nfl
Products do not get legal rights of employment. They may be the sole income of the business, but they are employees. It doesn't matter how important they are, they are employees. Hence the fact they have contracts.


Well-Known Member
See! You just contradicted yourself! First the product is the players. Now you can't replace players without "the product suffering?"

So what is the product again? The players, or the game?
It's the players, that's why i like H.S. football and College football better, for the most part, they play for the love of the game. a key ingredient that no one mentions when they talk about greed, are the agents representing players


Well-Known Member
It was sarcasm. No human is more important than any other human black white or mentally retarded. I'm british, i have no issue with em wasting public money haha.

My point is it doesn't amtter how perceivebly important and unreplacabe they are, they are an employee just like anyone else and hold no extra legal rights as a result of being mr fantastic. They are all employees, not products. At the end of the day though, it's always fucking unions causing issue. all of the recent british airways union strikes over pay and hollidays etc, if i was the boss i'd have just fired the lot of em, but suddnely they have some sort of legal protection because they've a union? bahh! why does everything have to become so damned compliated. My boss tells me that i will be earning X an hour, i sign it understand ing i will be earning X an hour, i don't go running to some bunch of people crying because i think i'm worth more and that the boss can afford it.

your boss tells you that and you take it because he can replace you with a few million guys just like you quickly...cmon man you really need to be taught supply and demand?


Well-Known Member
See! You just contradicted yourself! First the product is the players. Now you can't replace players without "the product suffering?"

So what is the product again? The players, or the game?
i could put 9 year old kids on the bears next year..and guess what no one will watch..their is no revenue


Well-Known Member
your boss tells you that and you take it because he can replace you with a few million guys just like you quickly...cmon man you really need to be taught supply and demand?
for the most part, if employers could replace people with trained monkeys they would


Well-Known Member
It's the players, that's why i like H.S. football and College football better, for the most part, they play for the love of the game. a key ingredient that no one mentions when they talk about greed, are the agents representing players
i agree with agents being scumbags and giving bad advice...but mosst college players in div 1 play for either a scholarship to get a 75K free education or to go pro


Well-Known Member
Unions, like them or not, gave you the 40 hr/ work week and forced employers to pay a living wage. do you really think employers want to pay you good money? ask China and Mexico. they had their place at one time.but not anymore. esp for millionaires, but they needed to protect themselves somehow, the avg lifespan of a player in NFL can't be more than 5 yrs

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
your boss tells you that and you take it because he can replace you with a few million guys just like you quickly...cmon man you really need to be taught supply and demand?
You are avoiding the point. It has nothing todo with the supply and demand. If the boss does not want to give them a set amount of money they do not have to give it to them. The suply and demand will certainly effect how willing they are to say fuck off, but it does not detract from the point that they are bosses and employees, and the employees are acting like spoilt little brats. You instead are sat here trying to tell me that they are somehow not employees but are products. They are employees and can be legally replaced if the boss so wishes. I am fully aware how supply and demand works, you don't seem to be aware how employment works..


Well-Known Member
You are avoiding the point. It has nothing todo with the supply and demand. If the boss does not want to give them a set amount of money they do not have to give it to them. The suply and demand will certainly effect how willing they are to say fuck off, but it does not detract from the point that they are bosses and employees, and the employees are acting like spoilt little brats. You instead are sat here trying to tell me that they are somehow not employees but are products. They are employees and can be legally replaced if the boss so wishes. I am fully aware how supply and demand works, you don't seem to be aware how employment works..
if you were great at what you do for a living but knew could could only do it for 5 yrs, how much would you want to live on? i don't think anyone realizes how much it takes to play pro sports and there isn't any guarantees?


New Member
if you were great at what you do for a living but knew could could only do it for 5 yrs, how much would you want to live on? i don't think anyone realizes how much it takes to play pro sports and there isn't any guarantees?
Lemme guess, fresh outta high school, right?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Then it's pretty damned stupid to be structuring your whole life on 5 years of employment and thinking that you're entitled to lots of money as a result. "Hi boss, i'm only gonna be able to work for a certain amount of time so if you'd be nice enough as to structure my pay so that this covers the rest of my life, thanks man". And football players jobs are fuck easy, i don't seem to be many examplkes of lost limbs and deaths, i don't see how you can claim that they face more hardships than i don't know, miners, military personelle etc etc, they have no hardships that justify their pay. As i say, this is the world in which we now live where people are apparently better than us.


Well-Known Member
for what it's worth, the nfl players association has the avg lifespan of a player at 3.6 yrs, and the owners wanted to add 2 more games? what a joke they are, good to see Roger Godell booed last night


Well-Known Member
Then it's pretty damned stupid to be structuring your whole life on 5 years of employment and thinking that you're entitled to lots of money as a result. "Hi boss, i'm only gonna be able to work for a certain amount of time so if you'd be nice enough as to structure my pay so that this covers the rest of my life, thanks man". And football players jobs are fuck easy, i don't seem to be many examplkes of lost limbs and deaths, i don't see how you can claim that they face more hardships than i don't know, miners, military personelle etc etc, they have no hardships that justify their pay. As i say, this is the world in which we now live where people are apparently better than us.
Football (american) is not 'fuck easy, you have no idea what it takes . so SHOW ME THE MONEY


Well-Known Member
Then it's pretty damned stupid to be structuring your whole life on 5 years of employment and thinking that you're entitled to lots of money as a result. "Hi boss, i'm only gonna be able to work for a certain amount of time so if you'd be nice enough as to structure my pay so that this covers the rest of my life, thanks man". And football players jobs are fuck easy, i don't seem to be many examplkes of lost limbs and deaths, i don't see how you can claim that they face more hardships than i don't know, miners, military personelle etc etc, they have no hardships that justify their pay. As i say, this is the world in which we now live where people are apparently better than us.
lmao@minors and military ...ummm those are all jobs can be filled very easily..these guys beat their heads in..concussion=brain damage..they use the off season to heal up for next season..stop trying to compare it to other positions in the 9-5 rat is not comparable


Well-Known Member
tip top you are ill informed..listen the owners hide behind their anti trust exemptions ...they are in collusion...the owners have the best of all worlds, those are the greedy pricks.


Well-Known Member
tip top you are ill informed..listen the owners hide behind their anti trust exemptions ...they are in collusion...the owners have the best of all worlds, those are the greedy pricks.
Go back and look @ how quickly thing changed in sports after Curt Flood challenged baseballs 'reserve clause', he should have a statue erected of him at avery union office in pro sports. it was funny to see all the greedy owners being pissed off after that. the owners blackballed him after that .